Dela via

% (Modulo) (SSIS Expression)

Provides the integer remainder after dividing the first numeric expression by the second one.


dividend % divisor


  • dividend
    Is the numeric expression to divide. dividend can be any valid numeric expression. For more information, see Integration Services Data Types

  • divisor
    Is the numeric expression to divide the dividend by. divisor can be any valid numeric expression except zero.

Result Types

Determined by data types of the two arguments. For more information, see Implicit Data Type Conversion in Expressions.


Both expressions must evaluate to signed or unsigned integer data types.

If either operand is null, the result is null.

Modulo zero is not legal.


This example computes the modulus from two numeric literals. The result is 3.

42 % 13

This example computes the modulus from the SalesQuota column and a numeric literal.

SalesQuota % 12

This example computes the modulus from two numeric variables Sales$ and Month. The variable Sales$ must be enclosed in brackets because the name includes the $ character. For more information, see Identifiers (SSIS).

@[Sales$] % @Month

This example uses the modulo operator to determine if the value of the Value variable is even or odd, and uses the conditional operator to return a string that describes the result. For more information, see ? : (Conditional) (SSIS Expression).

@Value % 2 == 0? "even":"odd"