
Dela via

Accessing SQLXML Functionality in the .NET Environment

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database

This example shows:

  • How to use Microsoft SQLXML Managed Classes (Microsoft.Data.SqlXml) to access Microsoft SQL Server in the Microsoft .NET Framework environment.

  • How DiffGrams that are generated in the .NET Framework environment can apply data updates to SQL Server tables.

In this application, an XPath query is executed against an XSD schema. The execution of the XPath query returns an XML document that consists of contact data (FirstName, LastName). The application loads the XML document in the dataset in the .NET Framework environment. The data in the dataset is modified: the contact's first name is changed to "Susan" for the first contact in the dataset. The DiffGram is generated from the dataset, and the update that is specified in the DiffGram (the change in the employee's first name) is then applied to the Person.Contact table.


In the code, you must provide the name of the instance of SQL Server in the connection string.

using System;  
using System.Data;  
using Microsoft.Data.SqlXml;  
using System.IO;  
class Test  
   static string ConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=SqlServerName;database=AdventureWorks;Integrated Security=SSPI;";  
   public static int testParams()  
      DataRow row;  
      SqlXmlAdapter ad;  
      //need a memory stream to hold diff gram temporarily  
      MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();  
      SqlXmlCommand cmd = new SqlXmlCommand(ConnString);  
      cmd.RootTag = "ROOT";  
      cmd.CommandText = "Con";  
      cmd.CommandType = SqlXmlCommandType.XPath;  
      cmd.SchemaPath = "MySchema.xml";  
      //load data set  
      DataSet ds = new DataSet();  
      ad = new SqlXmlAdapter(cmd);  
      row = ds.Tables["Con"].Rows[0];  
      row["FName"] = "Susan";  
      return 0;  
   public static int Main(String[] args)  
      return 0;  

To test the example:

To test this example, you must have the Microsoft .NET Framework installed on your computer.

  1. Save this XSD schema (MySchema.xml) in a folder:

    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""  
      <xsd:element name="Con" sql:relation="Person.Contact" >  
            <xsd:element name="FName"    
                         type="xsd:string" />   
            <xsd:element name="LName"    
                         type="xsd:string" />  
         <xsd:attribute name="ContactID" type="xsd:integer" />  
  2. Save the C# code (DocSample.cs) provided in this example in the same folder in which the schema is stored. (If you store the files in a different folder, you will have to edit the code and specify the appropriate directory path for the mapping schema.)

  3. Compile the code. To compile the code at the command prompt, use:

    csc /reference:Microsoft.Data.SqlXML.dll DocSample.cs  

    This creates an executable (DocSample.exe).

At the command prompt, execute DocSample.exe.