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Moving Items

You can move reports, report models, linked reports, resources, folders, and shared data sources to different folder locations in the report server folder hierarchy. When you move an item, all properties (including security settings) move with the item to the new location. When you move a folder, all the items in the folder move with it.

In Report Manager, the items that you can move are indicated in the folder hierarchy. The following table shows the icon for each movable item.


Moveable item

Report icon


Model icon

Report model

Linked report icon

Linked report

Folder icon


generic resource icon

Generic resource

Shared data source icon

Shared data source

Not all items that you work with can be moved. You cannot move items that are associated with a report, such as subscriptions or report history. Those items move with their associated reports. Similarly, you cannot move items, such as shared schedules, that exist outside of the folder hierarchy.You cannot move items if you lack permission to do so. Permission to move an item is conveyed when the following tasks are selected in your role assignment for the item in question: "Manage reports," "Manage models", "Manage folders," and "Manage data sources."