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Reporting Services Backward Compatibility

This section describes changes in behavior between versions of SQL Server Reporting Services. It covers features that are no longer available or are scheduled to be removed in a future release. It also describes fundamental changes to the product that are known to break a custom application that includes Reporting Services functionality.

In This Section

About Report Authoring and Publishing in SQL Server 2008

In this release, new reports are authored using a new version of the Report Definition Language (RDL) schema. Reports using the new schema must be authored in the new stand-alone Report Builder application, Report Builder 2.0, not the Report Designer that is integrated into SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.

Report Builder 2.0 provides a way to author reports with new features, such as Tablix data regions and expanded Chart data regions. Reports that use the new schema cannot be published to previous versions of Reporting Services report servers. To view reports that use the new RDL schema, you must deploy them (using Report Builder 2.0) or upload them (using Report Manager) to a SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services report server.

For more information about RDL, see Report Definition Language Reference. For more information about report authoring, see What's New in Report Authoring.

About Report Processing and Rendering in SQL Server 2008

In this release, the report processing engine has been redesigned to process and render report pages only when they are viewed or exported. For more information, see What's New in Report Processing and Rendering.

In this release, the report rendering object model has been replaced. For more information, see Breaking Changes in SQL Server Reporting Services.