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sp_describe_cursor_tables (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Reports the objects or base tables referenced by a server cursor.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ @cursor_return = ] cursor_return OUTPUT
    , [ @cursor_source = ] { N'local' | N'global' | N'*cursor_source*' }
    , [ @cursor_identity = ] N'cursor_identity'
[ ; ]


[ @cursor_return = ] cursor_return OUTPUT

The name of a declared cursor variable to receive the cursor output. @cursor_return is an OUTPUT cursor, with no default, and must not be associated with any cursors at the time sp_describe_cursor_tables is called. The cursor returned is a scrollable, dynamic, read-only cursor.

[ @cursor_source = ] { N'local' | N'global' | N'cursor_source' }

Specifies whether the cursor being reported on is specified by using the name of a local cursor, a global cursor, or a cursor variable. @cursor_source is nvarchar(30), with no default.

[ @cursor_identity = ] N'cursor_identity'

When @cursor_source is local, @cursor_identity is the name of a cursor created by a DECLARE CURSOR statement either having the LOCAL keyword, or that defaulted to LOCAL.

When @cursor_source is global, @cursor_identity is the name of a cursor created by a DECLARE CURSOR statement either having the GLOBAL keyword, or that defaulted to GLOBAL. @cursor_identity can also be the name of an API server cursor opened by an ODBC application that then named the cursor by calling SQLSetCursorName.

When @cursor_source is variable, @cursor_identity is the name of a cursor variable associated with an open cursor.

@cursor_identity is nvarchar(128), with no default.

Return code values


Cursors returned

sp_describe_cursor_tables encapsulates its report as a Transact-SQL cursor output parameter. This enables Transact-SQL batches, stored procedures, and triggers to work with the output one row at a time. This also means that the procedure can't be called directly from API functions. The cursor output parameter must be bound to a program variable, but the APIs don't support bind cursor parameters or variables.

The following table shows the format of the cursor that is returned by sp_describe_cursor_tables.

Column name Data type Description
table_owner sysname User ID of the table owner.
table_name sysname Name of the object or base table. In SQL Server, server cursors always return the user-specified object, not the base tables.
optimizer_hint smallint Bitmap that is made up of one or more of the following options:

1 = Row-level locking (ROWLOCK)
4 = Page-level locking (PAGELOCK)
8 = Table lock (TABLOCK)
16 = Exclusive table lock (TABLOCKX)
32 = Update lock (UPDLOCK)
64 = No lock (NOLOCK)
128 = Fast first-row option (FASTFIRST)
4096 = Read repeatable semantic when used with DECLARE CURSOR (HOLDLOCK)

When multiple options are supplied, the system uses the most restrictive. However, sp_describe_cursor_tables shows the flags that are specified in the query.
lock_type smallint Scroll-lock type requested either explicitly or implicitly for each base table that underlies this cursor. The value can be one of the following options:

0 = None
1 = Shared
3 = Update
server_name sysname, nullable Name of the linked server that the table resides on. NULL when OPENQUERY or OPENROWSET are used.
objectid int Object ID of the table. 0 when OPENQUERY or OPENROWSET are used.
dbid int ID of the database that the table resides in. 0 when OPENQUERY or OPENROWSET are used.
dbname sysname, nullable Name of the database that the table resides in. NULL when OPENQUERY or OPENROWSET are used.


sp_describe_cursor_tables describes the base tables referenced by a server cursor. For a description of the attributes of the result set returned by the cursor, use sp_describe_cursor_columns. For a description of the global characteristics of the cursor, such as its scrollability and updatability, use sp_describe_cursor. To obtain a report of the Transact-SQL server cursors that are visible on the connection, use sp_cursor_list.


Requires membership in the public role.


The following example opens a global cursor and uses sp_describe_cursor_tables to report on the tables referenced by the cursor.

USE AdventureWorks2022;
-- Declare and open a global cursor.
FROM Person.Person
WHERE LastName LIKE 'S%';

OPEN abc;
-- Declare a cursor variable to hold the cursor output variable
-- from sp_describe_cursor_tables.

-- Execute sp_describe_cursor_tables into the cursor variable.
EXEC master.dbo.sp_describe_cursor_tables
    @cursor_return = @Report OUTPUT,
    @cursor_source = N'global',
    @cursor_identity = N'abc';

-- Fetch all the rows from the sp_describe_cursor_tables output cursor.
FETCH NEXT from @Report;
   FETCH NEXT from @Report;

-- Close and deallocate the cursor from sp_describe_cursor_tables.
CLOSE @Report;

-- Close and deallocate the original cursor.
CLOSE abc;