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sp_trace_create (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Creates a trace definition. The new trace is in a stopped state.


This feature will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Events instead.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ @traceid = ] traceid OUTPUT
    , [ @options = ] options
    , [ @tracefile = ] N'tracefile'
    [ , [ @maxfilesize = ] maxfilesize ]
    [ , [ @stoptime = ] 'stoptime' ]
    [ , [ @filecount = ] filecount ]
[ ; ]


[ @traceid = ] traceid OUTPUT

The number assigned by SQL Server to the new trace. Any user-provided input is ignored. @traceid is an OUTPUT parameter of type int, with a default of NULL. The user employs the @traceid value to identify, modify, and control the trace defined by this stored procedure.

[ @options = ] options

Specifies the options set for the trace. @options is int, with no default. You can choose a combination of these options by specifying the sum value of options picked. For example, to turn on both the options TRACE_FILE_ROLLOVER and SHUTDOWN_ON_ERROR, specify 6 for @options.

The following table lists the options, descriptions, and their values.

Option name Option value Description
TRACE_FILE_ROLLOVER 2 Specifies that when the @filecount is reached, the current trace file is closed, and a new file is created. All new records are written to the new file. The new file has the same name as the previous file, but an integer is appended to indicate its sequence. For example, if the original trace file is named filename.trc, the next trace file is named filename_1.trc, the following trace file is filename_2.trc, and so on.

As more rollover trace files are created, the integer value appended to the file name increases sequentially.

SQL Server uses the default value of @filecount (5 MB) if this option is specified without specifying a value for @filecount.
SHUTDOWN_ON_ERROR 4 Specifies that if the trace can't be written to the file for whatever reason, SQL Server shuts down. This option is useful when performing security audit traces.
TRACE_PRODUCE_BLACKBOX 8 Specifies that a record of the last 5 MB of trace information produced by the server is saved by the server. TRACE_PRODUCE_BLACKBOX is incompatible with all other options.

[ @tracefile = ] N'tracefile'

Specifies the location and file name to which the trace is written. @tracefile is nvarchar(245) with no default. @tracefile can be either a local directory (such as N'C:\MSSQL\Trace\trace.trc') or a UNC to a share or path (such as N'\\<servername>\<sharename>\<directory>\trace.trc').

SQL Server appends a .trc extension to all trace file names. If the TRACE_FILE_ROLLOVER option and a @filecount are specified, SQL Server creates a new trace file when the original trace file grows to its maximum size. The new file has the same name as the original file, but _n is appended to indicate its sequence, starting with 1. For example, if the first trace file is named filename.trc, the second trace file is named filename_1.trc.

If you use the TRACE_FILE_ROLLOVER option, we recommend that you don't use underscore characters in the original trace file name. If you do use underscores, the following behavior occurs:

  • SQL Server Profiler doesn't automatically load or prompt you to load the rollover files (if either of these file rollover options are configured).

  • The sys.fn_trace_gettable function doesn't load rollover files (when specified by using the @number_files argument) where the original file name ends with an underscore and a numeric value. (This doesn't apply to the underscore and number that are automatically appended when a file rolls over.)


As a workaround for both of these behaviors, you can rename the files to remove the underscores in the original file name. For example, if the original file is named my_trace.trc, and the rollover file is named my_trace_1.trc, you can rename the files to mytrace.trc and mytrace_1.trc before you open the files in SQL Server Profiler.

@tracefile can't be specified when the TRACE_PRODUCE_BLACKBOX option is used.

[ @maxfilesize = ] maxfilesize

Specifies the maximum size in megabytes (MB) a trace file can grow. @maxfilesize is bigint, with a default value of 5.

If this parameter is specified without the TRACE_FILE_ROLLOVER option, the trace stops recording to the file when the disk space used exceeds the amount specified by @maxfilesize.

[ @stoptime = ] 'stoptime'

Specifies the date and time the trace will be stopped. @stoptime is datetime, with a default of NULL. If NULL, the trace runs until it's manually stopped or until the server shuts down.

If both @stoptime and @maxfilesize are specified, and TRACE_FILE_ROLLOVER isn't specified, the trace tops when either the specified stop time or maximum file size is reached. If @stoptime, @maxfilesize, and TRACE_FILE_ROLLOVER are specified, the trace stops at the specified stop time, assuming the trace doesn't fill up the drive.

[ @filecount = ] 'filecount'

Specifies the maximum number or trace files to be maintained with the same base filename. @filecount is int, greater than 1. This parameter is valid only if the TRACE_FILE_ROLLOVER option is specified. When @filecount is specified, SQL Server tries to maintain no more than @filecount trace files by deleting the oldest trace file before opening a new trace file. SQL Server tracks the age of trace files by appending a number to the base file name.

For example, when the @tracefile parameter is specified as C:\mytrace, a file with the name C:\mytrace_123.trc is older than a file with the name C:\mytrace_124.trc. If @filecount is set to 2, then SQL Server deletes the file C:\mytrace_123.trc before creating the trace file C:\mytrace_125.trc.

SQL Server only tries to delete each file once, and can't delete a file that is in use by another process. Therefore, if another application is working with trace files while the trace is running, SQL Server might leave these trace files in the file system.

Return code values

The following table describes the code values that you could get, following completion of the stored procedure.

Return code Description
0 No error.
1 Unknown error.
10 Invalid options. Returned when options specified are incompatible.
12 File not created.
13 Out of memory. Returned when there isn't enough memory to perform the specified action.
14 Invalid stop time. Returned when the stop time specified has already happened.
15 Invalid parameters. Returned when the user supplied incompatible parameters.


sp_trace_create is a SQL Server stored procedure that performs many of the actions previously executed by xp_trace_* extended stored procedures available in earlier versions of SQL Server. Use sp_trace_create instead of:

  • xp_trace_addnewqueue
  • xp_trace_setqueuecreateinfo
  • xp_trace_setqueuedestination

sp_trace_create only creates a trace definition. This stored procedure can't be used to start or change a trace.

Parameters of all SQL Trace stored procedures (sp_trace_*) are strictly typed. If these parameters aren't called with the correct input parameter data types, as specified in the argument description, the stored procedure returns an error.

For sp_trace_create, the SQL Server service account must have write permission on the trace file folder. If the SQL Server service account isn't an administrator on the computer where the trace file is located, you must explicitly grant write permission to the SQL Server service account.


You can automatically load the trace file created with sp_trace_create into a table by using the fn_trace_gettable system function. For more information, see sys.fn_trace_gettable.

For an example of using trace stored procedures, see Create a Trace.

TRACE_PRODUCE_BLACKBOX has the following characteristics:

  • It's a rollover trace. The default @filecount is 2 but can be overridden by the user using @filecount option.

  • The default @maxfilesize, as with other traces, is 5 MB and can be changed.

  • No filename can be specified. The file is saved as: N'%SQLDIR%\MSSQL\DATA\blackbox.trc'.

  • Only the following events and their columns are contained in the trace:

    • RPC starting
    • Batch starting
    • Exception
    • Attention
  • Events or columns can't be added or removed from this trace.

  • Filters can't be specified for this trace.


Requires ALTER TRACE permission.