Dela via

Select Color Dialog Box

Use the Select Color dialog box to specify color options for the background of a single cell or multiple cells within a data region or a text box, or for a chart.


  • Color selector
    Choose from three options that specify how you want to select colors:

    • Picker - Color circle   Choose a color using Hue/Saturation/Brightness (HSB) color values.

    • Picker - Color square   Choose a color using Red/Green/Blue (RGB) color values.

    • Palette - Standard colors   Choose a color from a predefined list of color values.

  • Color circle
    Use for HSB colors because HSB values are mapped onto a cylindrical coordinate system. Hue is the actual color, saturation is purity of color, brightness is relative brightness or darkness.

    When you pick a color, the center of the circle determines the color. Use the color slider to change the hue. The x and y coordinates represent saturation and brightness values respectively.

  • Color square
    Use for RGB colors because RGB values are mapped to a Cartesian coordinate system. R is the value for Red, G is the value for Green, B is the value for Blue.

    When you pick a color, the center of the square determines the color. Use the color slider to change the range of the chosen color. The x and y coordinates represent the other two colors. For example, if you pick green, the slider shows the range of green values, the x and y coordinates represent red and blue values respectively.

  • Standard palette color
    Use for named colors from the .NET Framework KnownColor enumeration. 

  • Color system
    Specify RGB or HSB colors. This choice changes the display to show RGB or HSB values, which are updated interactively when you use a color circle or color square for the Color selector.

    The Alpha value displays for some properties when a color can include a transparency value. For example, Chart series fill. For properties that do not support transparency, this value is disabled.

  • Red
    The decimal value for the red part of the RGB color. Use the spin box to change the value or type in a value between 0 and 255.

  • Green
    The decimal value for the green part of the RGB color. Use the spin box to change the value or type in a value between 0 and 255.

  • Blue
    The decimal value for the blue part of the RGB color. Use the spin box to change the value or type in a value between 0 and 255.

  • Alpha
    The decimal value for the alpha or transparency part of the color. When this value is enabled, you can use the slider switch to adjust the degree of transparency you want.

  • Hue
    The decimal value for the hue of the HSB color. Use the spin box to change the value or type in a value between 0 and 255.

  • Saturation
    The decimal value for the saturation of the HSB color. Use the spin box to change the value or type in a value between 0 and 255.

  • Brightness
    The decimal value for the brightness of the HSB color. Use the spin box to change the value or type in a value between 0 and 255.

  • Color sample
    Shows the current color on the left half of the pane and interactively shows the new color you are choosing on the right half of the pane. If there is no default color, the left half of the pane is white. Most RDL properties have no default color.