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Backup/RestoreTool for Server Settings (Project Server 2010)


Applies to: Project Server 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2011-01-18

The Microsoft Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore tool is part of the Microsoft Project Server 2010 Resource Kit (PRK). It enables Project Server 2010 administrators to back up server settings from a selected Project Server 2010 instance to an XML or binary .playbook file. The tool can then restore the server settings to another Project Server 2010 instance. The data from the exported XML (or binary) file is what is imported to the target Project Server 2010 instance. This tool can be especially useful when you move server settings from a test to a production environment, but could also be used to generate a simple “playbook” of custom fields and views (for example, for different industries).

You can access the Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore tool by downloading the Project 2010 PRK from the Microsoft Download Center.


You should import server settings only from sources that you trust.


The Server Settings Backup/Restore tool has the following usage requirements:

  • Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.x or 3.x

  • Administrator permissions on the instance of Project Server 2010 that you are accessing

  • You are migrating settings either from a Project Server 2010 site to another Project Server 2010 site, or from a Project Server 2010 upgraded site (running in Backward Compatibility Mode) to a full Project Server 2010 site.


    When moving from an upgraded site to a full site, notice that Enterprise Global will be unable to be restored.

  • For most settings, you can back up and restore settings to Project Server instances without running the Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore tool on the computer that is hosting that instance. However, for certain Workflow settings (see the Server Settings section), you must be on the server computer that is hosting the Project Server 2010 instance to run either a backup or a restore process by using the tool. If the Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore tool is not run from a server computer for the Workflow Settings, then you may see an error message that resembles the following:

    ERROR: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


    Do not alter a server manually during a backup or restore process, and do not run multiple instances of the Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore tool at the same time. Either of these actions could lead to unwanted server alteration or data corruption.

Backing up server settings

The first step in using the Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore tool is to save the server settings of the Project Server 2010 instance that you want to back up. These server settings are restored to a different Project Server 2010 instance later.

To back up server settings

  1. Run Playbooks.exe to start the Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore tool.

  2. On the Select Server URL page, enter information about the Project Server 2010 instance from which you want to back up server settings.

    Playbook Select Server URL page

    1. In the Server URL box, type the URL of the instance of Project Server 2010 from which you want to back up the server settings. By default, the URL is the name of the server on which you run the tool and targets the default PWA instance. Replace the default information if it is incorrect.

    2. Click either Use Windows Authentication or Use Forms Authentication to specify the authentication mode with which you are connecting to Project Server 2010. If you select Use Forms Authentication, type the user name and password in the corresponding text boxes. Click OK.


      If Project Server 2010 is configured for "multi-authentication" (Windows and forms-based authentication on the same URL), then you can only log on by using the Forms Authentication option.

  3. On the Playbooks – Project Server Settings Backup/Restore page, click the Backup tab.

    Playbook Backup tab

    1. In the File Name box, type a path and name of the backup file that you are creating to which you are exporting the server settings information. (By default, it is saved as an .xml file, but it can also be set to a binary .playbook file.) You can also use the Browse button to select a path.

    2. The read-only Source Server box shows you the URL of the server that you are currently connected to.

    3. In the optional Description box, type information about your backup.

    4. In the Settings list, you see a list of available server settings. Select the settings that you want to save from your server to the backup file.

    5. After you have finished selecting the settings that you want to save to the backup file, click Backup. A dialog box displays the status of the backup process.

  4. The Backup Server Settings message box appears, stating whether the backup was successful. If your backup was successful, the backup file is created in the file location that you specified. If the backup was unsuccessful, click View Log to view the log file of the backup to determine where a problem occurred. Click OK to close the message box. By default, the log file is located in the same folder where the Playbooks.exe file is found.


    It is the responsibility of the user to manually delete XML or .playbook files that you no longer need. The tool does not manage the cleanup of these files.

Restore server settings

After you save your Project Server 2010 server settings, you can now use the Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore tool to restore them to a different server farm.


To ensure successful restoration of your server settings, make sure that all enterprise objects (such as Custom Fields, Lookup Tables, and Calendars) are checked in to the restored PWA instance prior to the restoration process. You can use the Force Check-In Enterprise Objects setting in the Server Settings section of the Microsoft Project Web App site to force a check-in of all checked-out enterprise objects.

To restore your server settings

  1. Run Playbooks.exe to start the Server Settings Backup/Restore tool.

  2. On the Select Server URL page, in the Server URL box, type URL of your instance of Project Server 2010. By default, the URL uses the name of the server on which you run the tool, and it targets the default PWA instance.

  3. Also on the Select Server URL page, click either Use Windows Authentication or Use Forms Authentication to specify the authentication mode with which you are connecting to Project Server 2010. If you select Use Forms Authentication, type the user name and password in the corresponding boxes. Click OK.


    If Project Server 2010 is configured for "multi-authentication" (Windows and forms-based authentication on the same URL), then you can only log on by using the Forms Authentication option.

  4. On the Playbooks – Project Server Settings Backup/Restore page, click the Restore tab.

    Playback tool Restore page

    1. In the File Name box, click the Open File button to browse to and select your server settings backup file. The Description and Settings boxes will be populated after the backup file is selected.

    2. In the read-only Destination Server box, view the URL of the server which you are currently connected to. To connect to a different server, you may click Change Server URL on the File menu of the dialog box. The read-only Description box contains information about the server-settings backup file, including source server name, version, build, revision, playbook version, date created, and description information.

    3. The Settings list shows all server settings options that were saved to the backup file. (These settings are selected). You can choose to restore all server settings that were backed up, or to restore specific server settings by clearing any checked items.


      Refer to the Server Settings section for a complete list of Project Server 2010 server settings.

    4. In the Strategy section, you can choose whether to merge or replace the server settings on the new Project Server instance with the backed-up server settings.

      • Merge: This option is typically used when you are moving from one test environment to another to collect the list of settings that you want. An example of a merge going from the backup file to the target server and its result is shown here:

        Backup file Target Server Result

        View A

        View C

        View A

        View B

        View B

        View C

        In this table, the Backup file contains Views A and B from the initial Project Server 2010 instance. Selecting the Merge option results in the new Project Server 2010 instance that contains the views from the Backup file (Views A and B). It also contains the existing views that were on the Project Server 2010 instance to which the backup file was restored (View C).

      • Replace (where it is possible): Use this option when the data in the backup file takes precedence over the data in the target server. This could be used when you are rolling out data from a test environment to a deployment where the items in the backup file represent the final status of the server. The example here shows what happens when you do a replace operation:

        Backup file Target Server Result

        View A

        View C

        View A

        View B

        View B

        In this table, all existing views on the target server on which the Backup file is restored (View C) are replaced by the views contained in the backup file (Views A and B).


        Custom Fields, Lookup Tables, and Security Categories use the merge strategy.

  5. After making your selection, click Restore. A dialog box displays the status of the recovery process.

  6. The Restore Settings message box appears, stating whether the restoration was successful. If your restoration was successful, click OK to exit the message box. If your restoration was unsuccessful, click View Log to view the log file to determine where a problem occurred.


    In the restore process, settings with multiple fields (such as custom fields, lookup tables, and so on) validate with the server one-by-one. However, they are updated to the server as a batch at the end of the restoration of that setting. Therefore, if a restore process fails in the middle of the custom fields setting, no custom fields are updated on the destination server.

Server Settings

The following is a list of Project Server 2010 server settings that can be backed up or restored.

Operational policies

Additional Server Settings


Alerts and Reminders


Server-Side Event Handler Configuration


Project Workspace Provisioning Settings



The Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore tool does not back up any "Site URL" information from the Project Workspace Provisioning Settings.

Time and task management

Time Reporting Periods


Time Reporting Periods always take a replace approach, regardless of which recovery method is selected, to avoid period conflicts.

If a Time Reporting Period has a Timesheet associated to it, it cannot be deleted. Therefore,, if the destination server has a Time Reporting Period with a Timesheet associated to it, the restoration of Time Reporting Periods fails.

Timesheet Classifications


Timesheet Settings and Defaults


Administrative Time


Task Settings and Display


Database administration

OLAP Database Management


Look and Feel

Quick Launch




Enterprise data

Custom Fields and Lookup Tables


Custom Field restoration for Playbooks is not case-sensitive, but on Project Server, Custom Fields are case-sensitive. If you have two Custom Fields with the same name but in a different case setup, change the name of one of these Custom Fields if you want both on the destination server.

Enterprise Global

Backs up the Enterprise Global. The E-Global binary is persisted within the XML file.

Enterprise Calendars


Enterprise base calendars; resource calendars are separate.




Because only group setting information is restored, this setting does not persist any user information in the groups.



Because only category setting information is restored, this setting does not persist any user information in the groups.

Security Templates


Project Web Access Permissions



Enterprise Project Types


As Enterprise Project Types (EPTs) depend on Project Detail Pages (PDP), they must follow the same rules as PDPs noted later in this article.

If you are migrating EPTs that belong to departments, you must also migrate Custom Fields for that EPT to be restored on the destination server.

Workflow Phases


Workflow Stages


Workflow Stages depend on PDPs, and they must follow the same rules as PDPs described here.

Project Detail Pages

http://<ServerName>/<PWASite>/Project Detail Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspx

Project Detail Pages can only be accessed by the Project Server 2010 Server Settings Backup/Restore tool if the PWA instance being connected to is located on the computer on which the tool is running. This means three things:

  1. In order to back up and restore PDPs, the tool must be run locally first on the computer that is hosting the server to be backed up.

  2. The created .xml or .playbook backup must be sent to the computer that is hosting the server to receive the restore.

  3. the tool must be run locally on the computer that is hosting the restored-to server in order to run the restore process.

Claims-forms servers cannot access PDPs because of limitations intrinsic to Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010. If you are migrating settings to or from a claims-forms server, please notice that most of the workflow settings will be unable to be migrated.

The account that is used to log on to Project Server 2010 must also have read/write permission to the SharePoint content database, and it must also be a site administrator. The recommended approach is to use the default PWA site administrator account.

If you restore PDPs to a site that shares the same content database as the site that was backed up, the process may fail. In the ULS log, you will see an error message that resembles: Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'Docs_IdLevelUnique'. This occurs because each PDP in the content database must be unique. If you back up from one site and restore to another site in the same database, the same restored PDP will have the same GUID as one that already exists in the database.

Workflow Proxy User


This is the name of the account that acts as the proxy user for workflow execution.

During the recovery process, the physical account associated with the Workflow Proxy User must exist on the destination server. The restore process will not create the account but only creates the link from the server setting to the physical account.