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How to: Create a Dialog Box Property Value Editor

The following code example shows how to implement a custom dialog box property value editor for the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Designer for Visual Studio. 


This topic shows how to create a dialog box property value editor that displays an open file dialog box when a custom FileName property is clicked in the Properties window.

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows;

namespace CustomControlLibrary
    public partial class DemoControl : UserControl
        public DemoControl()

        public static readonly DependencyProperty FileNameProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
            new PropertyMetadata("File name not set."));

        public string FileName
                return (string)this.GetValue(FileNameProperty);

                this.SetValue(FileNameProperty, value);
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""

    <DataTemplate x:Key="FileBrowserInlineEditorTemplate">
                <ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/>
                <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
            <TextBox Grid.Column="0" Text="{Binding StringValue}"/>
            <PropertyEditing:EditModeSwitchButton Grid.Column="1"/>

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace CustomControlLibrary.Design
    using System.Windows;
    public partial class EditorResources : ResourceDictionary
        public EditorResources()
            : base()
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
using Microsoft.Windows.Design.Metadata;
using Microsoft.Windows.Design.PropertyEditing;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace CustomControlLibrary.Design
    public class FileBrowserDialogPropertyValueEditor : DialogPropertyValueEditor
        private EditorResources res = new EditorResources();

        public FileBrowserDialogPropertyValueEditor()
            this.InlineEditorTemplate = res["FileBrowserInlineEditorTemplate"] as DataTemplate;

        public override void ShowDialog(
            PropertyValue propertyValue,
            IInputElement commandSource)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            ofd.Multiselect = false;

            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == true)
                propertyValue.StringValue = ofd.FileName;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
using Microsoft.Windows.Design.Metadata;
using Microsoft.Windows.Design.PropertyEditing;

namespace CustomControlLibrary.Design
    internal class Metadata : IRegisterMetadata
        // Called by the designer to register any design-time metadata. 
        public void Register()
            AttributeTableBuilder builder = new AttributeTableBuilder();

                ( typeof( CustomControlLibrary.DemoControl), 

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
        <ccl:DemoControl FileName="" />

Compiling the Code

Compile the previous example code in three separate assemblies.

Compiling the Custom Control

  1. In Visual Studio, create a new WPF User Control Library project in C# named CustomControlLibrary.

  2. Change all occurrences of "UserControl1" to "DemoControl".

  3. Replace the existing code in the DemoControl class with the code listed earlier.

  4. Build the solution.

Compiling the Custom Dialog Box Property Value Editor

  1. In Visual Studio, add a new WPF User Control Library project named CustomControlLibrary.Design to the solution.

  2. Set the project's output path to "..\CustomControlLibrary\bin\Debug\".

  3. Delete UserControl1.xaml and UserControl1.xaml.cs from the project.

  4. Add references to the following assemblies.

    • Microsoft.Windows.Design

    • Microsoft.Windows.Design.Extensibility

    • Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction

  5. Add a reference to the CustomControlLibrary project.

  6. Add a resource dictionary named EditorResources to the project.

  7. Replace the existing XAML in EditorResources.xaml with the XAML listed earlier.

  8. Add a new class named EditorResources to the project.

  9. Replace the existing code in the EditorResources with the code listed earlier.

  10. Add a new class named FileBrowserDialogPropertyValueEditor to the project.

  11. Replace the existing code in the FileBrowserDialogPropertyValueEditor class with the code listed earlier.

  12. Add a new class named Metadata to the project.

  13. Replace the existing code in the Metadata class with the code listed earlier.

  14. Build the solution.

Compiling the Test Application

  1. In Visual Studio, add a new WPF Application project to the solution.

  2. Add a reference to the CustomControlLibrary assembly or project.

  3. In XAML view for Window1.xaml, replace the existing XAML with the XAML listed earlier.

  4. In Window1.xaml.cs, comment out the call to InitializeComponent.

  5. Rebuild the solution.

  6. In Design view, click the DemoControl to select it. You might have to click the Information bar at the top of the designer to reload the view.

  7. In the Properties window, click the button next to the FileName property.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  8. Navigate to a file and click Open.

    The file name is displayed in the FileName property of the Properties window and the FileName property is assigned in XAML view.

See Also




Other Resources

Advanced Extensibility Concepts

WPF Designer Extensibility