

View known issues in Azure Stack HCI 2310 release (preview)

Applies to: Azure Stack HCI, version 23H2

This article identifies the critical known issues and their workarounds in Azure Stack HCI 2310 release.

The release notes are continuously updated, and as critical issues requiring a workaround are discovered, they're added. Before you deploy your Azure Stack HCI, carefully review the information contained in the release notes.

For more information about the new features in this release, see What's new in 23H2.


This feature is currently in PREVIEW. See the Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews for legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

Issues for version 2310

This software release maps to software version number 10.2310.0.30. This release only supports new deployments.

Here are the known issues in version 2310 release:

Feature Issue Workaround/Comments
Time settings If the time zone is not set to UTC time, the deployment reporting may have issues. Set the servers to UTC time and then deploy the cluster.
Networking Use of proxy isn't supported in this release. There's no known workaround in this release.
Networking There is an infrequent DNS client issue in this release that causes the deployment to fail on a two-node cluster with a DNS resolution error: A WebException occurred while sending a RestRequest. WebException.Status: NameResolutionFailure.
As a result of the bug, the DNS record of the second node is deleted soon after it is created resulting in a DNS error.
Restart the server. This operation registers the DNS record which prevents it from getting deleted.
Azure portal In some instances, the Azure portal might take a while to update and the view might not be current. You might need to wait for 30 minutes or more to see the updated view.
Arc VM management In this release, depending on your environment, the VM deployments on Azure Stack HCI system can take 30 to 45 minutes. There's no known workaround in this release.
Arc VM management When you create the Azure Marketplace image on Azure Stack HCI, sometimes the download provisioning state doesn't match the download percentage on Azure Stack HCI cluster. The provisioning state is returned as succeeded while the download percentage is reported as less than 100. There's no known workaround in this release.
Arc VM management While creating Arc VMs via the Azure CLI on Azure Stack HCI, if you provide the friendly name of marketplace image, an incorrect Azure Resource Manager ID is built and the VM creation errors out. Instead of providing the friendly name, always provide the Azure Resource Manager ID of the marketplace image in this release.
Arc VM management Deleting a network interface on an Arc VM from Azure portal doesn't work in this release. Use the Azure CLI to first remove the network interface and then delete it. For more information, see Remove the network interface and see Delete the network interface.
Arc VM management A resource group with multiple clusters only shows storage paths of one cluster. Multiple clusters aren't supported for a single resource group in this release.
Arc VM management Detaching a disk via the Azure CLI results in an error in this release. There's no known workaround in this release.
Arc VM management When you create a disk or a network interface in this release with underscore in the name, the operation fails. Make sure to not use underscore in the names for disks or network interfaces.
Security When using the Get-AzsSyslogForwarder cmdlet with -PerNode parameter, an exception is thrown. You aren't able to retrieve the SyslogForwarder configuration information of multiple nodes. The workaround is to go to each server and check the local configuration state of the Syslog component.
Deployment During the deployment, Microsoft Open Cloud (MOC) Arc Resource Bridge installation fails with this error: Unable to find a resource that satisfies the requirement Size [0] Location [MocLocation].: OutOfCapacity"\n". There's no known workaround in this release.
Deployment Entering an incorrect DNS updates the DNS configuration in hosts during the validation and the hosts can lose internet connectivity. There's no known workaround in this release.
Deployment Providing the OU name in an incorrect syntax isn't detected in the Azure portal. The incorrect syntax is however detected at a later step during cluster validation. There's no known workaround in this release.
Deployment On server hardware, a USB network adapter is created to access the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC). This adapter can cause the cluster validation to fail during the deployment. Make sure to disable the BMC network adapter before you begin cloud deployment.
Deployment A new storage account is created for each run of the deployment. Existing storage accounts aren't supported in this release.
Deployment A new key vault is created for each run of the deployment. Existing key vaults aren't supported in this release.
Deployment Password for deployment user (also referred to as AzureStackLCMUserCredential during Active Directory prep) and local administrator can't include a :(colon).
Deployment In some instances, running the Arc registration script doesn't install the mandatory extensions, Azure Edge device Management or Azure Edge Lifecycle Manager. The workaround is to run the script again and make sure that all the mandatory extensions are installed before you Deploy via Azure portal.
Deployment The first deployment step: Before Cloud Deployment when Deploying via Azure portal can take from 45 minutes to an hour to complete.
Deployment The network direct intent overrides defined on the template aren't working in this release. Use the Azure Resource Manager template to override this parameter and disable RDMA for the intents.
Deployment Deployments via Azure Resource Manager time out after 2 hours. Deployments that exceed 2 hours show up as failed in the resource group though the cluster is successfully created. To monitor the deployment in the Azure portal, go to the Azure Stack HCI cluster resource and then go to new Deployments entry.
Deployment If you select Review + Create and you haven't filled out all the tabs, the deployment begins and then eventually fails. There's no known workaround in this release.
Deployment This issue is seen if an incorrect subscription or resource group was used during registration. When you register the server a second time with Arc, the Azure Edge Lifecycle Manager extension fails during the registration but the extension state is reported as Ready. Before you run the registration the second time:

Make sure to delete the following folders from your server(s): C:\ecestore, C:\CloudDeployment, and C:\nugetstore.
Delete the registry key using the PowerShell cmdlet:
Remove-Item HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\LCMAzureStackStampInformation
Azure Site Recovery Azure Site Recovery can't be installed on an Azure Stack HCI cluster in this release. There's no known workaround in this release.
Azure Site Recovery There is an issue in this release with IP allocation from the Azure portal to the management network. As a result, Azure Site Recovery can't be installed on your Azure Stack HCI cluster. There's no known workaround in this release.
Update When updating the Azure Stack HCI cluster via the Azure Update Manager, the update progress and results may not be visible in the Azure portal. To work around this issue, on each cluster node, add the following registry key (no value needed):

New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HciCloudManagementSvc\Parameters" -force

Then on one of the cluster nodes, restart the Cloud Management cluster group.

Stop-ClusterGroup "Cloud Management"

Start-ClusterGroup "Cloud Management"

This won't fully remediate the issue as the progress details may still not be displayed for a duration of the update process. To get the latest update details, you can Retrieve the update progress with PowerShell.

Next steps