Dela via



Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 with SP2, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows 8

The typeperf command writes performance data to the command window or to a log file. To stop typeperf, press CTRL+C.

For examples of how to use typeperf, see Examples.


typeperf <counter [counter ...]> [options]
typeperf -cf <filename> [options]
typeperf -q [object] [options]
typeperf -qx [object] [options]




<counter [counter […]]>

Specifies performance counters to monitor.


<counter> is the full name of a performance counter in \Computer\Object(Instance)\Counter format, such as \Server1\Processor(0)% User Time.





Displays context-sensitive help.


Specifies the output file format. The default is CSV.

-cf <filename>

Specifies a file containing a list of performance counters to monitor, with one counter per line.

-si <[[hh:]mm:]ss>

Specifies the sample interval. The default is one second.

-o <filename>

Specifies the path for the output file, or the SQL database. The default is STDOUT (written to the command window).

-q [object]

Display a list of installed counters (no instances). To list counters for one object, include the object name. ***EXAMPLE

-qx [object]

Display a list of installed counters with instances. To list counters for one object, include the object name.

-sc <samples>

Specifies the number of samples to collect. The default is to collect data until CTRL+C is pressed.

-config <filename>

Specifies a settings file containing command options.

-s <computer_name>

Specifies a remote computer to monitor if no computer is specified in the counter path.


Answer yes to all questions without prompting.


  • The following example writes the values for the local computer's performance counter \\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time to the command window at a default sample interval of 1 second until CTRL+C is pressed.

    typeperf "\Processor)_Total)\% Processor Time"
  • The following example writes the values for the list of counters in the file counters.txt to the tab-delimited file domain2.tsv at a sample interval of 5 seconds until 50 samples have been collected.

    typeperf -cf counters.txt -si 5 -sc 50 -f TSV -o domain2.tsv
  • The following example queries installed counters with instances for the counter object PhysicalDisk and writes the resulting list to the file counters.txt.

    typeperf -qx PhysicalDisk -o counters.txt