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Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication Namespace

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication namespace implements the Replication Management Object (RMO) model. RMO provides programmatic access to Microsoft SQL Server replication from a managed code environment.


  Class Description
Public class AgentJobHistoryInfo Returns information about the results of the last run of a replication agent.
Public class AgentProfile Encapsulates all operations on replication agent profiles, such as creating, deleting, adding, and removing parameters, and assigning specific profiles to certain agents.
Public class AgentProfileParameter Represents parameters in a replication agent profile.
Public class AgentProfileParameterInfo Represents a supported parameter used in replication agent profiles.
Public class Article The base class from which the TransArticle class and MergeArticle class are derived.
Public class ArticleConflict Represents information about a merge replication conflict table.
Public class BusinessLogicHandler Represents the server registration for the managed code assembly that implements a business logic handler.
Public class ConnectionSecurityContext Represents information you use when you connect to Microsoft SQL Server.
Public class CustomResolver Represents a COM-based resolver registration at a server in a merge replication topology.
Public class DistributionArticle Represents information about an article published in a transactional or snapshot publication stored at the Distributor.
Public class DistributionArticleCollection Represents a collection of DistributionArticle objects.
Public class DistributionDatabase Represents a distribution database at the Distributor.
Public class DistributionDatabaseCollection Represents a collection of DistributionDatabase objects.
Public class DistributionPublication Represents information about a transactional or snapshot publication stored at the Distributor.
Public class DistributionPublicationCollection Represents a collection of DistributionPublication objects.
Public class DistributionPublisher Represents information about a Publisher registered at the currently connected Distributor.
Public class DistributionPublisherCollection Represents a collection of DistributionPublisher objects.
Public class DistributionSubscription Represents information stored at the Distributor about a subscription to a transactional or snapshot publication.
Public class DistributionSubscriptionCollection Represents a collection of DistributionSubscription objects.
Public class HeterogeneousColumn Represents a column contained in a table on a non-Microsoft SQL Server Publisher.
Public class HeterogeneousTable Represents a table on a non-Microsoft SQL Server Publisher.
Public class IdentityRangeInfo Structure that represents identity range management settings for a published article when the source table contains identity columns.
Public class LastValidationDateTime Used to return the date and time of the last merge subscription validation.
Public class LightPublication Infrastructure.
Public class MergeArticle Represents an article in a merge publication.
Public class MergeArticleCollection Represents a collection of MergeArticle objects.
Public class MergeConflictCount Represents conflict information for a table article in a merge publication.
Public class MergeDynamicSnapshotJob Contains information about the Snapshot Agent job that generates the data snapshot for a subscription to a merge publication with a parameterized row filter.
Public class MergeJoinFilter Represents a join filter or logical record relationship between to merge articles.
Public class MergePartition Represents information about a Subscriber's partition for a merge publication with a parameterized row filter.
Public class MergePublication Represents a merge publication.
Public class MergePublicationCollection Represents a collection of MergePublication objects.
Public class MergePullSubscription Represents a pull subscription to a merge publication.
Public class MergePullSubscriptionCollection Represents a collection of MergePullSubscription objects.
Public class MergeSessionDetail Represents detailed information about a step in a Merge Agent session.
Public class MergeSessionError Represents information on errors that occur during a Merge Agent session.
Public class MergeSessionSummary Represents Merge Agent session information.
Public class MergeSubscriberMonitor Enables Subscriber-side monitoring of subscriptions to merge publications.
Public class MergeSubscription Represents a subscription to a merge publication registered at the Publisher.
Public class MergeSubscriptionCollection Represents a collection of MergeSubscription objects.
Public class MonitorThreshold Represents a threshold metric used when monitoring a publication.
Public class PendingCommandInfo Represents information on the number of pending commands for a subscription to a transactional publication and a rough estimate of how much time it takes to process them.
Public class Publication The Publication class is a base class from which the TransPublication class and the MergePublication class are derived.
Public class PublicationAccess Represents login information in the publication access list (PAL) for a publication.
Public class PublicationArticle Represents article information for a published database object.
Public class PublicationMonitor Monitors a publication.
Public class PublicationMonitorCollection A collection of PublicationMonitor objects that represents publications at the Distributor.
Public class PublisherConnectionSecurityContext Represents the login used when connecting to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server that is configured as a Publisher in a replication topology.
Public class PublisherMonitor Monitors a replication Publisher.
Public class PublisherMonitorCollection Represents a collection of PublisherMonitor objects.
Public class PullSubscription Represents information at the Publisher for a subscription to a merge or a transactional publication when the Synchronization Agent runs at the Subscriber. PullSubscription is a base class from which the TransPullSubscription class and the MergePullSubscription class are derived.
Public class RegisteredSubscriber Represents a Subscriber that has been registered at a Publisher or a Distributor.
Public class RegisteredSubscriberCollection Represents a collection of RegisteredSubscriber objects.
Public class ReplicationAgentSchedule Represents the schedule for a replication agent job.
Public class ReplicationBaseCollection The base class that is used in the construction of replication object collections. It contains functionality that is common to the replication object collections.
Public class ReplicationColumn Represents a column object in a table that contains information needed by replication.
Public class ReplicationDatabase Represents a publication or subscription database in a replication topology.
Public class ReplicationDatabaseCollection Represents a collection of ReplicationDatabase objects.
Public class ReplicationMonitor Monitors a replication server.
Public class ReplicationObject Abstract class that is the base class for all classes in the Replication Management Objects (RMO) programming interface.
Public class ReplicationSchemaBoundView Represents a schema-bound view and contains information needed by replication.
Public class ReplicationServer Represents an instance of Microsoft SQL Server that is involved in replication. It can take the role of Distributor, Publisher, Subscriber, or any combination of them.
Public class ReplicationStatusAndWarning Represents replication agent status information and threshold monitor warnings.
Public class ReplicationStoredProcedure Represents information on a stored procedure object that is required by replication.
Public class ReplicationTable Represents information on a table object that is required by replication.
Public class ReplicationUserDefinedAggregate Represents a user-defined aggregate function and contains information needed by replication.
Public class ReplicationUserDefinedFunction Represents a user-defined function and contains information needed by replication.
Public class ReplicationView Represents information on a view object that is required by replication.
Public class SubscriberSubscription Returns information about a subscription.
Public class Subscription Represents information at the Publisher for a subscription to either a merge or a transactional publication. Subscription is a base class from which the TransSubscription class and the MergeSubscription class are derived.
Public class SubscriptionBackupInformation Represents information required to initialize a subscription from a backup.
Public class SynchronizationPartner Represents an alternate Publisher used to synchronize a subscription to a merge publication.
Public class TracerToken Represents tracer token information.
Public class TransArticle Represents an article in a transactional publication.
Public class TransArticleCollection Represents a collection of TransArticle objects.
Public class TransConflictCount Represents returned conflict information for a table article in a publication that supports queued updating subscriptions.
Public class TransPublication Represents a transactional publication.
Public class TransPublicationCollection Represents a collection of TransPublication objects.
Public class TransPullSubscription Represents a pull subscription to a transactional publication.
Public class TransPullSubscriptionCollection Represents a collection of TransPullSubscription objects.
Public class TransSubscription Represents a push subscription to a transactional or snapshot publication.
Public class TransSubscriptionCollection Represents a collection of TransSubscription objects.


  Interface Description
Public interface IConnectionSecurityContext Provides an implementation of the ConnectionSecurityContext class for late-bound COM clients. For information on the members of this interface, see the reference documentation for ConnectionSecurityContext.
Public interface IProcessSecurityContext Interface that encapsulates the Microsoft Windows security account information used by Microsoft SQL Server Agent to start a replication agent job.
Public interface IReplicationDBObject Infrastructure.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AddColumnOption Enumerates the options for adding a column to a table published in an existing publication.
Public enumeration AgentProfileTypeOption Indicates whether a replication agent profile is system-defined or user-defined.
Public enumeration AgentType Enumerates the various types of replication agents.
Public enumeration ArticleDatatypeMappingOptions Specifies whether the data type mapping between two database management systems (DBMS) for an article has been defined by a user or is the default mapping.
Public enumeration ArticleOptions Enumerates the type of database objects that can be published by replication.
Public enumeration AuthenticationMethod Enumerates values that specify the supported HTTP authentication methods for Web synchronization.
Public enumeration AutomaticReinitializationPolicies Enumerates default behaviors when reinitializing subscriptions to a merge publication.
Public enumeration CheckPermissionOptions Enumerates the table-level permissions that are verified when the Merge Agent applies changes at the Publisher.
Public enumeration CommandOptions Enumerates options that control how changes are propagated for transactional articles.
Public enumeration ConflictPolicyOption Enumerates options for selecting the winning row when conflicts occur during synchronization of an updating subscription to a transactional publication.
Public enumeration CreationScriptOptions Enumerates schema option values for published articles.
Public enumeration DatabaseCompatibilityLevel Enumerates the versions of Microsoft SQL Server that are supported for database compatibility with Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
Public enumeration DdlReplicationOptions Enumerates whether data definition language (DDL) changes to published tables are replicated.
Public enumeration DtsPackageLocationOption Enumerates options for the location of the Data Transformation Services (DTS) package.
Public enumeration FailoverMode Enumerates the options available for an updating Subscriber to propagate changes back to the Publisher.
Public enumeration FilterTypes Enumerates values that specify the type of filters used in merge articles.
Public enumeration IdentityRangeManagementOption Enumerates options for managing identity column range assignments in tables published using merge replication and transactional replication with updating Subscribers.
Public enumeration InitialSyncType Enumerates the data file formats supported for the initial snapshot.
Public enumeration MergeArticleState Enumerates the supported status settings for a merge article.
Public enumeration MergeSessionDetailType Enumerates parts of a Merge Agent session being monitored.
Public enumeration MergeSessionPhase Enumerates the phase of a Merge Agent session.
Public enumeration MergeSessionStatus Enumerates the status of a Merge Agent session.
Public enumeration MergeSubscriberType Enumeration additional types of subscriptions supported by merge replication.
Public enumeration MonitorCacheRefreshPolicy Infrastructure.
Public enumeration PartitionGroupsOption Enumerates values that determine whether a merge publication uses precomputed partitions.
Public enumeration PartitionOptions Enumerates the ways in which data in an article is partitioned amongst subscriptions when the merge publication uses a parameterized row filter.
Public enumeration PreCreationOption Enumerates the commands that are executed prior to subscription initialization when a published table already exists in the subscription database.
Public enumeration PublicationAttributes Enumerates supported publication properties.
Public enumeration PublicationCompatibilityLevel Enumerates product version values that are used by merge replication to determine which features can be used by publications in a given database.
Public enumeration PublicationType Enumerates the supported types of replication used to publish a database.
Public enumeration QueueOption Enumerates the type of queuing available to a transactional publication with updating Subscribers.
Public enumeration ReplicationSecurityMode Specifies the supported security modes used by updating Subscribers when connecting to the Publisher.
Public enumeration ReplicationStatus Specifies the status of a replication agent job.
Public enumeration ReplicationWarnings Enumerates the supported replication threshold monitor warning values.
Public enumeration ResynchronizeType Enumerates values that specify the changes to apply when a merge subscription is resynchronized.
Public enumeration RetentionPeriodUnits Enumerates values that specify the units for the retention period.
Public enumeration ScheduleConstant Enumerates constant values used to set replication schedules.
Public enumeration ScheduleFrequencySubDay Enumerates values that specify a smaller scheduling unit for specific schedule frequencies.
Public enumeration ScheduleFrequencyType Enumerates the types of frequencies used when scheduling a replication agent job.
Public enumeration ScheduleRelativeIntervals Enumerates values that represent the frequency of a replication agent schedule relative to the ScheduleFrequencyType.
Public enumeration ScriptOptions Enumerates options for generating scripts that are used to create or remove replication objects.
Public enumeration State Enumerates the values that represent the status of a publication.
Public enumeration SubscriberType Enumerates the types of data sources that can be a Subscriber to a publication.
Public enumeration SubscriberUploadOptions Enumerates merge article options for updates made at a Subscriber with a client subscription.
Public enumeration SubscriptionBackupDeviceType Enumerates backup devices that can be used to initialize a subscription.
Public enumeration SubscriptionResultOption Enumerates options for returning monitored subscriptions.
Public enumeration SubscriptionState Enumerates options for the status of a subscription.
Public enumeration SubscriptionSyncType Enumerates options for how the initial synchronization is performed for a subscription.
Public enumeration TransSubscriberType Enumerates the updating behaviors for subscriptions to transactional publications.
Public enumeration ValidationMethod Enumerates methods supported for rowcount validation of transactional publications.
Public enumeration ValidationOption Enumerates the types of data validation supported by replication.
Public enumeration VerifyResolverSignatureOption Enumerates values that specify whether the Merge Agent must verify the digital signature on a Component Object Model (COM)-based conflict resolver to determine if it is from a trusted source.

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