

Attribute Properties - Configure Attribute Types

Applies to: SQL Server Analysis Services Azure Analysis Services Fabric/Power BI Premium

In Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server Analysis Services, attribute types help classify an attribute in terms of business functionality. There are many attribute types, most of which are used by client applications to display or support an attribute. However, some attribute types also have specific meaning to SQL Server Analysis Services. For example, some attribute types identify attributes that represent time periods in various calendars for time dimensions.

Setting Attribute Types

The value of the Type property for an attribute determines the attribute type for that attribute. Several wizards in SQL Server Analysis Services set attribute types when defining dimensions or attributes. These SQL Server Analysis Services wizards also set attribute types when the wizards add functionality to dimensions. For example, the Business Intelligence Wizard applies several attribute types to attributes in a dimension when the wizard adds account intelligence to identify attributes that contain the names, codes, numbers, and structure of accounts in the dimension. The Business Intelligence Wizard also consumes attribute types, such as for currency conversion. For more information, see Create a Currency type Dimension.

The following tables list the attribute types available in SQL Server Analysis Services. These tables separate attribute types into the following categories:

Term Definition
General attribute types These values are available to all attributes, and exist only to enable classification of attributes for client application purposes.
Account dimension attribute types These values identify an attribute that belongs to an account dimension. For more information about account dimension, see Create a Finance Account of parent-child type Dimension.
Currency dimension attribute type These values identify an attribute that belongs to a currency dimension. For more information about currency dimensions, see Create a Currency type Dimension.
Slowly changing dimension attributes These values identify an attribute that belongs to a slowly changing dimension.
Time dimension attributes These values identify an attribute that belongs to a time dimension. For more information about time dimensions, see Create a Date type Dimension.

General Attribute Types

Attribute Type Value Description
Address Represents an address.
AddressBuilding Represents a building identifier for an address.
AddressCity Represents a city for an address.
AddressCountry Represents a country or region for an address.
AddressFax Represents a fax telephone number.
AddressFloor Represents a floor identifier for an address.
AddressHouse Represents a house number for an address.
AddressPhone Represents a telephone number.
AddressQuarter Represents a quarter for an address.
AddressRoom Represents a room identifier for an address.
AddressStateOrProvince Represents a state or province for an address.
AddressStreet Represents the street for an address.
AddressZip Represents a ZIP Code or Postal Code for an address.
BomResource Represents a resource for a bill of materials (BOM).
Caption Represents a caption.
CaptionAbbreviation Represents an abbreviation.
CaptionDescription Represents a description.
Channel Represents a channel.
City Represents a city.
Company Represents a company.
Continent Represents a continent.
Country Represents a country or region.
County Represents a county.
CustomerGroup Represents a group of customers.
CustomerHousehold Represents a household of customers.
Customers Represents a customer.
DateCanceled Represents a cancellation date.
DateDuration Represents a duration.
DateEnded Represents an end date.
DateModified Represents a modification date.
DateStart Represents a start date.
DeletedFlag Indicates whether a member is or should be deleted (in terms of business functionality.)

Note: SQL Server Analysis Services does not use this attribute type to determine whether a member should be deleted. Instead, this attribute type is intended to be used by client applications for display purposes only.
FormattingColor Represents the color used in formatting.
FormattingFont Represents the font used in formatting.
FormattingFontEffects Represents the font effects used in formatting.
FormattingFontSize Represents the font size used in formatting.
FormattingOrder Represents the order used in formatting.
FormattingSubtotal Represents a subtotal.
GeoBoundaryBottom Represents the bottommost value of a geographic boundary.
GeoBoundaryFront Represents the value at the front of a geographic boundary.
GeoBoundaryLeft Represents the leftmost value of a geographic boundary.
GeoBoundaryPolygon Represents the polygon definition of a geographic boundary.
GeoBoundaryRear Represents the rearmost value of a geographic boundary.
GeoBoundaryRight Represents the rightmost value of a geographic boundary.
GeoBoundaryTop Represents the topmost value of a geographic boundary.
GeoCentroidX Represents an X-axis centroid for a geographic region.
GeoCentroidY Represents a Y-axis centroid for a geographic region.
GeoCentroidZ Represents a Z-axis centroid for a geographic region.
ID Represents an identifier (ID) or key.
Image Represents an image in an undefined graphic format.
ImageBmp Represents an image in bitmap graphic format.
ImageGif Represents an image in Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) graphic format.
ImageJpg Represents an image in Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) graphic format.
ImagePng Represents an image in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) graphic format.
ImageTiff Represents an image in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) graphic format.
OrganizationalUnit Represents an organizational unit.
OrgTitle Represents an organizational title.
PercentOwnership Represents a percent of ownership.
PercentVoteRight Represents a percent of voting rights.
Person Represents a person.
PersonContact Represents contact information for a person.
PersonDemographic Represents demographic information for a person.
PersonFirstName Represents the first name of a person.
PersonFullName Represents the full name of a person.
PersonLastName Represents the surname (last name) of a person.
PersonMiddleName Represents the middle name of a person.
PhysicalColor Represents a color.
PhysicalDensity Represents density.
PhysicalDepth Represents depth.
PhysicalHeight Represents height.
PhysicalSize Represents a size.
PhysicalVolume Represents volume.
PhysicalWeight Represents weight.
PhysicalWidth Represents width.
Point Represents a point.
PostalCode Represents a postal code.
Product Represents a product.
ProductBrand Represents a product brand.
ProductCategory Represents a product category.
ProductGroup Represents a product group.
ProductSKU Represents a product stock keeping unit (SKU).
Project Represents a project.
ProjectCode Represents a project code.
ProjectCompletion Represents the completion status of a project.
ProjectEndDate Represents a project end date.
ProjectName Represents a project name.
ProjectStartDate Represents a project start date.
Promotion Represents a promotion.
QtyRangeHigh Represents the highest value of a range of quantities.
QtyRangeLow Represents the lowest value of a range of quantities.
Quantitative Represents a quantitative attribute.
Rate Represents a rate.
RateType Represents a rate type.
Region Represents a customer-defined region.
Regular Represents a regular attribute.
RelationToParent Represents a relation to a parent.
Representative Represents a representative.
Scenario Represents a scenario.
Sequence Represents a sequence attribute.
ShortCaption Represents a short caption.
StateOrProvince Represents a state or province.
Utility Represents a utility.
Version Represents a version.
WebHtml Represents HTML content.
WebMailAlias Represents an e-mail alias.
WebUrl Represents a URL address.
WebXmlOrXsl Represents XML or XSL content.

Account Dimension Attribute Types

Attribute Type Value Description
Account Represents the parent of an account. This attribute type is typically applied to the parent attribute of an account dimension.
AccountName Represents the name of an account. This attribute type is typically applied to the key attributes of an account dimension.
AccountNumber Represents the number of an account.
AccountType Represents the type of an account. This attribute type identifies the aggregation function of an account member in an account type dimension in the SQL Server Analysis Services database.

Currency Dimension Attribute Types

Attribute Type Value Description
CurrencyDestination Represents the destination currency of a currency exchange. This attribute type is typically applied to the key attribute of a reporting dimension, for use in currency conversion. For more information about currency conversion, see Currency Conversions (Analysis Services).
CurrencyIsoCode Represents the International Standards Organization (ISO) code of a currency. For more information about currency conversion, see Currency Conversions (Analysis Services).
CurrencyName Represents the name of a currency. For more information about currency conversion, see Currency Conversions (Analysis Services).
CurrencySource Represents the source currency of a currency exchange. This attribute type is typically applied to the key attribute of a currency dimension, for use in currency conversion. For more information about currency conversion, see Currency Conversions (Analysis Services).

Slowly Changing Dimension Attribute Types

Attribute Type Value Description
ScdEndDate Represents the effective end date for a member in a slowly changing dimension.
ScdOriginalID Represents the original identifier for a member in a slowly changing dimension.
ScdStartDate Represents the effective start date for a member in a slowly changing dimension.
ScdStatus Represents the effective status of a member in a slowly changing dimension.

Time Dimension Attribute Types

Attribute Type Value Description
Date Represents a date. This attribute type is typically applied to the key attribute of a time dimension or server time dimension.
DayOfHalfYear Represents the day ordinal of a half-year.
DayOfMonth Represents the day ordinal of a month.
DayOfQuarter Represents the day ordinal of a quarter.
DayOfTenDays Represents the day ordinal of a ten-day period.
DayOfTrimester Represents the day ordinal of a trimester.
DayOfWeek Represents the day ordinal of a week.
DayOfYear Represents the day ordinal of a year.
Days Represents days.
FiscalDate Represents a date in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalDayOfHalfYear Represents the day ordinal of a half-year in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalDayOfMonth Represents the day ordinal of a month in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalDayOfQuarter Represents the day ordinal of a quarter in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalDayOfTrimester Represents the day ordinal of a trimester in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalDayOfWeek Represents the day ordinal of a week in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalDayOfYear Represents the day ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalHalfYears Represents half-years in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalHalfYearOfYear Represents the half-year ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalMonths Represents months in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalMonthOfHalfYear Represents the month ordinal of a half-year in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalMonthOfQuarter Represents the month ordinal of a quarter in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalMonthOfTrimester Represents the month ordinal of a trimester in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalMonthOfYear Represents the month ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalQuarters Represents quarters in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalQuarterOfHalfYear Represents the quarter ordinal of a half-year in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalQuarterOfYear Represents the quarter ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalTrimesters Represents trimesters in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalTrimesterOfYear Represents the trimester ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalWeeks Represents weeks in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalWeekOfHalfYear Represents the week ordinal of a half-year in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalWeekOfMonth Represents the week ordinal of a month in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalWeekOfQuarter Represents the week ordinal of a quarter in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalWeekOfTrimester Represents the week ordinal of a trimester in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalWeekOfYear Represents the week ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar.
FiscalYears Represents years in a fiscal calendar.
HalfYears Represents half-years.
HalfYearOfYear Represents the half-year ordinal of a year.
Hours Represents hours.
IsHoliday Indicates whether a date is a holiday.
ISO8601Date Represents a date in an ISO 8601 calendar.
ISO8601DayOfWeek Represents the day ordinal of a week in an ISO 8601 calendar.
ISO8601DayOfYear Represents the day ordinal of a year in an ISO 8601 calendar.
ISO8601Weeks Represents weeks in an ISO 8601 calendar.
ISO8601WeekOfYear Represents the week ordinal of a year in an ISO 8601 calendar.
ISO8601Years Represents years in an ISO 8601 calendar.
IsPeakDay Indicates whether a date is a peak day.
IsWeekDay Indicates whether a date is a weekday.
IsWorkingDay Indicates whether a date is a working day.
ManufacturingDate Represents a date in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingDayOfHalfYear Represents the day ordinal of a half-year in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingDayOfMonth Represents the day ordinal of a month in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingDayOfQuarter Represents the day ordinal of a quarter in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingDayOfTrimester Represents the day ordinal of a trimester in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingDayOfWeek Represents the day ordinal of a week in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingDayOfYear Represents the day ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingHalfYears Represents half-years in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingHalfYearOfYear Represents the half-year ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingMonths Represents months in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingMonthOfHalfYear Represents the month ordinal of a half-year in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingMonthOfQuarter Represents the month ordinal of a quarter in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingMonthOfTrimester Represents the month ordinal of a trimester in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingMonthOfYear Represents the month ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingQuarters Represents quarters in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingQuarterOfHalfYear Represents the quarter ordinal of a half-year in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingQuarterOfYear Represents the quarter ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingWeeks Represents weeks in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingWeekOfHalfYear Represents the week ordinal of a half-year in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingWeekOfMonth Represents the week ordinal of a month in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingWeekOfQuarter Represents the week ordinal of a quarter in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingWeekOfTrimester Represents the week ordinal of a trimester in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingWeekOfYear Represents the week ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar.
ManufacturingYears Represents years in a manufacturing calendar.
Minutes Represents minutes.
Months Represents months.
MonthOfHalfYear Represents the month ordinal of a half-year.
MonthOfQuarter Represents the month ordinal of a quarter.
MonthOfTrimester Represents the month ordinal of a trimester.
MonthOfYear Represents the month ordinal of a year.
Quarters Represents quarters.
QuarterOfHalfYear Represents the quarter ordinal of a half-year.
QuarterOfYear Represents the quarter ordinal of a year.
ReportingDate Represents a date in a reporting calendar.
ReportingDayOfHalfYear Represents the day ordinal of a half-year in a reporting calendar.
ReportingDayOfMonth Represents the day ordinal of a month in a reporting calendar.
ReportingDayOfQuarter Represents the day ordinal of a quarter in a reporting calendar.
ReportingDayOfTrimester Represents the day ordinal of a trimester in a reporting calendar.
ReportingDayOfWeek Represents the day ordinal of a week in a reporting calendar.
ReportingDayOfYear Represents the day ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar.
ReportingHalfYears Represents half-years in a reporting calendar.
ReportingHalfYearOfYear Represents the half-year ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar.
ReportingMonths Represents months in a reporting calendar.
ReportingMonthOfHalfYear Represents the month ordinal of a half-year in a reporting calendar.
ReportingMonthOfQuarter Represents the month ordinal of a quarter in a reporting calendar.
ReportingMonthOfTrimester Represents the month ordinal of a trimester in a reporting calendar.
ReportingMonthOfYear Represents the month ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar.
ReportingQuarters Represents quarters in a reporting calendar.
ReportingQuarterOfHalfYear Represents the quarter ordinal of a half-year in a reporting calendar.
ReportingQuarterOfYear Represents the quarter ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar.
ReportingTrimesters Represents trimesters in a reporting calendar.
ReportingTrimesterOfYear Represents the trimester ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar.
ReportingWeeks Represents weeks in a reporting calendar.
ReportingWeekOfHalfYear Represents the week ordinal of a half-year in a reporting calendar.
ReportingWeekOfMonth Represents the week ordinal of a month in a reporting calendar.
ReportingWeekOfQuarter Represents the week ordinal of a quarter in a reporting calendar.
ReportingWeekOfTrimester Represents the week ordinal of a trimester in a reporting calendar.
ReportingWeekOfYear Represents the week ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar.
ReportingYears Represents years in a reporting calendar.
Seconds Represents seconds.
TenDayOfHalfYear Represents the ten-day period ordinal of a half-year.
TenDayOfMonth Represents the ten-day period ordinal of a month.
TenDayOfQuarter Represents the ten-day period ordinal of a quarter.
TenDayOfTrimester Represents the ten-day period ordinal of a trimester.
TenDayOfYear Represents the ten-day period ordinal of a year.
TenDays Represents ten-day periods.
Trimesters Represents trimesters.
TrimesterOfYear Represents the trimester ordinal of a year.
UndefinedTime Represents an undefined time period.
WeekOfYear Represents the week ordinal of a year.
Weeks Represents weeks.
WinterSummerSeason Indicates whether the date is part of the winter/summer season.
Years Represents years.

See Also

Attributes and Attribute Hierarchies
Dimension Attribute Properties Reference