Security (How Do I in Visual Studio Tools for Office)
This page provides links to Help for security-related tasks in Visual Studio Tools for Office solutions. To see other categories of key tasks covered by Visual Studio Tools for Office Help, see How Do I in Visual Studio Tools for Office.
2007 Microsoft Office Solutions
Security in Office Solutions (2007 System)
Discusses security for 2007 Microsoft Office solutions from the perspective of the developer, end user, and administrator.Trusting Office Solutions by Using Inclusion Lists (2007 System)
Provides information and recommendations for securely deploying 2007 Microsoft Office solutions by using the inclusion list.How to: Add or Remove Inclusion List Entries (2007 System)
Provides a step-by-step demonstration of the basics of inclusion list security in Visual Studio Tools for Office solutions.
Office 2003 Solutions
Security Requirements to Run Office Solutions (2003 System)
Discusses security from the perspective of the developer, end user, and administrator.Secure Deployment (2003 System)
Provides information and recommendations for securely deploying Microsoft Office 2003 solutions that use managed code extensions, including choosing a security level, granting access to the assembly, securing documents on a network, and e-mail distribution of documents.Walkthrough: Granting and Removing Permissions for an Office Solution (2003 System)
Provides a step-by-step demonstration of the basics of security in Visual Studio Tools for Office solutions.
How to: Grant Permissions to Folders and Assemblies (2003 System)
Describes how to use the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool or the Code Access Security Policy tool (Caspol.exe) to change security settings for the purpose of developing assemblies on your own computer.How to: Remove Permissions from Folders and Assemblies (2003 System)
Describes the two ways to remove trust from folders and assemblies in Visual Studio Tools for Office projects: deleting the code group that grants the permissions from the Microsoft .NET Framework security policy, and setting the properties of the code group so that it grants no permissions.How to: Open Office Solutions without Running Code
Describes how to open a document or workbook that contains managed code extensions without running the assembly code.
Best Practices
Specific Security Considerations for Office Solutions
Discusses specific scenarios that might threaten the security of your solutions and recommends ways to use the security features provided by the .NET Framework to help protect against these threats.Best Practices for Security in Office Solutions (2003 System)
Describes some of the issues to consider regarding security for your Office solutions that use managed code extensions.
- How to: Grant Permissions to Documents and Workbooks in Shared Locations (2003 System)
Explains how you can grant permissions only to documents and workbooks in a certain location by using the Office Document Membership Condition, and applying the restrictions to the security policy of each end user.