Walkthroughs give step-by-step instructions for common scenarios, which makes them a good place to start learning about Visual FoxPro or a particular feature area.
In This Section
- Walkthrough: Creating Applications with Visual FoxPro
Provides steps for creating a simple program, including moving data and creating forms, and shows how to use it as the basis for an application.
- Walkthrough: Creating Reports with Visual FoxPro
Provides steps for creating reports using the Report wizard and the Report designer, and discusses issues to consider when planning and creating reports.
- Walkthrough: Retrieving Data from Different Data Sources
Provides steps for retrieving data from Visual FoxPro native tables or data using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), or XML data sources.
- Walkthrough: Creating XML Web Services with Visual FoxPro
Provides steps for how to create and publish a Visual FoxPro COM server as an XML Web service.
- Walkthrough: Creating a Visual FoxPro Application Setup Program Using InstallShield
Provides steps for packaging and deploying your applications using InstallShield Express, making it possible for users to install and configure your products efficiently.
Related Sections
- Using Visual FoxPro
Microsoft Visual FoxPro provides the tools needed to create and to manage high-performance, 32-bit database applications and components. With its robust tools and data-centric object-oriented language, you can build modern, scalable, multi-tier applications that integrate client/server computing and the Internet.
- Developing Visual FoxPro Applications
Includes conceptual information about how to develop Visual FoxPro applications, instructions for creating databases and the user interface, and other tasks needed to create Visual FoxPro applications.
- Programming in Visual FoxPro
Explains how understanding object-oriented programming techniques and the event-driven model can maximize your programming productivity so you can access the full power of Visual FoxPro.
- Development Productivity Tools
Explains that Visual FoxPro provides developer tools for application development within the FoxPro application and the FoxPro language.
- Samples and Walkthroughs
Provides extensive samples for database and application development.