Dela via

Dataset Properties Dialog Box, Query

Select Query on the Dataset Properties dialog box to choose a data source and create a query.

The Dataset Properties dialog box includes the following:


  • Name
    Type a name for the dataset. The name cannot be the same as a name for any data region or group in the report.

  • Data Source
    Select the data source on which to base the dataset. To create a new data source, click New.

  • Query type
    Select the type of command or query to use for the dataset. Select Text to run a query to retrieve data from the database. Select Table to use the TableDirect feature of SQL Server to select all the fields within a table. Select Stored Procedure to run a stored procedure by name. Text is selected by default and is used for most queries. To edit the selected data source query, click Query Designer.


    Not all query types are supported by all data sources. For example, Table is supported only by data source types OLE DB and ODBC.

  • Query
    This option appears when you choose the Text command type option. Type a query or import a pre-existing query by clicking Import. Click the Expression (fx) button to edit the expression.


    If you used a query designer to build a query, the text of the query appears in this box.

  • Table name
    Enter the name of the table that you want to use as a dataset. This option appears when you select Table.

  • Select or enter stored procedure name
    Type or choose the name of the stored procedure that you want to use. Click the Expression (fx) button to edit the expression. This option appears when you choose the Stored Procedure command type option.

  • Time out (in seconds)
    Type the number of seconds until the query times out. The default is 30 seconds. The value for Time out must be empty or greater than zero. If it is empty, the query does not time out.

See Also


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