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CA1026: Default parameters should not be used

Item Value
RuleId CA1026
Category Microsoft.Design
Breaking change Breaking


An externally visible type contains an externally visible method that uses a default parameter.


This rule has been deprecated. For more information, see Deprecated rules.

Rule description

Methods that use default parameters are allowed under the Common Language Specification (CLS); however, the CLS allows compilers to ignore the values that are assigned to these parameters. Code that is written for compilers that ignore default parameter values must explicitly provide arguments for each default parameter. To maintain the behavior that you want across programming languages, methods that use default parameters should be replaced with method overloads that provide the default parameters.

The compiler ignores the values of default parameters for Managed Extension for C++ when it accesses managed code. The Visual Basic compiler supports methods that have default parameters that use the Optional keyword.

How to fix violations

To fix a violation of this rule, replace the method that uses default parameters with method overloads that supply the default parameters.

When to suppress warnings

Do not suppress a warning from this rule.


The following example shows a method that uses default parameters, and the overloaded methods that provide an equivalent functionality.

Imports System

<Assembly: CLSCompliant(True)>
Namespace DesignLibrary

    Public Class DefaultVersusOverloaded

        Sub DefaultParameters(Optional parameter1 As Integer = 1, _
                              Optional parameter2 As Integer = 5)
            ' ...
            Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", parameter1, parameter2)
        End Sub

        Sub OverloadedMethod()
            OverloadedMethod(1, 5)
        End Sub

        Sub OverloadedMethod(parameter1 As Integer)
            OverloadedMethod(parameter1, 5)
        End Sub

        Sub OverloadedMethod(parameter1 As Integer, parameter2 As Integer)
            ' ...
            Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", parameter1, parameter2)
        End Sub

    End Class

End Namespace

CA1025: Replace repetitive arguments with params array

See also

Language Independence and Language-Independent Components