AccessFlags Metabase Property
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 with SP1
The AccessFlags property contains flags for configuring file access permissions, which are defined in the Flags section. The last four flags augment the first four flags in that they relate to access granted to remote computers. You can enable local access without remote access, but you cannot enable remote access without local access.
Attribute Name | Attribute Value |
XML Data Type |
WMI Data Type |
SINT32 |
ADSI Data Type |
ABO Data Type |
ABO Metabase Identifier |
Attributes |
Default Value |
accessread |
MetaFlagsEx |
User Type |
ID |
6016 |
Configurable Locations
You can configure this property at the following locations in the IIS metabase.
Metabase Path | IIS Admin Object Type |
/LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT /LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT/virtual_directory_name |
IIsWebVirtualDir |
/LM/W3SVC/n |
IIsWebServer |
IIsFtpServer |
IIsWebService |
IIsFtpService |
/LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT/file_name /LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT/virtual_directory_name/file_name |
IIsWebFile |
/LM/W3SVC/n/ROOT/physical_directory_name /LM/W3SVC/n/virtual_directory_name/physical_directory_name |
IIsWebDirectory |
/LM/MSFTPSVC/n/ROOT /LM/MSFTPSVC/n/ROOT/virtual_directory_name |
IIsFtpVirtualDir |
IIsNntpService |
IIsNntpServer |
/LM/NNTPSVC/n/ROOT /LM/NNTPSVC/n/ROOT/virtual_directory_name |
IIsNntpVirtualDir |
IIsSmtpService |
IIsSmtpServer |
/LM/SMTPSVC/n/ROOT /LM/SMTPSVC/n/ROOT/virtual_directory_name |
IIsSmtpVirtualDir |
Flag Name | AccessExecute |
Description |
A value of true indicates that the file or the contents of the folder may be executed, regardless of file type. |
Metabase Bitmask Identifier |
Decimal Value |
4 |
Hexadecimal Value |
0x00000004 |
Flag Name | AccessSource |
Description |
A value of true indicates that users are allowed to access source code if either Read or Write permissions are set. Source code includes scripts in Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) applications. |
Metabase Bitmask Identifier |
Decimal Value |
16 |
Hexadecimal Value |
0x00000010 |
Flag Name | AccessRead |
Description |
A value of true indicates that the file or the contents of the folder may be read through Microsoft Internet Explorer. |
Metabase Bitmask Identifier |
Decimal Value |
1 |
Hexadecimal Value |
0x00000001 |
Flag Name | AccessWrite |
Description |
A value of true indicates that users are allowed to upload files and their associated properties to the enabled directory on your server or to change content in a Write-enabled file. Write can be implemented only with a browser that supports the PUT feature of the HTTP 1.1protocol standard. |
Metabase Bitmask Identifier |
Decimal Value |
2 |
Hexadecimal Value |
0x00000002 |
Flag Name | AccessScript |
Description |
A value of true indicates that the file or the contents of the folder may be executed if they are script files or static content. A value of false only allows static files, such as HTML files, to be served. |
Metabase Bitmask Identifier |
Decimal Value |
512 |
Hexadecimal Value |
0x00000200 |
Flag Name | AccessNoRemoteExecute |
Description |
A value of true indicates that remote requests to execute applications are denied; only requests from the same computer as the IIS server succeed if the AccessExecute property is set to true. You cannot set AccessNoRemoteExecute to false to enable remote requests, and set AccessExecute to false to disable local requests. |
Metabase Bitmask Identifier |
Decimal Value |
8192 |
Hexadecimal Value |
0x00000400 |
Flag Name | AccessNoRemoteRead |
Description |
A value of true indicates that remote requests to view files are denied; only requests from the same computer as the IIS server succeed if the AccessRead property is set to true. You cannot set AccessNoRemoteRead to false to enable remote requests, and set AccessRead to false to disable local requests. |
Metabase Bitmask Identifier |
Decimal Value |
4096 |
Hexadecimal Value |
0x00001000 |
Flag Name | AccessNoRemoteWrite |
Description |
A value of true indicates that remote requests to create or change files are denied; only requests from the same computer as the IIS server succeed if the AccessWrite property is set to true. You cannot set AccessNoRemoteWrite to false to enable remote requests, and set AccessWrite to false to disable local requests. |
Metabase Bitmask Identifier |
Decimal Value |
1024 |
Hexadecimal Value |
0x00000400 |
Flag Name | AccessNoRemoteScript |
Description |
A value of true indicates that remote requests to view dynamic content are denied; only requests from the same computer as the IIS server succeed if the AccessScript property is set to true. You cannot set AccessNoRemoteScript to false to enable remote requests, and set AccessScript to false to disable local requests. |
Metabase Bitmask Identifier |
Decimal Value |
16384 |
Hexadecimal Value |
0x00004000 |
Code Example
For general code examples, see Code Examples to Configure Metabase Properties.