29 apr. 14 - 30 apr. 19
Delta i det ultimata virtuella Windows Server-evenemanget 29-30 april för djupgående tekniska sessioner och live-Q&A med Microsoft-tekniker.
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This utility can be used to get information about the Trusted Platform Module (TPM).
Some information may relate to the pre-released product, which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
tpmtool /parameter [<arguments>]
Parameter | Description |
getdeviceinformation | Displays the basic information of the TPM. See the Win32_Tpm::IsReadyInformation method parameters article for details about the information flag values. |
gatherlogs [output directory path] | Collects TPM logs and places them in the specified directory. If that directory doesn't exist, it's created. By default, the log files are placed in the current directory. The possible files generated are:
drivertracing [start | stop] |
Starts or stops collecting TPM driver traces. The trace log, TPMTRACE.etl, is created and placed in the current directory. |
/? | Displays help at the command prompt. |
To display the basic information of the TPM, type:
tpmtool getdeviceinformation
To collect TPM logs and place them in the current directory, type:
tpmtool gatherlogs
To collect TPM logs and place them in C:\Users\Public
, type:
tpmtool gatherlogs C:\Users\Public
To collect TPM driver traces, type:
tpmtool drivertracing start
# Run scenario
tpmtool drivertracing stop
29 apr. 14 - 30 apr. 19
Delta i det ultimata virtuella Windows Server-evenemanget 29-30 april för djupgående tekniska sessioner och live-Q&A med Microsoft-tekniker.
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