WMI has several types of class and property qualifiers. Qualifiers can also have modifying flavors. The following types of qualifiers and flavors are used in WMI.
The name of each qualifier appears with its data type and an indicator of whether the qualifier can be applied to a class, instance, property, or method. For qualifiers such as Association (discussed under Meta Qualifiers), there is an implied usage rule that the meta qualifier must also be present. For example, the implicit usage rule for the Aggregation qualifiers is that the Association qualifier must also be present.
Describes qualifiers specific to WMI, such as performance counter class qualifiers.
For more information on applying qualifiers to your WMI classes, see Adding a Qualifier. To see how to examine qualifiers on existing WMI classes, see the example code below.
The following PowerShell code describes how to retrieve qualifiers from a WMI class.
Den här modulen förklarar strukturen för de namnområden som innehåller klasser och även hur du frågar efter instanser av en klass. Den beskriver hur du frågar fjärrdatorer med hjälp av ad hoc-anslutningar och CIM-sessioner.