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Topic Last Modified: 2012-03-27

Creates a new trunk configuration that describes the settings for a trunking peer entity such as a public switched telephone network (PSTN) gateway, IP-public branch exchange (PBX), or Session Border Controller (SBC) at the service provider.


New-CsTrunkConfiguration -Identity <XdsIdentity> [-ConcentratedTopology <$true | $false>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Description <String>] [-EnableBypass <$true | $false>] [-EnableMobileTrunkSupport <$true | $false>] [-EnablePIDFLOSupport <$true | $false>] [-EnableReferSupport <$true | $false>] [-EnableSessionTimer <$true | $false>] [-EnableSignalBoost <$true | $false>] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-InMemory <SwitchParameter>] [-MaxEarlyDialogs <UInt32>] [-OutboundTranslationRulesList <PSListModifier>] [-RemovePlusFromUri <$true | $false>] [-RTCPActiveCalls <$true | $false>] [-RTCPCallsOnHold <$true | $false>] [-SipResponseCodeTranslationRulesList <PSListModifier>] [-SRTPMode <Required | Optional | NotSupported>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Detailed Description

Use this cmdlet to create a new trunking configuration applicable to PSTN gateway entities. Each configuration contains specific settings for a trunking peer entity such as a PSTN gateway, IP-PBX, or SBC at the service provider. These settings configure such things as whether media bypass is enabled on this trunk, whether real-time transport control protocol (RTCP) packets are sent under certain conditions, and whether to require secure real-time protocol (SRTP) encryption.

Who can run this cmdlet: By default, members of the following groups are authorized to run the New-CsTrunkConfiguration cmdlet locally: RTCUniversalServerAdmins. To return a list of all the role-based access control (RBAC) roles this cmdlet has been assigned to (including any custom RBAC roles you have created yourself), run the following command from the Windows PowerShell prompt:

Get-CsAdminRole | Where-Object {$_.Cmdlets –match "New-CsTrunkConfiguration"}


Parameter Required Type Description




A unique identifier that includes the scope of the trunk configuration. Trunk configurations can be created at the Site scope, or at the Service scope for a PSTN Gateway service. (A global configuration exists by default and cannot be removed or re-created.) For example, site:Redmond (for site) or (for service).




The value of this parameter determines whether there is a well-known media termination point. (An example of a well-known media termination point would be a PSTN gateway where the media termination has the same IP as the signaling termination.) Set this value to False if the trunk does not have a well-known media termination point.

Default: True




A string describing the purpose of the trunk configuration.




The value of this parameter determines whether media bypass is enabled for this trunk. Set this value to True to enable bypass. Note that in order for the media bypass to work successfully, certain capabilities must be supported by PSTN gateways, SBCs, and PBXs, including:

- The ability to receive forked responses to an Invite.

- Microsoft Lync Server 2010 clients and the media termination point must be able to communicate directly without going through a Mediation Server.

- The gateway subnet must be defined as being at the same site as the client’s subnet or, if at a different site, the sites must not be separated by WAN links with constrained bandwidth.

Media bypass can be enabled only under the following circumstances:

- The ConcentratedTopology parameter is set to True

- The EnableReferSupport parameter is set to False and RTCPActiveCalls and RTCPCallsOnHold are set to False, or EnableReferSupport is set to True

Note that if EnableBypass is True and EnableReferSupport is False, bypass calls that are subsequently transferred will become non-bypass.

For media bypass to work for a particular trunk, it needs to be enabled globally as well as for the trunk in question. Use the New-CsNetworkMediaBypassConfiguration cmdlet to enable media bypass globally.

Default: False




Defines whether the service provider is a mobile carrier.

Default: False




Defines whether to route emergency calls with Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) through the defined gateway. Set this parameter to True if emergency calls are to be routed to a certified emergency services provider. (The location will be transmitted with the call.)

Default: False




Defines whether this trunk supports receiving Refer requests from the Mediation Server.

Media bypass can be enabled only under the following circumstances:

- The ConcentratedTopology parameter is set to True

- The EnableReferSupport parameter is set to False and RTCPActiveCalls and RTCPCallsOnHold are set to False, or EnableReferSupport is set to True

Note that if EnableBypass is True and EnableReferSupport is False, bypass calls that are subsequently transferred will become non-bypass.

Default: True




Specifies whether the session timer is enabled. Session timers are used to determine whether a particular session is still active.

Note that even if this parameter is set to False, session timers can be applicable if the remote connection has session timer enabled. In such a case, the Mediation Server will reply to session timer probes from the remote entity.

Default: False




When this parameter is set to True the PSTN gateway, IP-PBX, or SBC at the service provider will boost the audio volume in voice streams that are sent to the Mediation Server or Microsoft Lync Server 2010 clients. If this value is set to False, audio will be boosted either at the Mediation Server (for non-bypass calls) or in Lync Server 2010 clients (for bypass calls).

Default: False




The maximum number of forked responses a PSTN gateway, IP-PBX, or SBC at the service provider can receive to an Invite that it sent to the Mediation Server.

Default: 20




A collection of phone number translation rules that apply to calls handled by Outbound Routing (calls routed to PBX or PSTN destinations).

While this list and these rules can be created directly with this cmdlet, it is recommended that you create the outbound translation rules with the New-CsOutboundTranslationRule cmdlet, which will create the rule and assign it to the trunk configuration with the matching scope.




Setting this parameter to True will cause the Mediation Server to remove leading plus signs (+) from Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) before sending them on to the service provider.

Default: False




This parameter determines whether RTCP packets are sent from the PSTN gateway, IP-PBX, or SBC at the service provider for active calls. An active call in this context is a call where media is allowed to flow in at least one direction. If RTCPActiveCalls is set to True, the Mediation Server or Lync Server client can terminate a call if it does not receive RTCP packets for a period exceeding 30 seconds.

Note that disabling the checks for received RTCP media for active calls in Lync Server elements removes an important safeguard for detecting a dropped peer and should be done only if necessary.

Default: True




This parameter determines whether RTCP packets continue to be sent across the trunk for calls that have been placed on hold and no media packets are expected to flow in either direction. If Music on Hold is enabled at either the Lync Server client or the trunk, the call will be considered to be active and this property will be ignored. In these circumstances use the RTCPActiveCalls parameter.

Note that disabling the checks for received RTCP media for active calls in Lync Server elements removes an important safeguard for detecting a dropped peer and should be done only if necessary.

Default: True




A list of SIP response code translation rules that apply to response codes received from a PSTN gateway, IP-PBX, or SBC at the service provider. These rules allow the administrator to map SIP response codes with values between 400 and 699 received over a trunk to new values more consistent with Lync Server.

You can create this list and corresponding rules directly with this cmdlet. However, it is recommended that you create the SIP response code translation rules by calling the New-CsSipResponseCodeTranslationRule cmdlet. That cmdlet will create the rule and assign it to the trunk configuration with the matching scope.




The value of this parameter determines the level of support for SRTP to protect media traffic between the Mediation Server and the PSTN Gateway, IP-PBX, or SBC at the service provider. For media bypass cases, this value must be compatible with the EncryptionLevel setting in the media configuration. Media configuration is set by using the New-CsMediaConfiguration and Set-CsMediaConfiguration cmdlets.

Valid values:

- Required: SRTP encryption must be used.

- Optional: SRTP will be used if the gateway supports it.

- NotSupported: SRTP encryption is not supported and therefore will not be used.

Note: SRTPMode is used only if the gateway is configured to use Transport Layer Security (TLS). If the gateway is configured with Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as the transport, SRTPMode is internally set to NotSupported.

Default: Required




Suppresses any confirmation prompts that would otherwise be displayed before making changes.




Creates an object reference without actually committing the object as a permanent change. If you assign the output of this cmdlet called with this parameter to a variable, you can make changes to the properties of the object reference and then commit those changes by calling this cmdlet’s matching Set- cmdlet.




Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.




Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.

Input Types


Return Types

Creates an object of type Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WritableConfig.Settings.TrunkConfiguration.TrunkConfiguration.


-------------------------- Example 1 ------------------------

New-CsTrunkConfiguration -Identity site:Redmond

This example creates a new trunk configuration with the Identity site:Redmond. The remaining properties for this new configuration will be populated with default values.

-------------------------- Example 2 ------------------------

New-CsTrunkConfiguration -Identity site:Redmond -EnableBypass $True

This example creates a new trunk configuration with the Identity site:Redmond and enables media bypass. Media bypass is enabled by assigning the value $True to the EnableBypass parameter. The remaining properties for this new configuration will be populated with default values.

-------------------------- Example 3 ------------------------

New-CsTrunkConfiguration -Identity site:Redmond
New-CsOutboundTranslationRule -Identity site:Redmond/OTR1 -Pattern '^\+(\d{8})$' -Translation '9$1'

This example creates a new trunk configuration with the Identity site:Redmond, and then assigns a new outbound translation to that trunk. The first line of the example calls New-CsTrunkConfiguration to create the new trunk configuration with default settings. The second line calls the New-CsOutboundTranslationRule cmdlet. Notice the value assigned to the Identity: site:Redmond/OTR1. The first part of the Identity (site:Redmond) defines the scope at which the rule is applied. This scope matches the Identity of the new trunk configuration, which means this rule will automatically be applied to that configuration. The scope is followed by a slash (/) then a string, which is simply a unique name for this rule (there can be more than one rule per scope). After that we pass values to the Pattern and Translation parameters to define this rule.