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Back Up Database (General Page)

Applies to: SQL Server

Use the General page of the Back Up Database dialog box to view or modify settings for a database back up operation.

For more information about basic backup concepts, see Backup Overview (SQL Server).


When you specify a backup task by using SQL Server Management Studio, you can generate the corresponding Transact-SQL BACKUP script by clicking the Script button and then selecting a destination for the script.

To use SQL Server Management Studio to create a backup

To create a partial backup

  • For a partial backup, you must use the Transact-SQL BACKUP statement with the PARTIAL option.



The options of the Source panel identify the database and specify the backup type and component for the back up operation.

Select the database to back up.

Recovery model
View the recovery model (SIMPLE, FULL, or BULK_LOGGED) displayed for the selected database.

Backup type
Select the type of backup you want to perform on the specified database.

Backup type Available for Restrictions
Full Databases, files, and filegroups On the master database, only full backups are possible.

Under the Simple Recovery Model, file and filegroup backups are available only for read-only filegroups.
Differential Databases, files, and filegroups Under the Simple Recovery Model, file and filegroup backups are available only for read-only filegroups.
Transaction Log Transaction logs Transaction log backups are not available for the Simple Recovery Model.

Copy Only Backup
Select to create a copy-only backup. A copy-only backup is a SQL Server backup that is independent of the sequence of conventional SQL Server backups. For more information, see Copy-Only Backups (SQL Server).


When the Differential option is selected, you cannot create a copy-only backup.

Backup component
Select the database component to be backed up. If Transaction Log is selected in the Backup type list, this option is not activated.

Select one of the following option buttons:

Option Description
Database Specifies that the entire database be backed up.
Files and filegroups Specifies that the specified files and/or filegroups be backed up.

Selecting this option, opens the Select Files and Filegroups dialog box. After you select the filegroups or files you want to back up and click Ok, your selections appear in the Filegroups and files box.


The options of the Destination panel allow for you to specify the type of backup device for the back up operation and find an existing logical or physical backup device.


For information about SQL Server backup devices, see Backup Devices (SQL Server).

Back up to
Select one of the following types of media to which to back up. The destinations you select appear in the Back up to list.

Media type Description
Disk Backs up to disk. This may be a system file or a disk-based logical backup device created for the database. The currently selected disks appear in the Back up to list. You can select up to 64 disk devices for your backup operation.
Tape Backs up to tape. This may be a local tape drive or a tape-based logical backup device created for the database. The currently selected tapes appear in the Back up to list. The maximum number is 64. If there are no tape devices attached to the server, this option is deactivated. The tapes you select are listed in the Back up to list.

Note: Support for tape backup devices will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.
URL Backs up to Microsoft Azure Blob storage.

The next set of options displayed depends on the type of destination selected. If you select Disk or Tape, the following options are displayed.

Adds a file or device to the Back up to list. You can back up to 64 devices simultaneously on a local disk or remote disk. To specify a file on a remote disk, use the fully qualified universal naming convention (UNC) name. For more information, see Backup Devices (SQL Server).

Removes one or more currently selected devices from the Back up to list.

Displays the media contents for the selected device if it exists. The button does not perform a function when a URL is specified.

Select Backup Destination dialog box The Select Backup Destination dialog box appears after you select Add. The set of options displayed depends on the type of destination selected.

If you selected Disk or Tape as the backup destination, the following option is displayed.

* File Name
Specify the name of the backup file.

If you selected URL as the backup destination, the following options are displayed: * Azure storage container
The name of the Microsoft Azure storage container to store the backup files.

* Shared Access Policy:
Enter the shared access signature for a manually entered container. This field is not available if an existing container was chosen.

* Backup File:
Name of the backup file.

* New Container:
Used to register an existing container that you do not have a shared access signature for. See Connect to a Microsoft Azure Subscription.

See Also

Back Up a Transaction Log (SQL Server)
Back Up Files and Filegroups (SQL Server)
Define a Logical Backup Device for a Disk File (SQL Server)
Define a Logical Backup Device for a Tape Drive (SQL Server)
Recovery Models (SQL Server)