Dela via

SecurityFilters Collection

References attributes that should be used as filters on the entity. When running any query that references the entity, even indirectly such as through a role, all these filters should be added to the query. The set of filters to apply is subject to standard security-based model subsetting. If security filters are defined and the user does not have permissions to any of these filters, all instances of the entity are filtered out. For entities with inheritance, the security filters for all ancestor entities are applied as well.









References the attributes to apply as filters to the entity. Only attributes where IsFilter = True can be used.


  • To enable row-level security, at least one filter attribute must be created within the entity that you want to filter.

  • A filter attribute must have the IsFilter property set to True.

  • You can use the current user ID when defining a security filter to secure a model at run time if user IDs are present in the data. To create a security filter based on the current user ID, create a filter attribute, add the user ID field to the filter, and then edit the formula of the filter condition so that it compares the field value to the GETUSERID() function.

  • When filter attributes are assigned to the SecurityFilters Collection and model item security is enabled, users who do not have permissions to any of the filters in the collection will not see any data or will see only the data that is defined in the DefaultSecurityFilter property.