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Release notes for SqlPackage

Download the latest version

This article lists the features and fixes delivered by the released versions of SqlPackage.

162.4.92 SqlPackage

Release date: September 18, 2024

dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage --version 162.4.92
Platform Download
Windows .NET 8 .zip file
Windows .msi file
macOS .NET 8 .zip file
Linux .NET 8 .zip file


Feature Details
Deployment The default compatibility level for new databases in Azure SQL Database is now set to 160. Blog post
JSON JSON data type is now supported in the target platform Azure SQL Database for import, export, extract, deployment, and SQL project build.


Feature Details
Deployment Fixes an issue where a partition function with a bit conversion function would result in table rebuilds during deployment. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixes an issue where deploying a change to an external table would cause all external tables to be dropped and recreated. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixes an issue where temporal tables with spaces in the column names for system_time columns would produce invalid deployment scripts. Developer Community
Deployment Fixes an issue where changing the column type between types that are compatible for type cast on a table resulted in an unnecessary table rebuild during deployment. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixes an issue where the deployment script generated for Azure SQL Database would include an ignored statement to turn off Query Store regardless of SQL project settings.
Export Fixes an issue where a bacpac export would fail during serialization but the trace log would not contain the failure message. GitHub issue
Extract Fixes an issue where the extract operation would reorder the indexes on a table when writing the table definition out to .sql files.
JSON Fixes an issue where the isjson function's json_type_constraint parameter was not recognized as a second parameter. GitHub issue
Platform References Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v5.1.6.
Schema compare Fixes an issue where schema compare expects all statements to be in the same batch, resulting in duplicate statements. GitHub issue
ScriptDOM References ScriptDOM 16.1.9142

162.3.566 SqlPackage

Release date: June 24, 2024

dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage --version 162.3.566
Platform Download
Windows .NET 8 .zip file
Windows .msi file
macOS .NET 8 .zip file
Linux .NET 8 .zip file


Feature Details
Deployment Fixes an issue where the deployment contributor API DeploymentPlanModifier methods are set as static methods. GitHub issue
Platform The SqlPackage .zip build .NET SDK is updated from 8.0.301 to 8.0.302

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported. N/A
Import A bacpac file created with SqlPackage export, except when installed by the .msi file, may fail to import with the Azure portal and Azure PowerShell when larger than 4 GB. Import the bacpac with SqlPackage or create the bacpac file with SqlPackage installed by the .msi file.
ScriptDOM Parsing a very large file can result in a stack overflow. None

162.3.563 SqlPackage

Release date: June 6, 2024

dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage --version 162.3.563
Platform Download
Windows .NET 8 .zip file
Windows .msi file
macOS .NET 8 .zip file
Linux .NET 8 .zip file


Feature Details
Microsoft Fabric Adds preview support for the target platform SqlDbFabricDatabaseSchemaProvider, representing Microsoft Fabric mirrored SQL databases. The data types supported in this target platform are limited to those supported for mirroring to Microsoft Fabric.
Platform References Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v5.1.5.
ScriptDOM References ScriptDOM 161.9109.


Feature Details
Code analysis Fixes an issue where the build output from code analysis rules was not formed consistent with MSBuild diagnostic format guidelines. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixes an issue where the deployment of an index with the ONLINE property set and a large object type (LOB) would fail.
Deployment Fixes an issue where the deployment of column encryption fails on a temporal table. GitHub issue
Deployment Reverts the changes made to avoid storing absolute paths of referenced dacpacs after project build due to issues with backwards compatibility in new behavior. GitHub issue
Extract Fixes an issue where columns used in a multi-column distribution (MCD) table were incorrectly scripting as allowing NULL values.
ScriptDOM Fixes an issue where selecting unspecified (*) columns from the table-valued function OPEN_JSON would cause the SQL project fail to build. GitHub issue

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported. N/A
Deployment The deployment contributor API DeploymentPlanModifier methods are set as static methods. Fixed in SqlPackage 162.3.566.
Import A bacpac file created with SqlPackage export, except when installed by the .msi file, may fail to import with the Azure portal and Azure PowerShell when larger than 4 GB. Import the bacpac with SqlPackage or create the bacpac file with SqlPackage installed by the .msi file.
ScriptDOM Parsing a very large file can result in a stack overflow. None

162.2.111 SqlPackage

Release date: February 27, 2024

dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage --version 162.2.111
Platform Download
Windows .NET 8 .zip file
Windows .msi file
macOS .NET 8 .zip file
Linux .NET 8 .zip file


Feature Details
Platform References Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v5.1.4.
Platform SqlPackage self-contained (.zip) downloads are now built with .NET 8.
Platform SqlPackage dotnet tool is now available for both .NET 6 and .NET 8. GitHub issue
Platform SqlPackage preview releases are now available in the dotnet tool feed.
Azure Synapse Analytics Added validation to the DW_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL project property to ensure that the value is within the valid options of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 9000 during project build.
Deployment Adds support for ONLINE index operations. Online index operations can be applied as a SqlPackage command line publish property, /p:PerformIndexOperationsOnline, and as a component in the SQL project model. GitHub issue
Parquet Improvements to extract and publish operations with data in Parquet files, including performance improvements with parallel import of data and log file size reduction.


Feature Details
Deployment Fixed an issue where packages with functions used in the apply clause of a view would fail to deploy. The previous error message was that the function was not found because the view was incorrectly deployed before the function. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixed an issue where function keywords such as NATIVE_COMPILATION and SCHEMABINDING were not correctly recognized and included in the deployment script. GitHub issue, Developer Community
Deployment Fixed an issue where references to system tables in a values clause would fail to build with an error message that the Value cannot be null. Developer Community
Deployment Fixed an issue where the absolute paths of referenced dacpacs were stored in the dacpac after project build instead of the relative paths. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixed an issue where the creation of a disabled clustered index would cause the deployment to fail if another disabled index was to be created. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixed an issue where a synonym to user-defined data types resulted in an unresolved reference. GitHub issue
Extract Fixed an issue where the DacVersion property was not being set if a version was specified for the package that did not follow format. GitHub issue
Import Fixed an issue where certain collations, including Chinese_PRC_CI_AS, would fail to import with an error message that the collation was not supported. GitHub issue
Schema compare Fixed an issue where databases with UTF8 collation would not give the correct result.
Schema compare Fixed an issue where schema compare would not include external data source, external file format, and external table objects when evaluating Synapse serverless SQL pools.
Security Fixed SqlPackage on .NET support for universal authentication (/ua), which supports Microsoft Entra ID authentication with multi-factor authentication (MFA).
System dacpacs Fixed an issue where the pdw* views were not included in the Synapse Data Warehouse master.dacpac. GitHub issue, Developer Community

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported. N/A
Import A bacpac file created with SqlPackage export, except when installed by the .msi file, may fail to import with the Azure portal and Azure PowerShell when larger than 4 GB. Import the bacpac with SqlPackage or create the bacpac file with SqlPackage installed by the .msi file.
ScriptDOM Parsing a very large file can result in a stack overflow. None

162.1.172 SqlPackage

Release date: January 9, 2024

dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage --version 162.1.172
Platform Download
Windows .NET 6 .zip file
Windows .msi file
macOS .NET 6 .zip file
Linux .NET 6 .zip file


Feature Details
Platform References Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v5.1.3.

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported. N/A
Import A bacpac file created with SqlPackage export, except when installed by the .msi file, may fail to import with the Azure portal and Azure PowerShell when larger than 4 GB. Import the bacpac with SqlPackage or create the bacpac file with SqlPackage installed by the .msi file.
ScriptDOM Parsing a very large file can result in a stack overflow. None

162.1.167 SqlPackage

Release date: October 19, 2023

Platform Download
Windows .NET 6 .zip file
Windows .msi file
macOS .NET 6 .zip file
Linux .NET 6 .zip file


Feature Details
Platform References Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v5.1.1.
Azure Synapse Analytics Adds support for PARSER_VERSION in FORMAT_OPTIONS for Azure Synapse Analytics serverless SQL pools. Documentation
Azure Synapse Analytics Adds support for multi-column distribution (MCD) in CREATE VIEW for Azure Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL pools. GitHub issue
Azure Synapse Analytics Adds support for /p:TableData property on extract operations to Parquet files, enabling the ability to specify which tables to export data for. GitHub issue
Fabric Data Warehouse Adds support for extract and publish for Fabric Data Warehouse databases. Publish capabilities don't support changes that require existing tables to be altered. The target platform enum value is SqlDwUnifiedDatabaseSchemaProvider in SQL database projects.
Parquet Adds preview support for extract and publish with data stored in Parquet files in Azure Blob Storage with Azure SQL Managed Instance and SQL Server 2022. Azure SQL Database and SQL Server 2019 and earlier are not supported. Data must be in supported data types for CETAS. Extract and publish with Parquet files offers performance improvements over import/export to bacpac files in many scenarios.
Publish Adds /p:AllowTableRecreation property to publish operation. The default (true) is consistent with previous behavior, where a table change may require that a table is recreated while the table data is preserved however the deployment may take a significant amount of time or change tracking data could be lost. Setting the property /p:AllowTableRecreation to false results in the deployment not starting if recreation is needed for any table. GitHub issue


Feature Details
Application Fixes an issue where the SqlPackage CLI would throw an exception when the output was redirected. GitHub issue
Azure Synapse Analytics Fixes an issue where a publish operation fails to parse a statement containing the filepath() or filename() functions.
Import AUTO_DROP option is excluded from statistics when importing a bacpac to a version of SQL Server that doesn't support AUTO_DROP.
Import Fixes an issue where imports of databases containing ALTER or CREATE of availability groups would fail to import.
Export Fixes an issue where dropped ledger columns were inclued in a bacpac export, resulting in an error message during import.
Export Fixes an issue where /p:CompressionOption wasn't honored when exporting to a bacpac file.
Extract Fixes an issue where /p:ExtractTarget options for non-dacpac options still required the target file to have a .dacpac extension. GitHub issue
Ledger Fixes an issue where import or publish of a database containing a dropped ledger table fails due to attempting to create permissions for the dropped table.
Ledger Fixes an issue where import of a database containing a dropped ledger table fails due to attempting to import data to the dropped table.
Polybase Fixes an issue where Azure SQL Managed Instance databases with RDBMS external tables could not be exported or extracted. GitHub issue
Publish DropObjectsNotInSource doesn't drop objects that are permissions or role memberships. Use DropPermissionsNotInSource or DropRoleMembersNotInSource to enable dropping permissions or role memberships. GitHub issue
Publish Fixes an issue where the publish operation fails when the user connecting doesn't have access to master in Azure SQL Database.
Publish Fixes an issue where deployments that include interactions with column encryption would experience intermittent execution timeout errors.
Publish Fixes an issue where deploying a dacpac built with .NET/.NET Core would fail if RegisterDataTierApplication was set to true. GitHub issue
Publish Fixes an issue where system versioned table is modified and a new schema is created results in the deployment failing. GitHub issue

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported. N/A
Import A bacpac file created with SqlPackage export, except when installed by the .msi file, may fail to import with the Azure portal and Azure PowerShell when larger than 4 GB. Import the bacpac with SqlPackage or create the bacpac file with SqlPackage installed by the .msi file.
ScriptDOM Parsing a very large file can result in a stack overflow. None

162.0.52 SqlPackage

Release date: May 11, 2023

Platform Download Version
Windows .NET 6 .zip file 162.0.52
Windows .msi file 162.0.52
macOS .NET 6 .zip file 162.0.52
Linux .NET 6 .zip file 162.0.52


Feature Details
Platform SqlPackage now collects usage data, including anonymous feature usage and diagnostic data. For more information, see Usage data collection.
Platform References Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v5.1.0
Azure Synapse Analytics Adds support for DW_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL.
ScriptDOM ScriptDOM is now available as a standalone package on NuGet and is open source on GitHub.
System dacpacs The master and msdb system dacpacs are now available on NuGet as Microsoft.SqlServer.Dacpacs.Master and Microsoft.SqlServer.Dacpacs.Msdb. More information on the system dacpacs and consuming dacpacs as a package reference is available in the DacFx GitHub repository.


Feature Details
Azure Synapse Analytics Fixes an issue where the default command timeout wasn't set properly when connecting to Azure Synapse Analytics serverless SQL pools.
Azure Synapse Analytics Fixes an issue where Azure Synapse Analytics serverless SQL pools would incorrectly determine the default data and log paths.
Azure Synapse Analytics Fixes an issue where Azure Synapse Analytics serverless SQL pools would incorrectly determine the default login, user and schema.
Azure SQL Database Fixes an issue where temporal history retention wasn't correctly recognized as not configured (null).
Deployment Fixes an issue where the deployment plan fails to detect a dependency on a table/view in subqueries within FROM VALUES clause. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixes an issue where deployment would fail when the target database contains a rule bound to a column.
Deployment Fixes an issue where deployment would fail when the target database contains a rule bound to a column with a user-defined type. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixes an issue where the retention period on a temporal table would be reset to the default value when another change is made to the table. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixes an issue where updates to a primary key isn't included in the deployment when the table has compression options specified.
Deployment Fixes an issue where a non-clustered index on a partitioned table is rebuilt even when no changes are made to the table. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixes an issue where ignorecolumnorder property isn't honored by a history table when no changes are made to a system-versioned table except the columns are reordered.
Deployment Fixes an issue where external tables would be dropped and redeployed despite no changes when the table definition contained SQLCMD variables. GitHub issue
Export Fixes an issue where the diagnostic information provided during an export operation incorrectly reports the size of a table in KB instead of Bytes. GitHub issue
Import Fixes an issue where an Azure Active Directory user can't be created during import to Azure SQL Database, causing the import to fail. GitHub issue
Ledger Fixes an issue where SqlPackage wasn't correctly identifying the error when the Ledger history table or view have an invalid two-part name.
Permissions Fixes an issue where permissions assigned to a user in the database model are not recognized, causing the project build or SqlPackage operation to fail.
Query Store Fixes an issue where the flush_interval_seconds Query Store option wasn't correctly validated with a minimum value of 60 seconds.
SQL Server 2022 Fixes an issue where the function DATETRUNC wasn't recognized as a built-in function. Developer Community report
SQL Server 2022 Fixes an issue where the function DATE_BUCKET wasn't recognized as a built-in function.

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported. N/A
Import A bacpac file created with SqlPackage export, except when installed by the .msi file, may fail to import with the Azure portal and Azure PowerShell when larger than 4 GB. Import the bacpac with SqlPackage or create the bacpac file with SqlPackage installed by the .msi file.
ScriptDOM Parsing a very large file can result in a stack overflow. None

161.8089.0 SqlPackage

Release date: February 13, 2023

Platform Download Version Build
Windows .NET 6 .zip file 161.8089.0 16.1.8089.0
Windows .msi file 161.8089.0 16.1.8089.0
macOS .NET 6 .zip file 161.8089.0 16.1.8089.0
Linux .NET 6 .zip file 161.8089.0 16.1.8089.0


Version 161 of SqlPackage encrypts database connections by default. Previously successful connections with self-signed certificates or without encryption may not connect with v161 without updating the SqlPackage parameters. For more information, see


Feature Details
Deployment Adds the ability for the GenerateSmartDefaults property on publish to populate values from a default constraint when set to true. GitHub issue
Azure Synapse Analytics Adds support for serverless SQL pools in Extract and Publish operations.
SQL Server 2022 Adds support for ordered clustered columnstore indexes.


Feature Details
Deployment Fixes an issue where publish to SQL on Linux would fail due to the default data and log paths being empty. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixes an issue where publishing an external table with file format changes would result in an error. GitHub issue
Deployment Fixes an issue where publish with a column encrypted with randomized encryption wouldn't fail immediately if the column encryption key (CEK) was inaccessible, delaying the deployment error until the column encryption step.
Refactor Fixes an issue where a renamed column on a system versioned table would result in the system versioning being turned off and not turned back on. GitHub issue
Platform Fixes an issue where SqlPackage operations would fail on RHEL 9 due to an encryption error. Moves to use the 6.0.10 version of the .NET 6 runtime. GitHub issue
Schema compare Fixes an issue where the DoNotEvaluateSqlCmdVariables property for Publish and Script would result in the SqlCmd variables also not being evaluated on both the source and target instead of only the source.
ScriptDOM Fixes external table support for REJECT_SAMPLE_VALUE.
ScriptDOM Fixes an issue where compression options could not be applied to a table with a clustered index.
SQL projects Fixes an issue where valid options for the QueryStoreFlushInterval are incorrectly reported as invalid. Developer Community report

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported. N/A
ScriptDOM Parsing a very large file can result in a stack overflow. None

161.6374.0 SqlPackage

Release date: November 9, 2022

Platform Download Version Build
Windows .NET 6 .zip file 161.6374.0 16.1.6374.0
Windows .msi file 161.6374.0 16.1.6374.0
macOS .NET 6 .zip file 161.6374.0 16.1.6374.0
Linux .NET 6 .zip file 161.6374.0 16.1.6374.0


Version 161 of SqlPackage encrypts database connections by default. Previously successful connections with self-signed certificates or without encryption may not connect with v161 without updating the SqlPackage parameters. For more information, see


Feature Details
Platform Changes connections to use encryption and not trust the server certificate by default. This is a breaking change for connections using self-signed certificates or without encryption by default. For more information, see this dedicated article.
Platform References Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v5.0.1
Platform SqlPackage is now available for installation as a dotnet tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms.
Always Encrypted Adds support for VBS (Virtualization-based security) with secure enclaves.
Connectivity Adds support for TDS 8.0 and parameters for /SourceHostNameInCertificate and /TargetHostNameInCertificate to SqlPackage operations.
Replication Adds support for sp_addpublication with peer-to-peer replication.
ScriptDOM Adds support for isn't DISTINCT FROM syntax with predicate subqueries.
Server-level roles Adds support for additional fixed server roles: MS_DatabaseConnector, MS_LoginManager, MS_DatabaseManager, MS_ServerStateManager, MS_ServerStateReader, MS_ServerPerformanceStateReader, MS_ServerSecurityStateReader, MS_DefinitionReader, MS_PerformanceDefinitionReader, MS_SecurityDefinitionReader.
SQL Server 2022 Adds support for T-SQL function changes associated with SQL Server 2022: GREATEST(), LEAST(), STRING_SPLIT(), DATETRUNC(), LTRIM(), RTRIM(), and TRIM().
SQL Server 2022 Adds support for JSON function changes associated with SQL Server 2022: ISJSON(), JSON_PATH_EXISTS(), JSON_OBJECT(), and JSON_ARRAY().
SQL Server 2022 Adds support for bit manipulation functions associated with SQL Server 2022: LEFT_SHIFT(), RIGHT_SHIFT(), BIT_COUNT(), GET_BIT(), and SET_BIT().
SQL Server 2022 Adds support for time series function changes associated with SQL Server 2022: DATE_BUCKET(), GENERATE_SERIES(), FIRST_VALUE(), and LAST_VALUE().
Statistics Adds support for STATISTICS AUTO_DROP option.
XML compression Adds support for XML compression on XML indexes.

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported. N/A
ScriptDOM Parsing a very large file can result in a stack overflow. None

19.2 SqlPackage

Release date: September 22, 2022

Platform Download Version Build
Windows .msi file 19.2 16.0.6296.0
macOS .NET 6 .zip file 19.2 16.0.6296.0
Linux .NET 6 .zip file 19.2 16.0.6296.0
Windows .NET 6 .zip file 19.2 16.0.6296.0


Feature Details
Connection pooling Enables connection pooling for all connections if the environment variable CONNECTION_POOLING_ENABLED is set to True. This is recommended for operations with Azure Active Directory username/password connections to avoid Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) throttling.
Deployment options Surfaces friendly names for deployment options in DacFx .NET APIs.
Dynamic Data Masking Adds support for granular UNMASK permissions in Import/Export and Extract/Publish.
Ledger Adds SQL Ledger history table in schema model for validation and export/extract, doesn't import or publish the history table to a database.
Platform SqlPackage is now built with .NET 6
SQL Server 2022 Adds support for permissions ALTER LEDGER CONFIGURATION, VIEW PERFORMANCE DEFINITION, VIEW ANY PERFORMANCE DEFINITION. Learn more about the permission definitions available in the permissions documentation.
XML compression XML compression support in ScriptDOM, Import/Export, and Extract/Publish. More information on XML data and XML compression is available in the XML data documentation.


Feature Details
Export Fixes an issue where export would fail when a table had stats with computed columns
Import Fixes an issue where the import would get stuck at 95%
ScriptDOM Fixes an issue where STRING_SPLIT wouldn't support a NULL ordinal value

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported. N/A
ScriptDOM Parsing a very large file can result in a stack overflow. None
XML compression XML compression of an XML index isn't yet supported in SqlPackage. N/A

19.1 SqlPackage

Release date: May 24, 2022

Platform Download Version Build
Windows .msi file 19.1 16.0.6161.0
macOS .NET Core .zip file 19.1 16.0.6161.0
Linux .NET Core .zip file 19.1 16.0.6161.0
Windows .NET Core .zip file 19.1 16.0.6161.0


Feature Details
Azure Synapse Analytics Adds support for Native external data source.
Extract Adds support for ExtractTarget property on extract operations. Extract now supports extracting to .sql as a file per object organized in a single folder, object type, schema, or object type and schema.
ScriptDOM Adds support for isn't DISTINCT FROM syntax.


Feature Details
Azure Synapse Analytics Fixes publish operation for table name change where table name includes '/' character.
Export Fixes export of a SQL ledger history table with dependencies.
Extract Fixes extract operation failure where an offset clause using a function is used in a stored procedure.
Extract Fixes warnings on extract operation for ledger tables.
General Fixes issue where command timeout setting wasn't properly applied.
Import Fixes issue where full text index gets disabled on import.
Publish Fixes issue where publish operation would drop and create a clustered columnstore index when a column is added.
Publish Fixes issue where graph tables fail to deploy when a partition function includes leading zeros.
ScriptDOM Fixes an issue where IIF condition is enclosed in parenthesis fails to parse.

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported. N/A
Deployment Increased deployment time when deploying using Azure Active Directory user/password authentication due to Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) throttling. More Information on GitHub Use an alternative authentication method, such as Azure Active Directory Service Principal
Deployment SqlPackage on .NET Core for Windows, macOS, and Linux fails during a publish operation with an error message "Unrecognized configuration section system.diagnostics" when in-place encryption is used for Always Encrypted with secure enclaves. Remove the file sqlpackage.dll.config from the SqlPackage folder.
ScriptDOM Parsing a very large file can result in a stack overflow. None

19.0 SqlPackage

Release date: January 25, 2022

Platform Download Version Build
Windows .msi file 19.0 16.0.5400.1
macOS .NET Core .zip file 19.0 16.0.5400.1
Linux .NET Core .zip file 19.0 16.0.5400.1
Windows .NET Core .zip file 19.0 16.0.5400.1


Feature Details
Always Encrypted Adds support for in-place encryption for Always Encrypted columns. Publish can now leverage a server-side secure enclave to encrypt, decrypt, and re-encrypt database columns in-place. This avoids the expense of moving the data outside of the database. See pre-requisites for in-place encryption in Configure column encryption in-place using Always Encrypted with secure enclaves. Note: In-place encryption is supported only with the offline approach.
Azure Synapse Analytics Adds support for column-level symmetric encryption.
Ledger Adds supports for exporting and importing databases with ledger tables. The following limitations apply to Export: Ledger history tables and dropped ledger tables aren't migrated; the values of GENERATED ALWAYS columns and the data in ledger system views isn't migrated; the value of the database-level Ledger property is ignored.
Platform Adds support for .NET 6 as the target framework
Platform References Microsoft.Data.SqlClient (3.0) instead of System.Data.SqlClient in .NET Framework version. Upgrade Microsoft.Data.SqlClient from 2.1.3 to 3.0 for .NET Core version.
Platform Upgrades .NET Framework target version to .NET 4.6.2
ScriptDOM Adds support for Sql160 parser.


Feature Details
Deployment Fixes issue with interpretation of table distribution on column within a stored procedure.
Deployment Fixes issue with "Drop objects not in source" option during publish operation.
Deployment Fixes for Deploying a dacpac with temporal table having sensitivity classification.
Deployment Fixes a bug when variables are verified even when DoNotEvaluateSqlCmdVariables is set to true
Extract Fix for Refactor log of referenced dacpac according to includeCompositeObjects selection.
Import Fixes issue with importing database scope configurations that are not supported in target server
SQL Project Fixes issue where incremental statistics caused an issue with the project build when applied to a primary key.
SQL Project Fixes building a project with file tables.

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported. N/A
Deployment Increased deployment time when deploying using Azure Active Directory user/password authentication due to Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) throttling. More Information on GitHub Use an alternative authentication method, such as Azure Active Directory Service Principal
ScriptDOM Parsing a very large file can result in a stack overflow. None

18.8 SqlPackage

Release date: October 4, 2021

Platform Download Version Build
Windows .msi file 18.8 15.0.5282.3
macOS .NET Core .zip file 18.8 15.0.5282.3
Linux .NET Core .zip file 18.8 15.0.5282.3
Windows .NET Core .zip file 18.8 15.0.5282.3


Feature Details
Export Adds option VerifyExtraction to change behavior of schema model validation on export
Azure SQL Support for ledger database and tables, including import and export actions.
Platform Upgrade Microsoft.Data.SqlClient from 2.0.0 to 2.1.3 for .NET Core version
Azure Synapse Analytics Support for column encryption with symmetric key
Azure Synapse Analytics Support for column encryption with CREATE CERTIFICATE
Azure Synapse Analytics Support for MERGE statement
Deployment Variable parameterization for AE columns, new publish property IsAlwaysEncryptedParameterizationEnabled
Deployment Support for IgnoreWorkloadClassifiers & IgnoreDatabaseWorkloadGroups publish properties
Deployment Support for external language runtimes
ScriptDOM Support for ledger database and tables
ScriptDOM Support for INCLUDE columns in inline index definitions


Feature Details
Deployment Fixed an issue where external user deployment to Azure SQL Managed Instance would fail
Deployment Fix for deployment order involving temporal tables to drop dependencies before turning system versioning off
Deployment Fix for Always Encrypted deployment bug with error "Invalid object name '#tmpErrors'"
Export Validation for SqlPackage parameters ExcludeObjectType(s) and DoNotDropObjectType(s)
Export Fixed export failure when there are change data capture (CDC) objects in database by excluding
Extract Adds a retry to extract validation when first time fails due to race condition
Import Fixed occasional deadlocks when importing to Azure by setting MAXDOP to 1
Import Fixed import failure when temporal table has dependency on security policy with schema binding on
Platform DacFramework.msi is now signed by "Microsoft SQL Server Data-Tier Application Framework" instead of "SQL Server 2012"
Platform Default to large arrays in x64 SqlPackage, fixes some scenarios involving large databases
Schema Compare Fix for schema compare failing for equal databases with database scoped configurations
Schema Compare Fixed schema compare with columnstore indexes
SQL Project Fixed a bug with build error for "GRANT EXECUTE ANY EXTERNAL SCRIPT"
SQL Project Fixed a bug where database project with columnstore index and a (n)varchar(max) column builds successfully but fails at deployment
SQL Project Fixed unresolved reference warnings for table distribution columns within Stored Procedures

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported N/A
Deployment The Azure SQL ledger table feature isn't yet supported N/A

18.7.1 SqlPackage

Release date: June 2, 2021

Build: 15.0.5164.1


Feature Details
Auditing Adds support for EXTERNAL_MONITOR.
Azure Synapse Analytics Adds support for PREDICT.
Logging Adds SqlPackage version and architecture information to diagnostic log file.


Feature Details
Export Fixed an issue where exporting a table with text or image in the first column would fail without a clustered index.
Export Fixed an issue where exporting a table without a clustered index that has the order of columns in a statistic in a different order than the table create script would fail.

18.7 SqlPackage

Release date: March 10, 2021

Build: 15.0.5084.2


Feature Details
Deployment Extract/Publish Big Data to/from Azure Storage. For more info, see SqlPackage for Big Data
Azure Synapse Analytics Row level security support (inline table-valued function, security policy, security predicate)
Azure Synapse Analytics Workload classification support
Azure SQL Edge External streaming job support
Azure SQL Edge Added table and database options for data retention.
Import Added 2 new index option properties for import operation. DisableIndexesForDataPhase (Disable indexes before importing data into SQL Server, default true) and RebuildIndexesOfflineForDataPhase (Rebuild indexes offline after importing data into SQL Server, default false)
Logging Added property for all operations (HashObjectNamesInLogs) that will turn all object names into a hash string in log messages.
Performance Improvements to import and export performance, including additional logging to assist in determining additional bottlenecks.
SQLCMD Added property for Deployment and Schema Compare (DoNotEvaluateSqlCmdVariables) that specifies whether SQLCMD variables will be replaced with values.


Feature Details
Deployment Default MAXDOP changed from 0 to 8 for Azure SQL, updating schema model default in DacFx
Schema Compare Stored procedures using OUT and OUTPUT keywords to be ignored as a difference
Deployment Additional validation for Big Data tokens
Build/Deployment Full schema model cleanup of temp external tables for final dacpac consistency.
Build/Deployment Adding error handling and fixing non-Edge 150 RE.
Import/Deployment Sequence value restored during deployment
Deployment Fixed an issue where changing the compression option on clustered index caused the table to be recreated instead of alter index.
Deployment Fixed an issue where a clustered columnstore index was dropped and recreated if table column changed.
Deployment Fixed external users getting dropped and recreated during deployment.
Schema Compare Fixed schema compare issue with external streaming job.
Import Null reference exception raised when enabling ambient setting ReliableDdlEnabled scripting a deployment report.
Deployment Fixed an issue where deployment steps containing system versioning would be created in the incorrect order.
Deployment Fixed an issue where schema compare update or dacpac deploy failed due to target containing temporal tables.
Deployment Reseeds identity value after deployment based on target's previous last value.

Known Issues

Feature Details Workaround
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported N/A
Deployment In an incremental deploy scenario, when the user is dropping a temporal table along with dropping objects that are dependent on it, like functions, stored procedures etc. the deployment can fail. The script generation order tries to turn off SYSTEM_VERSIONING on the table that is a pre-req for dropping the table, but the order of generated steps is incorrect. Work item Generate the deployment script, move the System_Versioning OFF step to just before the table being dropped and then run the script.

18.6 SqlPackage

Release date: September 18, 2020

Build: 15.0.4897.1


Feature Details
Platform Updated SqlPackage for .NET Core version to .NET Core 3.1
Always Encrypted Added support for secure enclave import and export for SQL Server 2019
Deployment Added support to ignore change data capture enabled tables when exporting from Azure SQL Database
Deployment Added support for index option OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY in Azure SQL Database
Deployment Added support for identity columns for Azure Synapse Analytics
Help Output the SqlPackage version in the help (/?) and support the /version parameter


Feature Details
Deployment Fixed an incorrect deployment script generated when targeting Azure SQL Managed Instance as a non-sysadmin user
Deployment Fixed loading deployment contributors when running script actions
Help Output correct elapsed time in SqlPackage when operation take longer than 1 day
Deployment Fixed dacpac registration when deploying for .NET Core
Deployment Fixed SqlPackage on .NET Core handling of the /accessToken (/at) parameter
Deployment Allow ALTER TABLE statements in stored procedures as non-top level statements
Deployment Fixed Azure Synapse Analytics validation of materialized views to be case insensitive

Known Issues

Feature Details
Deployment The Azure Synapse Analytics Workload Management feature (Workload Groups and Workload Classifiers) isn't yet supported

18.5.1 SqlPackage

Release date: June 24, 2020

Build: 15.0.4826.1


Feature Details
Deployment Fixed a regression that was introduced in 18.5 causing there to be an "Incorrect syntax near 'type'" error when deploying a dacpac or importing a bacpac with a user with external login to on premises

18.5 SqlPackage

Release date: April 28, 2020

Build: 15.0.4769.1


Feature Details
Deployment Data Sensitivity classification now supported for SQL Server 2008 and up, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Synapse Analytics
Deployment Add Azure Synapse Analytics support for table constraints
Deployment Add Azure Synapse Analytics support for ordered clustered columnstore index
Deployment Add support for External Data Source (Oracle, Teradata, MongoDB/CosmosDB, ODBC, Big Data Cluster) and External Table for SQL Server 2019 Big Data Cluster
Deployment Add SQL Database Edge Instance as supported edition
Deployment Support Azure SQL Managed Instance server names of the form '<server>.<dnszone>'
Deployment Add support for copy command in Azure Synapse Analytics
Deployment Add deployment option 'IgnoreTablePartitionOptions' during Publish to avoid table recreation when there is change in partition function on table for Azure Synapse Analytics
.NET Core Add support for Microsoft.Data.SqlClient in .NET Core version of SqlPackage


Fix Details
Deployment Fix parsing json path as expression
Deployment Fix generating GRANT statements for AlterAnyDatabaseScopedConfiguration and AlterAnySensitivityClassification permissions
Deployment Fix External Script permission not being recognized
Deployment Fix for inline property - the implicit addition of the property should not show in difference but explicit mention should show through script
Deployment Resolved an issue where changing a Table referenced by a Materialized View (MV) causes Alter View statements to be generated. Alter View statements are not supported for MVs for Azure Synapse Analytics.
Deployment Fix publish failing when adding column to a table with data for Azure Synapse Analytics
Deployment Fix update script should move data to a new table when changing the distribution column type (data loss scenario) for Azure Synapse Analytics
ScriptDom Fix ScriptDom bug where it couldn't recognize inline constraints defined after an inline index
ScriptDom Fix ScriptDom SYSTEM_TIME missing closing parenthesis when in a batch statement
Always Encrypted Fix #tmpErrors table failing to drop if SqlPackage reconnects and the temp table is already gone because the temporary table goes away when the connection dies

Known Issues

Feature Details
Deployment A regression was introduced in 18.5 causing there to be an "Incorrect syntax near 'type'" error when deploying a dacpac or importing a bacpac with a user with external login to on premises. Workaround is to use SqlPackage 18.4 and it will be fixed in the next SqlPackage release.
.NET Core Importing bacpacs with sensitivity classification fails with "Internal connection fatal error" because of this known issue in Microsoft.Data.SqlClient. This will be fixed in the next SqlPackage release.

18.4.1 SqlPackage

Release date: December 13, 2019

Build: 15.0.4630.1


Fix Details
ScriptDom A ScriptDom parsing regression was introduced in 18.3.1 where 'RENAME' is incorrectly treated as a top-level token, cause parsing to fail.

Known Issues

Feature Details
Deployment A regression was introduced in 18.4.1 causing there to be an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error when deploying a dacpac or importing a bacpac with a user with external login. Workaround is to use SqlPackage 18.4 and it will be fixed in the next SqlPackage release.

18.4 SqlPackage

Release date: October 29, 2019

Build: 15.0.4573.2


Feature Details
Deployment Add support to deploy to Azure Synapse Analytics.
Platform SqlPackage .NET Core generally available for macOS, Linux, and Windows.
Security Remove SHA1 code signing.
Deployment Add support for new Azure database editions: GeneralPurpose, BusinessCritical, Hyperscale
Deployment Add Azure SQL Managed Instance support for Azure Active Directory user and groups.
Deployment Support the /AccessToken parameter for SqlPackage on .NET Core.

Known Issues

Feature Details
ScriptDom A ScriptDom parsing regression was introduced in 18.3.1 where 'RENAME' is incorrectly treated as a top-level token, cause parsing to fail. This will be fixed in the next SqlPackage release.

Known Issues for .NET Core

Feature Details
Import For .bacpac files with compressed files over 4 GB in size, you might need to use the .NET Core version of SqlPackage to perform the import. This behavior is due to how .NET Core generates zip headers, which although valid, are not readable by the .NET Full Framework version of SqlPackage.
Deployment The parameter /p:Storage=File isn't supported. Only Memory is supported on .NET Core.
Always Encrypted SqlPackage .NET Core doesn't support Always Encrypted columns.
Security SqlPackage .NET Core doesn't support the /ua parameter for multi-factor authentication.
Deployment Older V2 dacpac and bacpac files that use json data serialization aren't supported.

18.3.1 SqlPackage

Release date: September 13, 2019

Build: 15.0.4538.1


Feature Details
Deployment Add support to deploy to Azure Synapse Analytics (preview).
Deployment Add /p:DatabaseLockTimeout=(INT32 '60') parameter to SqlPackage.
Deployment Add /p:LongRunningCommandTimeout=(INT32) parameter to SqlPackage.
Export/Extract Add /p:TempDirectoryForTableData=(STRING) parameter to SqlPackage.
Deployment Allow deployment contributors to be loaded from additional locations. Deployment contributors will be loaded from the same directory as the target .dacpac being deployed, the Extensions directory relative to the SqlPackage binary, and the /p:AdditionalDeploymentContributorPaths=(STRING) parameter added to SqlPackage where additional directory locations can be specified.
Deployment Add support for OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY.


Fix Details
Deployment Fix to ignore automatic indexes so that they are not dropped on deployment.
Always Encrypted Fix for handling Always Encrypted varchar columns.
Build/Deployment Fix to resolve the nodes() method for xml column sets.
ScriptDom Fix additional cases where the 'URL' string was interpreted as a top level token.
Graph Fix generated SQL for pseudo column references in constraints.
Export Generate random passwords that meet complexity requirements.
Deployment Fix to honor command timeouts when retrieving constraints.
.NET Core (preview) Fix diagnostic logging to a file.
.NET Core (preview) Use streaming to export table data to support large tables.

18.2 SqlPackage

Release date: April 15, 2019

Build: 15.0.4384.2


Feature Details
Graph Add graph table support for edge constraints and edge constraint clauses.
Deployment Enabled model validation rule to support 32 columns for index keys for SQL Server 2016 and up.


Fix Details
Deployment Fix reverse engineering a SQL Server 2016 RTM database due to an unsupported query hint being used.
Deployment Fix deployment ordering of auto close alter statements to occur before create filegroup statements.
ScriptDom Fix ScriptDom parsing regression where the 'URL' string was interpreted as a top level token.
Deployment Fix a null reference exception when parsing an alter table add index statement.
Schema Compare Fixed schema compare for nullable persisted computed columns always showing as different.

18.1 SqlPackage

Release date: February 1, 2019

Build: 15.0.4316.1

Preview release.


Feature Details
Deployment Added support for UTF8 collations.
Deployment Enabled nonclustered columnstore indexes on an indexed view.
Platform Moved to .NET Core 2.2.
Schema Compare Use memory backed storage for schema compare on .NET Core.


Fix Details
Performance Performance fix to use the legacy cardinality estimator for reverse engineering queries.
Performance Fixed a significant schema compare performance issue when generating a script.
Schema Compare Fixed the schema drift detection logic to ignore certain extended event (xevent) sessions.
Graph Fixed import ordering for graph tables.
Export Fixed exporting external tables with object permissions.

Known issues

This release includes cross-platform preview builds of SqlPackage that target .NET Core 2.2. The SqlPackage can run on macOS and Linux.

Known issue Details
Deployment For .NET Core, build and deployment contributors aren't supported.
Deployment For .NET Core, older dacpac and bacpac files that use json data serialization aren't supported.
Deployment For .NET Core, referenced dacpacs (for example master.dacpac) may not resolve due to issues with case-sensitive file systems. A workaround is to capitalize the name of the reference file (for example MASTER.BACPAC).

18.0 SqlPackage

Release date: October 24, 2018

Build: 15.0.4200.1


Feature Details
Deployment Added support for database compatibility level 150.
Deployment Added support for Azure SQL Managed Instances.
Performance Added MaxParallelism command-line parameter to specify the degree of parallelism for database operations.
Security Added AccessToken command-line parameter to specify an authentication token when connecting to SQL Server.
Import Added support to stream BLOB/CLOB data types for imports.
Deployment Added support for scalar UDF 'INLINE' option.
Graph Added support for graph table 'MERGE' syntax.


Fix Details
Graph Fixed unresolved pseudo-column for graph tables.
Deployment Fixed creating a database with memory optimized file groups when memory optimized tables are used.
Deployment Fixed including extended properties on external tables.

17.8 SqlPackage

Release date: June 22, 2018

Build: 14.0.4079.2


Feature Details
Diagnostics Improved error messages for connection failures, including the SqlClient exception message.
Deployment Support index compression on single partition indexes for import/export.


Fix Details
Deployment Fixed a reverse engineering issue for XML column sets with SQL 2017 and later.
Deployment Fixed an issue where scripting the database compatibility level 140 was ignored for Azure SQL Database.

17.4.1 SqlPackage

Release date: January 25, 2018

Build: 14.0.3917.1


Feature Details
Import/Export Added ThreadMaxStackSize command-line parameter to parse Transact-SQL with a large number of nested statements.
Deployment Database catalog collation support.


Fix Details
Import When importing an Azure SQL Database bacpac to an on-premises instance, fixed errors due to Database master keys without password are not supported in this version of SQL Server.
Graph Fixed an unresolved pseudo column error for graph tables.
Schema Compare Fixed SQL authentication to compare schemas.

17.4.0 SqlPackage

Release date: December 12, 2017

Build: 14.0.3881.1


Feature Details
Deployment Added support for temporal retention policy on SQL 2017+ and Azure SQL Database.
Diagnostics Added /DiagnosticsFile:"C:\Temp\SqlPackage.log" command-line parameter to specify a file path to save diagnostic information.
Diagnostics Added /Diagnostics command-line parameter to log diagnostic information to the console.


Fix Details
Deployment don't block when encountering a database compatibility level that isn't understood. Instead, the latest Azure SQL Database or on-premises platform is assumed.