Win32_DFSNodeTarget class
The Win32_DFSNodeTarget association WMI class relates a Distributed file system (DFS) node to one of its targets.
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties. Properties are listed in alphabetic order, not MOF order.
[dynamic, Provider("DFSProvider"), AMENDMENT]
class Win32_DFSNodeTarget : CIM_Dependency
Win32_DFSTarget REF Antecedent;
Win32_DFSNode REF Dependent;
The Win32_DFSNodeTarget class has these types of members:
The Win32_DFSNodeTarget class has these properties.
Reference to the instance representing a target for a DFS node. Each node has one or more targets. This property overrides the Antecedent property inherited from CIM_Dependency.
Reference to an instance representing a DFS node. This property overrides the Dependent property inherited from CIM_Dependency.
The Win32_DFSNodeTarget class is derived from CIM_Dependency.
While Impersonation works with a DFS root server, Delegation is required for all other DC's in a domain-based DFS. The following PowerShell describes how to set delegation.
Get-WmiObject Win32_DFSTarget -computer <dns-domain-name> -impersonation delegate
The following PowerShell code sample shows how to retrieve inaccessable DFS targets
#To retrieve inaccessible DFS targets:
$failed = gwmi Win32_DfsTarget -comp server | where { !(test-path "\\$($_.ServerName)\$($_.ShareName)") }
#To display info:
$failed | ft LinkName, ServerName, ShareName
#To remove and display the failures:
$failed | where{ $_.Delete().ReturnValue } | ft LinkName, ServerName, ShareName
Minimum supported client |
Windows Vista |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2008 |
Namespace |
Root\CIMV2 |