This tutorial guides you on how to package a library for vcpkg using a custom
overlay. We recommended that you read the Install and use packages with
CMake tutorial before proceeding.
On Windows, this tutorial uses Visual Studio's MSVC as the compiler for C++ development.
1 - Set up vcpkg
Clone the repository
The first step is to clone the vcpkg repository from GitHub. The repository contains scripts to acquire the vcpkg executable and a registry of curated open-source libraries maintained by the vcpkg community. To do this, run:
git clone
The vcpkg curated registry is a set of over 2,000 open-source libraries. These libraries have been validated by vcpkg's continuous integration pipelines to work together. While the vcpkg repository does not contain the source code for these libraries, it holds recipes and metadata to build and install them in your system.
Run the bootstrap script
Now that you have cloned the vcpkg repository, navigate to the vcpkg directory and execute the bootstrap script:
cd vcpkg && bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
cd vcpkg; .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
cd vcpkg && ./
The bootstrap script performs prerequisite checks and downloads the vcpkg executable.
That's it! vcpkg is set up and ready to use.
2 - Configure the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable
To set the VCPKG_ROOT environment variables, run the following commands:
Setting environment variables using the export command only
affects the current shell session. To make this change permanent across
sessions, add the export command to your shell's profile
script (e.g., ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc).
set "VCPKG_ROOT=C:\path\to\vcpkg"
Setting environment variables in this manner only affects the current terminal
session. To make these changes permanent across all sessions, set them through
the Windows System Environment Variables panel.
Setting environment variables in this manner only affects the current terminal
session. To make these changes permanent across all sessions, set them through
the Windows System Environment Variables panel.
Setting VCPKG_ROOT tells vcpkg where your vcpkg instance is located.
Adding it to PATH ensures you can run vcpkg commands directly from the shell.
3 - Set up the custom overlay
Create a new directory called custom-overlay next to the Hello World
project you created in the Install and use packages with
CMake tutorial.
Within custom-overlay directory, create a folder named vcpkg-sample-library.
4 - Set up the port files
First, create the vcpkg.json file within the
custom-overlay\vcpkg-sample-library folder with the following content:
"name": "vcpkg-sample-library",
"version": "1.0.2",
"homepage": "",
"description": "A sample C++ library designed to serve as a foundational example for a tutorial on packaging libraries with vcpkg.",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": [
"name" : "vcpkg-cmake",
"host" : true
"name" : "vcpkg-cmake-config",
"host" : true
The vcpkg.json file serves as a manifest that defines metadata and
dependencies for a C++ library, providing vcpkg with the necessary information
to build, install, and manage the package.
name: Specifies the name of the library. This is used as the package identifier.
version: Indicates the version number of the library.
homepage: URL to the project's homepage, often its repository. Useful for
those who want to know more or contribute.
description: Brief text describing what the library does. This is for
documentation and users.
license: Specifies the license under which the library is distributed.
dependencies: An array containing the list of dependencies that the library needs.
name: vcpkg-cmake: Specifies a dependency on vcpkg-cmake, which provides
CMake functions and macros commonly used in vcpkg ports.
host: true: Specifies that vcpkg-cmake is a host dependency, meaning it's
required for building the package but not for using it.
name: vcpkg-cmake-config: Specifies a dependency on vcpkg-cmake-config,
which assists in using CMake config scripts.
fmt: Specifies a run-time dependency on the fmt library. This means fmt
is required for both building and using the package.
For more information on vcpkg.json, see the following documentation on
Now, create the usage file within the custom-overlay\vcpkg-sample-library
directory with the following content:
Providing usage documentation for ports allows users to easily adopt them in
their projects. We highly encourage providing a usage file within the port's
directory (ports/<port name>/usage) that describes the minimal steps necessary
to integrate with a build system. To determine the correct usage instructions it
is recommended to follow upstream's guidance. In the case that upstream does not
provide usage information, it may be necessary to dig through their build system
to find the exported targets.
Finally, create the portfile.cmake file within the
custom-overlay\vcpkg-sample-library directory with the following content:
REPO Microsoft/vcpkg-docs
SHA512 0# This is a temporary value. We will modify this value in the next section.
HEAD_REF cmake-sample-lib
vcpkg_cmake_config_fixup(PACKAGE_NAME "my_sample_lib")
configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/usage""${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/${PORT}/usage" COPYONLY)
This portfile defines how to download, build, install, and package a specific
C++ library from GitHub using vcpkg.
vcpkg_check_linkage(ONLY_STATIC_LIBRARY): Specifies that only static linking
is supported for this package.
vcpkg_from_github: Starts the function to download the source code from a
GitHub repository.
OUT_SOURCE_PATH SOURCE_PATH: Sets the directory where the source code will
be extracted.
REPO Microsoft/vcpkg-docs: The GitHub repository containing
the source code.
REF "${VERSION}": The version of the source code to download.
SHA512 0: Placeholder for the SHA-512 hash of the source code for
integrity verification.
HEAD_REF main: Specifies the default branch for the repository.
vcpkg_cmake_configure: Configures the project using CMake, setting up the build.
SOURCE_PATH "${SOURCE_PATH}": The path to the source code downloaded earlier.
vcpkg_cmake_install(): Builds and installs the package using CMake.
vcpkg_cmake_config_fixup(PACKAGE_NAME "my_sample_lib"): Fixes the CMake
package configuration files to be compatible with vcpkg.
file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/include"): Deletes the
include directory from the debug installation to prevent overlap.
file to the package's share directory and renames it to copyright.
configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/usage" ...): Copies a usage
instruction file to the package's share directory.
You will get a long error message. Scan the output until you find:
Expected hash: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Actual hash: 4202125968a01219deeee14b81e1d476dab18d968425ba36d640816b0b3db6168f8ccf4120ba20526e9930c8c7294e64d43900ad2aef9d5f28175210d0c3a417
Copy the "Actual hash"
and replace the SHA512 value in the portfile.cmake with its value.
Computing installation plan...
The following packages will be built and installed:
vcpkg-sample-library:x64-windows -> 1.0.2 -- C:\Users\dev\demo\custom-overlay\vcpkg-sample-library
Detecting compiler hash for triplet x64-windows...
Restored 0 package(s) from C:\Users\dev\AppData\Local\vcpkg\archives in 174 us. Use --debug to see more details.
Installing 1/1 vcpkg-sample-library:x64-windows...
Building vcpkg-sample-library:x64-windows...
-- Installing port from location: C:\Users\dev\demo\custom-overlay\vcpkg-sample-library
-- Note: vcpkg-sample-library only supports static library linkage. Building static library.
-- Using cached Microsoft-vcpkg-docs-1.0.2.tar.gz.
-- Cleaning sources at C:/Users/dev/demo/vcpkg/buildtrees/vcpkg-sample-library/src/1.0.2-2aff836404.clean. Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source C:/Users/dev/demo/vcpkg/downloads/Microsoft-vcpkg-docs-1.0.2.tar.gz
-- Using source at C:/Users/dev/demo/vcpkg/buildtrees/vcpkg-sample-library/src/1.0.2-2aff836404.clean
-- Configuring x64-windows
-- Building x64-windows-dbg
-- Building x64-windows-rel
-- Installing: C:/Users/dev/demo/vcpkg/packages/vcpkg-sample-library_x64-windows/share/vcpkg-sample-library/copyright
-- Performing post-build validation
Stored binaries in 1 destinations in 94 ms.
Elapsed time to handle vcpkg-sample-library:x64-windows: 6.1 s
Total install time: 6.1 s
vcpkg-sample-library provides CMake targets:
find_package(my_sample_lib CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE my_sample_lib::my_sample_lib)
6 - Verify the port build
To verify the library builds and links properly, add a new dependency to the
helloworld project created in the install packages tutorial.
Make the following changes to the project's manifest and configuration files.
Modify helloworld/vcpkg.json to add a dependency on vcpkg-sample-library:
Next, modify helloworld/CMakeLists.txt and helloworld/main.cpp to use the
new dependency.
Modify the helloworld/CMakeLists.txt with the following content:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
find_package(fmt CONFIG REQUIRED)
find_package(my_sample_lib CONFIG REQUIRED) # Add this lineadd_executable(HelloWorld helloworld.cpp)
target_link_libraries(HelloWorld PRIVATE fmt::fmt)
target_link_libraries(HelloWorld PRIVATE my_sample_lib::my_sample_lib) # Add this line
Modify the main.cpp with the following content:
#include"my_sample_lib.h"// Replace #include <fmt/core.h> with "my_sample_lib.h"intmain(){
greet("vcpkg!"); // Replace fmt::print("Hello World!\n) with this linereturn0;
Configure, build, and run the application.
Configure the build using CMake:
cmake --preset=default
Build the project:
cmake --build build
Run the application:
The path to your project's executable may be different, for example: ./build/Debug/HelloWorld.exe.
Hello vcpkg!
Next steps
Now that the vcpkg-sample-library has been packaged as port, the next step is
to add it to the vcpkg curated registry. See, Adding ports to vcpkg
Källan för det här innehållet finns på GitHub, där du även kan skapa och granska ärenden och pull-begäranden. Se vår deltagarguide för mer information.
Feedback om vcpkg
vcpkg är ett öppen källkod projekt. Välj en länk för att ge feedback:
Azure HPC je účelově sestavená cloudová funkce pro úlohy HPC a AI, která využívá špičkové procesory a interfiniBand třídy HPC, aby poskytovala nejlepší výkon, škálovatelnost a hodnotu aplikací. Azure HPC umožňuje uživatelům odhalovat inovace, produktivitu a obchodní flexibilitu prostřednictvím vysoce dostupné řady technologií HPC a AI, které se dají dynamicky přidělovat při změně obchodních a technických potřeb. Tento studijní program je řada modulů, které vám pomůžou začít pracovat s prostředím Azure HPC –