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FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint specific logs


Applies to: FAST Search Server 2010

On the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint administration server, aggregated logs from all servers are written as text files in the <FASTSearchFolder>\var\log\syslog folder. The logs use UTF-8 character encoding, including an UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the start of each log file.

The file “all.log” contains all log messages from all nodes and all modules.

The file “lasterror.log” contains the last log message having a severity of either ERROR or CRITICAL. Only one log messages will be present in this file.

The “archive” folder is used to store old log data when the current log file in the syslog folder reaches a certain size. The default archive size threshold is 500 000 bytes. Use the configuration file etc\LogServerConfig.xml to reconfigure this setting. NTFS folder compression is automatically enabled for this folder to save disk space.

See Also


logserverconfig.xml reference