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Exchange Server 2010 Transport Agents SDK

Exchange Server 2010 provides a library of classes that support the extension of the Exchange transport behavior and enable the reading, writing, and converting of content types. You can create Exchange transport applications by using the concepts and classes described in this SDK.

In This SDK

The Exchange Server 2010 Transport Agents SDK includes the following sections:

  • What's New – Summarizes changes that were made to this release of the Exchange 2010 Transport Agents SDK.

  • Introduction to Transport Agents – Introduces the development technologies and features that Exchange 2010 provides for extending transport behavior and performing content conversion.

  • Transport Agent Concepts – Describes the underlying concepts and mechanisms that are needed to create transport agents that work with Exchange 2010.

  • Working with Exchange Transport Agents – Provides information about how to implement transport agents and content conversion by using Exchange 2010.

  • Transport Agent Development Solutions – Describes functional sample applications that use transport agents and content convertors with Exchange 2010.

  • Transport Agents Reference – Provides detailed information about the transport and content conversion APIs that are provided in Exchange 2010.

Development Technologies Removed from Exchange 2010

Some development technologies that shipped in earlier versions of Exchange Server are not included in Exchange 2010.

The following technologies were removed from Exchange 2007:

  • Exchange providers for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

  • Collaboration Data Objects for Exchange Management (CDOEXM)

  • Collaboration Data Objects for Exchange Workflow (CDOWF)

  • Exchange Web Forms

  • At Functions


The following technologies were removed from Exchange 2010:

  • Exchange OLE DB Provider (ExOLEDB)

  • Exchange store Event Sinks

  • World Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)

  • CDO 3.0 (CDOEx)

  • Item-level permissions

  • Exchange Store custom item types

These technologies are not documented in the Exchange 2010 Transport Agents SDK. Any references to these technologies in the documentation are in error. For migration information, see the Developer roadmap for Exchange.