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Release Notes for Exchange Server 2010 SP3


Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3

For important legal information, see “Legal Notice” later in this document.

Welcome to Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. This document contains the following sections:

  • Installing Exchange 2010 SP3

  • Database Schema Upgrades

  • Legal Notice

Installing Exchange 2010 SP3

Consider the following when you deploy Exchange 2010 SP3:

  • Exchange 2010 SP3 makes updates to the Active Directory schema. To learn more about these schema changes, see Exchange Server Changes to the Active Directory Schema.

  • You can select an option that installs the required Windows operating system roles and features for each selected Exchange 2010 SP3 server role.

  • You can install Exchange 2010 SP3 only on computers that are running Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2012.

For detailed information about the requirements and steps for installing Exchange 2010 SP3, see the following topics:

Database Schema Upgrades

The database schema for Exchange 2010 has been updated in Exchange 2010 SP1. Because SP3 contains all the fixes included in SP2 and SP1, when Exchange 2010 RTM Mailbox servers are upgraded to SP3, the databases are upgraded to the Exchange 2010 SP1 version of the database schema. This database schema upgrade process adds time to the overall service pack upgrade process. During the upgrade, the database is dismounted, and all mailboxes in that database are taken offline. If you're upgrading the Mailbox server from the release to manufacturing (RTM) version of Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2010 SP3, the database upgrade process could take an additional 30 minutes or longer per database. You can track the progress of the database upgrade process by examining event 1185 in the Application event log on the server you're upgrading. After a database has been updated to the Exchange 2010 SP3 schema, it can't be mounted on a RTM Mailbox server.

If you're upgrading from Exchange 2010 SP2 or SP1 to Exchange 2010 SP3, the upgrade process takes less time, because there is no database schema upgrade. In addition, you can safely move a database between servers running Exchange 2010 SP1, SP2 or SP3. Even though you can move databases between mailbox servers running different service pack levels, you should complete the upgrade of all DAG members to the same service pack level without too much delay. We recommend that you minimize the amount of time you have your DAG members running different service pack levels.

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All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Arabic Spelling Checker, Grammar Checker, and Thesaurus, © 1992-2006 developed by COLTEC (Egypt). All rights reserved.

Italian grammar checker (with Cogito technology) © 1994-2006 Expert System Modena. All rights reserved.

Italian thesaurus © 1994-2006 Expert System Modena. All rights reserved.

Brazilian Portuguese Speller, Hyphenator, Thesaurus and Grammar. © Itautec Philco S.A., (Grupo Itautec Philco)

Danish speller: Copyright © Lingsoft, Inc. 2005.

Two-Level Compiler: Copyright © Xerox Corporation 1994.

All rights reserved.

Danish hyphenator: Copyright © Lingsoft, Inc. 2005.

Two-Level Compiler. Copyright © Xerox Corporation 1994.

All rights reserved.

German speller. Copyright © Lingsoft, Inc. 2005.

Two-Level Compiler: Copyright © Xerox Corporation 1994.

All rights reserved.

German hyphenator. Copyright © Lingsoft, Inc. 2005.

Two-Level Compiler: Copyright © Xerox Corporation 1994.

All rights reserved.

German inflecting thesaurus: Copyright © Lingsoft, Inc. 2005.

German thesaurus: Copyright © Karl Peltzer and Reinhard von Norman and Ott Verlag and Druck AG (Thun/Switzerland) 1996.

Two-Level Compiler: Copyright © Xerox Corporation 1994.

All rights reserved.

Norwegian (bokmål) speller: Copyright © Lingsoft, Inc. 2005.

Norwegian works: Copyright © J. W. Cappelens Forlag AS 1996, 1997:
Norsk ordbok: Bokmål: Copyright © J. W. Cappelens Forlag AS 1996.
CAPLEX: Copyright © J. W. Cappelens Forlag AS 1997.

Two-Level Compiler: Copyright © Xerox Corporation 1994.

All rights reserved.

Norwegian (bokmål) hyphenator: Copyright © Lingsoft, Inc. 2005.

Norwegian works: Copyright © J. W. Cappelens Forlag AS 1996, 1997:
Norsk ordbok: Bokmål: Copyright © J. W. Cappelens Forlag AS 1996.
CAPLEX: Copyright © J. W. Cappelens Forlag AS 1997.

Two-Level Compiler. Copyright © Xerox Corporation 1994.

All rights reserved.

Norwegian (nynorsk) speller: Copyright © Lingsoft, Inc. 2005.

February 1998 electronic version of Nynorskordboka: Copyright © University of Oslo and The Norwegian Language Council 1998.

Two-Level Compiler. Copyright © Xerox Corporation 1994.

All rights reserved.

Norwegian (nynorsk) hyphenator: Copyright © Lingsoft, Inc. 2005.

February 1998 electronic version of Nynorskordboka: Copyright © University of Oslo and The Norwegian Language Council 1998.

Two-Level Compiler: Copyright © Xerox Corporation 1994.

All rights reserved.

Swedish grammar checker: Copyright © Lingsoft, Inc. 2005.

Constraint Grammar Parser: Copyright © Pasi Tapanainen 1993 and Lingsoft, Inc. 2005.

Two-Level Compiler: Copyright © Xerox Corporation 1994.

All rights reserved.

Hebrew thesaurus and Hebrew language spell checker, ©2009 Melingo. All rights reserved.

Portuguese Spell Checker, Hyphenator, Grammar Checker and Thesaurus © 1995-2005 Priberam Informática, Lda.

Thesaurus’s content based on dictionário de Sinónimos from Porto Editora, Lda.

All rights reserved.

Portions of security system based on BSAFE® and TIPEM® software from RSA Data Security, Inc.

ORFOTM Grammar Checker© JSC Informatics, 1990-2002. All rights reserved.

ОРФО™ Грамматическая проверка © ЗАО «Информатик», 1990-2002.

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