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Applies To: System Center 2016 - Service Provider Foundation, System Center Technical Preview


Gets, creates, updates, or deletes VM network gateways for Virtual Machine Manager (VMM).

HTTP Verbs

Yes Yes Yes Yes


Gets a VM network gateway.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
StampId Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the stamp that restricts the query.
ID Edm.Guid No The identifier of the VM network gateway to retrieve.
Name Edm.String No The name of the VM network gateway.
VMNetworkId Edm.Guid No The identifier of the network.


Creates a VM network gateway.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
StampId Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the stamp that restricts the query.
AutonomousSystemNumber Edm.Int64 No The Autonomous System Number.

To change or set the AutonomousSystemNumber property, the entity must have the EnableBGP property already set to false. If it is not, EnableBGP must be set to false, and have the entity submitted to the server. After that operation is completed, set the AutonomousSystemNumber property to the desired value, and set EnableBGP to true. Then submit the entity to the server.
Description Edm.String No A description of the VM network gateway.
EnableBGP Edm.Boolean No Enables or disables Border Gateway Protocol for the VM network gateway.
IPSubnets Collection(Edm.String) No TBD
Name Edm.String No The name of the VM network gateway.
RequiresNAT Edm.Boolean No Indicates whether the VM network gateway uses NAT.
RequiresVPN Edm.Boolean No Indicates whether the VM network gateway requires VPN tunneling.
VMNetworkId Edm.Guid No The identifier of the network.


Updates a VM network gateway.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
StampId Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the stamp that restricts the query.
ID Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the VM network gateway to update.


Deletes a VM network gateway.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
StampId Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the stamp that restricts the query.
ID Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the VM network gateway to delete.

See Also

VMM Collections Reference R2