Dela via


Given a connection string, instantiates and returns an uninitialized data source object.

HRESULT GetDataSource(
   IUnknown *       pUnkOuter,
   DWORD            dwClsCtx,
   LPCOLESTR        pwszInitializationString,
   REFIID            riid,
   IUnknown **      ppDataSource);


  • pUnkOuter [in]
    A pointer to the controlling IUnknown interface if the data source object is being created as a part of an aggregate; otherwise, it is a null pointer.

  • dwClsCtx [in]
    CLSCTX values. CLSCTX_ALL, CLSCTX_SERVER, and CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER are acceptable values, but the service components will always attempt to load the provider in-process. Ignored if *ppDataSource is not NULL.

  • pwszInitializationString [in]
    A pointer to a connection string containing the information to be used for creating and setting initialization properties on a data source object. Initialization properties are those in DBPROPSET_DBINIT, as well as provider-specific properties. If pwszInitializationString is NULL, an instance of the OLE DB provider for ODBC data is returned with default properties set.

    When run in a 32-bit application, if pwszInitializationString is NULL, an instance of the OLE DB provider for ODBC data is returned with default properties set.

    When run in a 64-bit application, if pwszInitializationString is NULL, an instance of the SQLOLEDB provider is returned with default properties set.

  • riid [in]
    The requested IID for the data source object returned in *ppDataSource.

  • ppDataSource [in, out]
    A pointer to a data source object.

    If *ppDataSource is null on entry, IDataInitialize::GetDataSource generates a new data source object based on the information in pwszInitializationString and returns a pointer to that data source object in *ppDataSource.

    When run in a 32-bit application, if *ppDataSource is null and no provider is specified in pwszInitializationString, OLE DB Core Services returns a data source instance of OLE DB Provider for ODBC.

    When run in a 64-bit application, if *ppDataSource is null and no provider is specified in pwszInitializationString, OLE DB Core Services returns a data source instance of SQLOLEDB.

    If *ppDataSource is null and no provider is specified in pwszInitializationString, the data source object will be defaulted to the OLE DB Provider for ODBC.

    If *ppDataSource is non-null and no provider is specified in pwszInitializationString, the data source specified by *ppDataSource will be used.

    If *ppDataSource is non-null on entry and a provider is specified in pwszInitializationString, IDataInitialize::GetDataSource checks to see whether the specified provider matches the data source object passed in *ppDataSource. If so, GetDataSource sets the specified properties on the existing data source object. If not, GetDataSource returns an error and leaves *ppDataSource untouched.

Return Code

  • S_OK
    The method succeeded.

  • E_FAIL
    A provider-specific error occurred.

    The data source did not support the interface specified in riid.

    riid was IID_NULL.

    *ppDataSource was not null and did not indicate an OLE DB data source object.

    The data source object cannot return the requested interface because the data source object is not initialized.

    The data source object specified by *ppDataSource did not match the data source object specified in pwszInitializationString.

    pwszInitializationString specified a provider, pUnkOuter was not a null pointer, and riid was something other than IID_IUnknown.

    pwszInitializationString specified a provider, pUnkOuter was not a null pointer, and the provider does not support aggregation.

    dwClsCtx required out-of-process operation, which is not supported.

    The provider does not support in-process operation and cannot be aggregated.

    pwszInitializationString specified a provider, and dwClsCtx was not a valid value.

    ppDataSource was a null pointer.

    *ppDataSource and pUnkOuter were both non-null. *ppDataSource cannot be aggregated in *pUnkOuter because it has already been created.

    The provider indicated in pwszInitializationString was not found.

    dwClsCtx indicated a server type not supported by the provider specified in pwszInitializationString.

    A property specified in pwszInitializationString was not supported by the provider.

    Properties were specified in pwszInitializationString but *ppDataSource indicated a data source that was already initialized.

    A property specified in pwszInitializationString was a read-only property, and the property was not set to its default value.

    It was not possible to set a property specified in pwszInitializationString.

    One or more properties specified in pwszInitializationString conflicted with an existing property or with one another.

    A property or value specified in pwszInitializationString was invalid or not supported by the provider.



Code Example

The following code fragment shows how a consumer might use IDataInitialize to connect to a data source object:

HRESULT                hr                = S_OK;
IDBInitialize *        pIDBInitialize    = NULL;
IDataInitialize *      pIDataInitialize  = NULL;

hr = CoCreateInstance(
   reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pIDataInitialize));
   if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
      return hr;

hr = pIDataInitialize->GetDataSource(
   L"Provider=MSDAORA;User ID=Oracle;Data Source=\\ORACLE",
   reinterpret_cast<IUnknown **>(&pIDBInitialize));