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NMake Property Page

The NMake property page lets you specify build settings for NMake projects.

For more information about NMake projects, see Creating a Makefile Project.

The NMake property page contains the following properties.

  • Build Command Line
    Specifies the command to be run when Build is clicked on the Build menu.

  • Rebuild All Command Line
    Specifies the command to be run when Rebuild All is clicked on the Build menu.

  • Clean Command Line
    Specifies the command to be run when Clean is clicked on the Build menu.

  • Output
    Specifies the name of the file that will contain the output for the command line. By default, this file name is based on the project name.

  • Preprocessor Definitions
    Specifies any preprocessor definitions that the source files use. The default value is determined by the current platform and configuration.

  • Include Search Path
    Specifies the directories where the compiler searches for include files.

  • Forced Includes
    Specifies files that the preprocessor automatically processes even if they are not included in the project files.

  • Assembly Search Path
    Specifies the directories where the .NET Framework searches when it trys to resolve .NET assemblies.

  • Forced Using Assemblies
    Specifies assemblies that the .NET Framework automatically processes.

  • Additional Options
    Specifies any additional compiler switches for IntelliSense to use when it parses C++ files.

For information about how to access the NMake property page, see How to: Specify Project Properties with Property Pages.

For information about how to programmatically access members of this object, see VCNMakeTool.

See Also


How to: Enable IntelliSense for Makefile Projects


Property Pages (Visual C++)