Dela via


Sets the wrapper class that is used for any objects that are not derived from the CDockablePane Class.

void SetDockingBarWrapperRTC(
   CRuntimeClass* pRTC 


  • [in] pRTC
    The runtime class information for the new wrapper class.


You add tabs to a tab control by using the methods CMFCBaseTabCtrl::AddTab and CMFCBaseTabCtrl::InsertTab. When you add a tab, each control on that tab must be dockable. Any objects that are not derived from CDockablePane must be wrapped. AddTab and InsertTab create a wrapper for these objects. The default wrapper class is the CDockablePaneAdapter Class. The method SetDockingBarWrapperRTC enables you to change the class that is used as a wrapper class. The wrapper class that you provide must be derived from CDockablePaneAdapter.


Header: afxbasetabctrl.h

See Also


MFC Hierarchy Chart


CMFCBaseTabCtrl Class

CDockablePane Class

CDockablePaneAdapter Class