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Change the password for the Shared Services Provider (Search Server 2008)

Applies To: Microsoft Search Server 2008


Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-21


Unless otherwise noted, the information in this article applies to both Microsoft Search Server 2008 and Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express.

Use this procedure to change the password for the Shared Services Provider (SSP) service account. This account is used to operate the SSP Web services for inter-server communications and to run the timer jobs for the SSP. These functions will not work properly if the domain account password changes and the password for the SSP service account is not updated accordingly.


  • These procedures can be performed only after the password has been changed on the domain controller. The credentials entered are checked against those on the domain controller. If you enter the new password before the password has been changed on the domain controller, an error will result and the settings will not be changed.

  • To save the changes, you must restart Internet Information Services (IIS). This will cause the services that the application pool provides to be momentarily unavailable while the application pool restarts.

  • This procedure needs to be performed only on the server that is running the Central Administration Web site.


Membership in the Search Server Farm Administrators group, and in the Administrators group on the local computer, is the minimum permission required to complete each procedure in this article.

To change the password for the SSP account

Change the password for the SSP service account by using the user interface

  1. On the Central Administration Web site, on the Quick Launch, click Shared Services Administration.

  2. On the Manage this Farm's Shared Services page, point to the SSP, click the arrow that appears, and then click Edit Properties.

  3. On the Edit Shared Services Provider page, in the SSP Service Credentials section, type the new password in the Password box.

  4. Click OK to save the changes.

  5. At a command prompt, type the following command to restart IIS, and then press ENTER:

    iisreset /noforce

Change the password for the SSP service account by using the Stsadm command-line tool

  1. On the computer that is running the Central Administration Web site, at a command prompt, change to the following directory: %COMMOMPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\12\BIN.

  2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER:

    stsadm -o editssp -title <SSP name> -ssplogin <domain\username> -ssppassword <password>


    By default, <SSP name> is SharedServices.
    ssplogin is the SSP service user account.
    For additional information, see Editssp: Stsadm operation (Office SharePoint Server).

  3. At a command prompt, type the following command to restart IIS, and then press ENTER:

    iisreset /noforce

See Also


Change passwords for administration accounts and service accounts (Search Server 2008)
Change passwords for SQL Server services (Search Server 2008)
Change passwords for Central Administration and the Timer service (Search Server 2008)
Change passwords for the Search service accounts (Search Server 2008)
Change the password for the content access account (Search Server 2008)
Change the password for an application pool identity (Search Server 2008)