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Registering an IoCompletion Routine

To register an IoCompletion routine, a dispatch routine calls IoSetCompletionRoutine, supplying the IoCompletion routine's address and the IRP that it will subsequently pass on to lower drivers using IoCallDriver.

When it calls IoSetCompletionRoutine, the dispatch routine specifies the circumstances in which the I/O manager should call the specified IoCompletion routine. You can choose to have the IoCompletion routine called if a lower level driver completes the IRP successfully (InvokeOnSuccess), completes the IRP with an error status value (InvokeOnError), or cancels the IRP (InvokeOnCancel), in any combination.

The purpose of an IoCompletion routine is to monitor what lower-level drivers did with the IRP and to do additional completion processing, if necessary. Specifically, the most common uses for a driver's IoCompletion routines are the following:

  • To dispose of an IRP that the driver allocated with IoAllocateIrp or IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest

    Any higher-level driver that allocates an IRP using either of these support routines must supply an IoCompletion routine for that IRP. The IoCompletion routine must call IoFreeIrp to dispose of driver-allocated IRPs.

  • To reuse an incoming IRP to request that lower drivers complete some number of operations, such as partial transfers, until the original request can be satisfied and completed by the IoCompletion routine

  • To retry a request that a lower driver completed with an error

    Highest-level drivers, such as file systems, are more likely to have IoCompletion routines that attempt to retry requests than are intermediate drivers, except possibly class drivers layered above a closely coupled port driver. However, any intermediate driver use IoCompletion routines to retry requests.

While a highest-level or intermediate driver's DispatchReadWrite routine is most likely to process IRPs that require an IoCompletion routine, any dispatch routine in any driver that passes IRPs on to lower drivers can register an IoCompletion routine.

For driver-allocated IRPs and reused IRPs, the dispatch routine must call IoSetCompletionRoutine with the following Boolean parameters:

  • InvokeOnSuccess set to TRUE

  • InvokeOnError set to TRUE

  • InvokeOnCancel set to TRUE if any lower driver in the chain might handle cancelable IRPs

    Usually, InvokeOnCancel is set to TRUE, regardless of whether an IRP might be returned with STATUS_CANCELLED, to ensure that the IoCompletion routine frees each driver-allocated IRP or checks the completion status of each reuse of an IRP.

A dispatch routine that allocates IRPs for lower drivers using IoAllocateIrp or IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequestmust set an IoCompletion routine for each driver-allocated IRP.

  • The dispatch routine must set up state about both the original IRP and its allocated IRP(s) for the IoCompletion routine to use. At a minimum, the IoCompletion routine needs access to the original IRP and a count of how many additional IRPs were allocated.

  • The dispatch routine should call IoSetCompletionRoutine with all InvokeOnXxx parameters set to TRUE for the IRP(s) it allocates.

A dispatch routine that reuses IRPs for a sequence of operations, or that retries I/O operation, must call IoSetCompletionRoutine for each IRP that will be reused or retried.

  • The dispatch routine must save the original IRP's state information, for subsequent use by the IoCompletion routine.

    For example, a DispatchReadWrite routine must save the relevant transfer parameters of an input IRP for the IoCompletion routine before setting up a partial transfer for the next-lower driver in that IRP. Saving the parameters is particularly important if the DispatchReadWrite routine modifies any parameters that the IoCompletion routine needs to determine when the original request has been satisfied.

  • If the IoCompletion routine can retry the request, the dispatch routine must set up a driver-determined upper limit for the number of retries its IoCompletion routine should attempt before it completes the original IRP with an error.

  • If an IRP is to be reused, the dispatch routine should call IoSetCompletionRoutine with all InvokeOnXxx parameters set to TRUE.

  • For an asynchronous request, the dispatch routine of any intermediate driver must call IoMarkIrpPending for the original IRP. It must then return STATUS_PENDING after it has sent the IRP on to lower drivers.