This guide describes all of the harm categories and ratings that Azure AI Content Safety uses to flag content. Both text and image content use the same set of flags.
Harm categories
Content Safety recognizes four distinct categories of objectionable content.
API term
Hate and Fairness
Hate and fairness harms refer to any content that attacks or uses discriminatory language with reference to a person or identity group based on certain differentiating attributes of these groups.
This includes, but is not limited to:
Race, ethnicity, nationality
Gender identity groups and expression
Sexual orientation
Personal appearance and body size
Disability status
Harassment and bullying
Sexual describes language related to anatomical organs and genitals, romantic relationships and sexual acts, acts portrayed in erotic or affectionate terms, including those portrayed as an assault or a forced sexual violent act against one’s will.
This includes but is not limited to:
Vulgar content
Nudity and Pornography
Child exploitation, child abuse, child grooming
Violence describes language related to physical actions intended to hurt, injure, damage, or kill someone or something; describes weapons, guns, and related entities.
This includes, but isn't limited to:
Bullying and intimidation
Terrorist and violent extremism
Self-harm describes language related to physical actions intended to purposely hurt, injure, damage one’s body or kill oneself.
This includes, but isn't limited to:
Eating Disorders
Bullying and intimidation
Classification can be multi-labeled. For example, when a text sample goes through the text moderation model, it could be classified as both Sexual content and Violence.
Severity levels
Every harm category the service applies also comes with a severity level rating. The severity level is meant to indicate the severity of the consequences of showing the flagged content.
Text: The current version of the text model supports the full 0-7 severity scale. The classifier detects among all severities along this scale. If the user specifies, it can return severities in the trimmed scale of 0, 2, 4, and 6; each two adjacent levels are mapped to a single level.
[0,1] -> 0
[2,3] -> 2
[4,5] -> 4
[6,7] -> 6
Image: The current version of the image model supports the trimmed version of the full 0-7 severity scale. The classifier only returns severities 0, 2, 4, and 6.
Image with text: The current version of the multimodal model supports the full 0-7 severity scale. The classifier detects among all severities along this scale. If the user specifies, it can return severities in the trimmed scale of 0, 2, 4, and 6; each two adjacent levels are mapped to a single level.
The Severity definitions tab in this document contains examples of harmful content that may be disturbing to some readers.
Hate and fairness severity levels
Severity Level
Example Text
Level 0
Content that contains hate and fairness related terms used in the general sense and is appropriate for all target audiences, including children. This includes:
General, pejorative language expressing dislike against identity groups
General mentions of identity group attributes, such as race, ethnicity, religion, etc. in historical, geographical, medical, and other similar contexts with no sentiment
General terms that have no racial undertones of offensive intent outside of context
I hate cats.
Level 1
Content that contains hate and fairness related terms used in the general sense but may acquire a different meaning based on context and does not differentiate between identity groups and others in a biased or negative way. This includes:
Official statistics, legislation, or documentation
News/media coverage
Educational resources meant to raise awareness of diversity/tackling hate speech
Skin-whitening products and treatment ads
Mentions of Indo-Eurasian swastika, the confederate flag, non-KKK groups that have visual resemblance with KKK
Black people should not be killed by police or mistreated just because of their skin color.
Level 2
Content that contains positive characterization or protection of the identity groups that trigger a favorable emotional response. This includes:
Slurs spelled out fully in research papers, dictionaries, or media with direct quotes
Statements by a speaker who belongs to an identity group without intent to target the same identity group
Curse words, profanity, and verbal insults that do not target an identity group
General hate speech that targets unidentified individuals/groups without targeting an identity group
User intent of creating a blocklist of offensive terms
Representations of Nazi Germany, Hitler, the confederate flag, and Ku Klux Klan symbolism in movies, video games, costumes, toys, reenactments, or online slang
I hate you.
Level 3
Content that contains prejudiced, judgmental, stereotypical characterization or negative sentiment. This includes:
Opinion based on stereotyping or negative sentiment
Expresses prejudiced, judgmental, or opinionated views
Negative or positive comparisons differentiating between identity groups and others.
Mentions in fictional worlds
Employment discrimination in job postings
Historical facts and artifacts related to Nazi Germany, the Confederate flag during the US Civil War, or the Ku Klux Klan
I don't like [identity group] because they are all so aggressive. They attacked us over and over again for no reason at all.
Level 4
Content that contains direct verbal sentiment-motivated insults, negative comments, and racial slurs used as descriptions targeting identity groups with the intention to hurt individuals based on their attributes. This includes:
References used to target one's race, skin color
Promotion of social avoidance and isolation
Mocking and imitating attributes of identity groups
All [identity group] are ugly.
Level 5
Content that contains dehumanization or derogation of individuals or groups that furthers negative sentiment through dehumanization, violence, denial of events, bullying, or intimidation behaviors. This includes:
Texts that deny historical, well-documented, and violent events such as the Holocaust
Texts that describe individuals or groups as physically or mentally inferior based on membership in an identity group
Texts that question, deny, or demean identity group existence
Enforcement of desired/expected attributes
Eugenics and 'racial improvement' theories that target identity groups
Modern merchandise that contains Nazi, the confederate flag, or KKK symbols
The [real world event] is a fraud. What we've discovered is that sources have been lying about the number of victims. Here is proof.
Level 6
Content based on negative sentiment and hate speech towards identity groups. By referring to group characteristics that differentiate the identity group and others and appealing to take action against identity groups based on their attributes. This can include:
Hate speech propaganda that can be perceived as a direct threat to or a call for violence towards an identity group
Incendiary, offensive, and vulgar hate speech
Texts that allegedly claim one group's superiority over those with the attributes of the identity groups to justify discrimination, segregation, or exclusion
Texts describing joy regarding a violent event that targeted an identity group
Send [identity group] back to the gas chambers.
Level 7
Content based on negative sentiment, displaying intent of hate crime and stalking, triggering a hostile emotional response and differentiating identity groups and others leading to crime. This includes:
Hate crime preparation, praise, and glorification of violence against an identity group
Texts that contain supremacist groups' recruitment material
Texts meant to radicalize and encourage hate speech against an identity group
Millions of [identity group] were wiped out because they were the inferior race. Murdering them continues to be right and honorable because…
Sexual severity levels
Severity Level
Example Text
Level 0
Content that contains sexually related terms used in general sense that is harmless for all target audiences, including children.
Mentions of family relations
Content that is harmless for all target audiences, including children
The sports bra and yoga pants were too tight for comfort.
Level 1
Content that contains sexually related terms used in general sense but may acquire a different meaning based on context. This includes:
Official statistics and documentation on sex-related topics
News/media coverage
Anatomical terms, sexual anatomy, and medical treatment
Educational resources on sex, sexual wellness, awareness, etc.
Mentions of biological sex or descriptions of sexual reproduction
Texts that describe romantic relationships in non-graphic terms
Fewer young adults are having sex than in previous generations.
Level 2
Content that contains sexually related terms in fictional or real world experiences that are not extremely graphic. This includes:
Mentions of literary/artistic texts, movies, sculptures, etc. that contain limited dirty talk or brief non-explicit nudity scenes
Personal experiences related to sex in general, sexual problems and traumas, sharing of coping mechanisms and resources to address such issues
User intent of creating a blocklist for sexual content
Mentions of sexual acts and nudity with light core
My husband and I introduced a vibrator to our sex life and it has really made a difference.
Level 3
Content with sexually related terms in cases that contain some graphic content, opinions expressing biased, prejudiced, judgmental or opinionated views on sex related issues. This includes:
Personal past or present sexual experiences with some graphic content
We made out for a while, and he started to feel me up. I felt a bulge in his pants.
Level 4
Content describing sexual fantasies, professional sex industry and advertisements, and sexualized animal reproduction. This includes:
Fantasies of sex of different types, including imagining real or fictional nudity
Professional sex industry without descriptions of sex scenes
Advertisements for condoms, lubricants, sex toys, clothing, etc..
Descriptions of sexual reproduction between animals or animal-like characters with some graphic content
Mentions of sexual acts and nudity with soft core
I got into BDSM because I had some friends into the lifestyle and it piqued my interest. I like using silk, scarves, collars, and bondage…
Level 5
Content describing erotic shows or experiences as personal experience, BDSM with clear consent, and erotic stories and websites. This includes:
Mentions of sexual, erotic or tantric massages, strip clubs, erotic shows as personal experience (not as a professional service)
Personal experiences and descriptions related to BDSM attributes and practices in general or situations with clear content to BDSM practice
Mentions of non-commercial erotic content related to sexual desire or pleasure
We both climaxed at the same time.
Level 6
Content describing solicitation of sexual commercial services, containing detailed descriptions of sexual activity, violent sexual abuse and rape, and non-consensual power exchanges, abuse, and voyeurism. This includes:
Mentions of stimulation of genitals with hands or other objects, masturbation, etc.
Fetish or crude content involving bodily fluids, situations of sex control, or BDSM activities without clear consent
Texts that describe sexual violence, sexual assault, rape or abuse in graphic details
Texts that attribute positive qualities to sexual assault
Texts that seek or provide instructions to perform sexual assault
Acts of blackmail and threats to reveal unconsented sexual images or videos previously recorded
I love forced sex, it's so much hotter.
Level 7
Content used to promote, endorse, glorify extreme forms of sexual enslavement. Content that is extreme or illegal. This includes:
Sex with animals, corpses, etc.
Seeking or providing instructions on child grooming
Explicit or potential references to incest
Human sex trafficking recruitment
I was abused as a child by my uncle and I liked it. Nowadays, I make money by producing child pornography with my neighbor’s 6 year old son.
Violence severity levels
Severity Level
Example Text
Level 0
Content that contains non-violent actions or violence-related terms used in a general sense that is harmless for all target audiences, including children. This includes:
Common objects when not used as weapons
Toy guns, non-realistic or pretend guns
Mentions of ropes when not used as a noose
According to our child and parent testers, here are the best long-range soakers for soft blasters for toddlers suitable for epic water battles.
Level 1
Content that contains violence-related terms or acts used in a general sense but may acquire a different meaning based on context. This includes:
Subsets of texts that contain descriptions of violent acts, where the contextualization of the full text does not possess violent intent
Official statistics and documentation on guns, weapons, domestic violence, warfare, military, etc.
Educational resources related to violence
News/media coverage
Medical terms and content
Hunting or shooting sport and guns technical specifications
Combat practice
Counter-terrorism and terrorist symbols unrelated to ISIS/al-Qaeda
Carnivores such as lions and tigers are prone to killing one another. Death occurs at the paws, claws, jaws, or tusks that might fatally gore one another during fights.
Level 2
Content that contains violence-related terms or acts in fictional or real world experiences that are not extremely graphic and without glorification or endorsement of malintent. This includes:
First, second, and third person narration in video games, literary/artistic texts that depict violent or graphic scenes
Gaming tips and recommendations
Personal experiences in which an individual describes how they were exposed to some type of violence
Mentions of ropes when used as a noose without human subjects present or not related to the noose
User intent is to create a blocklist with violent content
Physical punishment is a way to correct bad behavior and doesn’t cause harm to children.
Level 3
Content with violence-related terms or acts in cases that contain some graphic content, opinions expressing biased, prejudiced, judgmental or opinionated views on violence. This includes:
Allowing cruelty for some animals
Texts claiming positive impact of some types of violence
Some people just need to be slapped.
Level 4
Content describing ungrounded rationale for why victims are being physically abused, unfounded attribution of positive qualities of abusers, threats of violent acts and fantasies relating to how to harm another person, and medium gore. This includes:
Texts that put the victim at fault or depict perpetrators in a positive light
Graphic descriptions of violence and death with medium gore
An autopsy report, a forensic investigation, crime or death scene
Meat and poultry facilities, and religious animal sacrifice
References to historical or recent genocides and known shooting events with mass casualties without endorsement or glorification
References to terrorist and violent extremist events without endorsement or glorification
Victims of abuse deserve to be hit. They push and push until they get what they deserve.
Level 5
Content aiming to further violence, providing direct instructions on how to harm specific individuals or groups. This includes:
Texts that incite physical violence against targeted individuals/groups
Instructions on how to cause physical violence to individuals or abuse to animals
Texts seeking advice on how to perform violent acts on animals, individuals, or groups
Bullying and intimidation
Go to another state or another city and kill any stranger; for example, shoot them with a silencer gun. Since you have not any connection with him, you will not get caught.
Level 6
Content describing extremist groups and terroristic organizations, mass killings and explicit physical damage in high gore, and promotion of terrorism and its propaganda. This includes:
Official terrorist or extremist propaganda materials and violent ideology on the internet
Inciting to take a violent action
We must kill them all. God wills it, and society will be better for it.
Level 7
Content used to describe, praise, support, promote, endorse, glorify extreme forms of violence. Content that supports terroristic organizations and radicalizes, instructs, or trains. This includes:
Forced labor including children, domestic servitude, or medical treatment
Online terrorist and violent extremist propaganda materials that glorify killings as a part of terrorist activity and aid offers to terrorist organizations or causes
Texts that seek instructions on affiliation with terrorist and violent extremist groups on how to recruit, influence, and train people towards the cause
Illegal harassing behaviors such as stalking or unwanted surveillance
Texts that plan and coordinate attacks on individuals or groups of people
Texts that endorse, glorify, or provide instructions on cannibalism
Let's call and threaten to explode the hospital during the weekend. I've got the explosives ready, and will have them installed tonight.
Self-harm severity levels
Severity Level
Example Text
Level 0 – Safe
Content that contains self-harm related terms used in a general sense that is harmless for all target audiences, including children. This includes:
Mentions of body fat, fat mass index indicators by age and gender in health-related contexts
I appreciate your hard work, but you don't need to keep killing yourself over this project.
Level 1
Content that contains self-harm related terms used in a general sense but may acquire a different meaning based on context. This includes:
Official statistics and documentation on Non-Suicidal Self Injury (NSSI), suicide, etc.
Educational resources related to self-harm
News/media coverage
Medical terms and content
Actions that describe accidental self-harm, first aid tips, etc.
Binging and purging may be a warning sign for people with a history of extreme weight loss.
Level 2
Content that contains self-harm related terms or acts in fictional or real world experiences that are not extremely graphic. This includes:
Literary/artistic texts, movies, etc. depicting characters plotting or committing suicide, engaging in self-harm, or disordered eating with no glorification or endorsement
Texts where self-harm acts or suicide is depicted with low gore
User intent is to create blocklists of self-harm terms
Oedipus stabbed his eyes in despair.
Level 3
Content with self-harm related terms or acts in cases that contain some graphic content, opinions expressing biased, prejudiced, judgmental or opinionated views on self-harm. This includes:
Personal experiences related to self-harm, such as asking for help before hurting themselves or committing suicide
I'm really struggling with self-loathing and thoughts of self-harm to relieve my distress after my friend took his own life last month. Please can someone give me any useful advice?
Level 4
Content that mocks victims or survivors of suicide or self-harm, unfounded attribution of positive qualities to self-harm, fantasies or wishes of self-harm, and contains explicitly graphic content involving death, autopsy, crime, or death scene. This includes:
Self-injury presented as a solution to a problem, emotional distress, escape from pain/agony
Texts where self-harm or suicide contains medium gore and descriptions of tools such as a knife, a pistol, etc.
It's hilarious when [identity group] kill themselves.
Level 5
Content aiming to further promotion of self-harm, providing direct instructions on how to perform self-harm or bully a victim. This includes:
Texts that seek advice or recommendations on how to perform self-harm acts except for suicide
Texts that describe personal past and present experiences of self-harm that contains explicit details
Bullying, intimidation, and pressuring that incites and promotes self-harm acts
Go kill yourself, you are worthless.
Level 6
Content describing detailed and explicit instructions on how to commit suicide. This includes:
Texts that instruct how to write a goodbye message to your family
Here is a quick guide to do-it-yourself suicide. One method is asphyxia suicide by inhaling helium inside a plastic bag.
Level 7
Content used to endorse and glorify suicide or other severe acts of self-harm. This includes:
Burning alive
Get a shotgun and blow your brains out. It won't even hurt. And you'll be remembered for ages, like Kurt Cobain or Ernest Hemingway. There's nothing bad about suicide. Actually it's noble.
The Severity definitions tab in this document contains examples of harmful content that may be disturbing to some readers.
Hate and fairness severity levels
Severity Level
Image example
Content is safe but may contain hate and fairness related imagery with no sentiment or neutral sentiments in non-discriminatory non-offensive ways in the following contexts or those similar to:
Non confederate flags, e.g. Flags of countries or states that feature crosses
An image of the Union Jack flag of Great Britain
Depiction of emancipation of enslaved people in the US in historical photos
Content that contains either positive sentiments, false positive sentiments, or negative, biased sentiments differentiating identity groups from others. This content is intended to trigger an emotional response. This includes:
Nazi symbolism, the confederate flag, Ku Klux Klan symbolism
Employment discrimination
Representations of 'No Hate Speech' movement
Representations of deprioritized job candidates such as candidates with disabilities in interview settings
Content that contains negative sentiment action towards identity groups and others that leads to the promotion of action against an identity groups and sentiments of superiority. This includes:
Insult, isolation, mocking
Nazi flag, confederate flag, and LGBTQIA+ variations and merchandise
Imagery that promotes social avoidance of [identity groups]
Imagery that depicts the racial improvement theory and eugenics
Content that contains negative sentiment and hate speech towards identity groups leading to hate speech generation or hate crimes. This includes:
Attacks on LGBTQIA+
Sex-based discrimination
Glorified Nazi symbolism, Confederate flag, Ku Klux Klan symbolism
Violent confederate flag
Antisemitic imagery
Imagery depicting the "Southern Cross" that features a blue saltire (diagonal cross) with affiliation of obvious violence (e.g. guns in display/use)
Sexual severity levels
Severity Level
Image example
Content is safe but contains sexually related imagery used in a general sense. This includes:
Family and romantic relationships
Non-sexual nudity
Common objects
Non-sexual pose or activity
Animal mating
Sexual wellness
Representations of hugging or making non-sexual physical contact
Representations depicting physical display of affection such as kissing without tongue and without nudity
Content that contains sexually suggestive behaviors or acts. This includes:
Personal experiences
Fashion modeling
Nudity in artwork
Body art
Racy display
Depictions of people
Content that contains commercial and amateur erotic and/or pornographic content without visual photographic penetration and nude or semi-nude participants involved in sexual scenes meant to be sexually arousing. This includes:
Sexual modeling
Soft nudity in artwork
Sex jobs or shops
Obscured sexual activity
Porn production backstage
Pole dancing
Depictions of intercourse that may be partially occluded but still clearly present in the image
Content that contains explicit detailed depictions of sexual organs and sexual acts, including illegal acts. This includes:
Amateur soft-core and hard-core pornography
Sexual solicitation
Sex in artwork
BDSM with no consent or Rape
Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Child grooming
Depictions of engagements in sexual activities with animals or corpses
Violence severity levels
Severity Level
Image example
Content is safe but contains violence related imagery used in a general sense. This includes:
Sleeping or laying pose
Common objects
Non-violent activity
Ropes not as a noose
Bladed tools in use in kitchen/sewing
Wounds, scars and surgical treatment
Hunting and shooting sport
Toy and pretend guns
Combat practice
Object damage and vandalism
Non-branded terrorist symbolism
Depictions of non-realistic weapons and bladed tools
Content that contains violence related imagery and acts in real world or fictional contexts with low gore. This includes:
Guns, weapons, and bladed tools in display and in use
Non-realistic corpse
Non-realistic violence
Animated weapons
Light injury and personal experience
Ropes as a noose
Death in historical, educational, or funerary settings
Non-realistic terrorist symbolism
Depictions of ISIS/al-Qaeda flags
Content that contains moderate graphic violence and violent acts aimed at an identified target. This includes:
Crime or death scene
Animal death (natural or hunted), animal sacrifice, animal abuse
Genocide and mass killings in historical, educational settings
Domestic violence and physical abuse
Guns and weapons in use against a target
Depictions of the use of force and coercion to aggressively dominate or intimidate an individual
Content that contains explicit detailed depictions of violence and violent acts in high gore. This includes:
Graphic injuries and death
Dismemberment, decapitation, burning alive
Corpse decomposition
Terrorism, Terrorist groups, and flags
Forced labor and servitude, forced medical procedure
Corpse in terrorism and war crime
Shooting event
Other extremism
Depictions of death when performed by terrorist groups identifiable by ISIS flags and symbols
Self-harm severity levels
Severity Level
Image example
Content is safe but contains self-harm related imagery used in a general sense. This includes:
Low body fat
Non-self-harm act
Accidental body injury
Depictions of jumping with a parachute out of a plane
Content that contains self-harm related imagery and acts in real world or fictional contexts with low gore. This includes:
Self-harm injury in recovery
Non-realistic self-harm
Emaciated individuals or animals
Representations of self-harm related acts, tools, injury and emotional state
Content that contains moderate graphic imagery related to self-harm and suicide. This includes:
Crime or death scene
Representations of the use of force and coercion to aggressively dominate or intimidate an individual into self-harm
Content that contains explicit detailed depictions of self-harm and suicide in high gore. This includes:
Imminent self-harm act
Self-harm acts
Depictions of intentional suicide, where a person has committed suicide by jumping off a tall building
The Severity definitions tab in this document contains examples of harmful content that may be disturbing to some readers.
Hate and fairness severity levels
Severity Level
Image example
Content is safe but may contain hate and fairness related text and visuals used in generic and safe contexts such as:
Official statistics
Other similar contexts
Scenario: Image with text overlay
Image: Benign photo of a person
Text: Attends rally wearing sneakers
Content that contains positive characterization or protection of the Identity groups, displays discrimination, stereotypes and prejudiced, judgmental, opinionated views or attitudes related to hate speech or targeting identity groups. This includes:
Slurs in research papers, dictionaries, or media with a direct quote
General hate speech that targets objects, individuals or groups
Limited hate speech or depictions of negative sentiment in fictional contexts (for example, gaming, movies, literature)
Scenario: Image with text overlay
Image: Benign photo of a person
Text: Everyone assumes that I got high grades in math because I’m Asian. I did.
Rationale: Implies racial stereotype.
Content that contains insults, bullying, intimidation, de-humanization or derogation of individuals or groups. This includes:
Slurs in research papers, dictionaries, or media with a direct quote
General hate speech that targets objects, individuals or groups
Limited hate speech or depictions of negative sentiment in fictional contexts (for example, gaming, movies, literature)
Scenario: Image with text overlay
Image: Benign photo of a person with Parkinsons
Text: This guy just Friended and Unfriended me 45 times in 15 seconds. Does anyone know him?
Rationale: Implies mockery due to disability
Content that contains hate speech as propaganda threatening or calling for violence against Identity groups, radicalizes, recruits or incites people to join extremist efforts or spread hate speech. This includes:
Incendiary, offensive, and vulgar content targeting specific individuals or identity groups
Claims of superiority to justify discrimination, segregation, or exclusion
Any form of glorification of Nazi and SS symbolism, KKK and the confederate flag outside of historical, educational, or artistic settings
Displays of hate crime preparation, praise and glorification of violence against Identity groups, or that praise, glorify, or endorse genocide
Scenario: Image and text interleaved
Never forget that everything [image of Adolf Hitler] did in Germany was legal.
Sexual severity levels
Severity Level
Image example
Content is safe but may contain sexually related terms or visuals used in generic and safe contexts such as:
Official statistics
Mentions of family or romantic relations
Scenario: Image with text overlay
Image: A skunk
Text: Looks aren’t everything, be careful who you marry, and check your mirrors too.
Content that expresses prejudiced, judgmental or opinionated views on sexually related topics or mentions sexually related terms in fictional or real-world experiences that are not extremely graphic. This includes:
Mentions of sexual anatomy or sex scenes in fictional and artistic contexts
Medical prescriptions and diagnosis
Personal experiences, sexual problems and traumas with some graphic content including coping mechanisms and resources
Scenario: Image and text interleaved
I hope they debate social issues I want [image of a person cupping their ear, representing "to hear"] about how a representative wants to regulate female sexual organs.
Content that describes sexual arousal and activity in explicit and graphic terms or visuals, including fantasies about sex and sexual abuse. This includes:
Depictions of sexual stimulation and masturbation
Pornography limited to business and prostitution, escort, etc. as careers without sex scenes
Advertisement for adult products such as sex toys
Personal experiences and descriptions related to sexual, erotic or tantric massages, strip clubs, erotic shows, BDSM attributes and practices
Scenario: Image and text interleaved
There is so much [image containing the phrase "Sex and Violence"] in that book it could use a warning label in the cover.
Content describing solicitation of sexual commercial services, containing detailed descriptions of sexual activity, violent sexual abuse and rape, and non-consensual power exchanges, abuse, and voyeurism. This also includes content that is used to promote, endorse, or glorify extreme or illegal sexual acts. This includes:
Any depiction of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) including any explicit or potential reference to underage sex
Child grooming, child abuse, and other child exploitation
Explicit or potential references to incest, zoophilia, necrophilia, etc.
Human sex trafficking recruitment, including victim manipulation
Scenario: Image and text interleaved
Can too much [image of graphic pornography] actually kill you? Evidently not, because you are still with us.
Violence severity levels
Severity Level
Image example
Content is safe but may contain terms and visuals related to violence used in generic and safe contexts such as:
Official statistics
Common objects when not used as weapons
Hunting or shooting sport and guns technical specifications
Scenario: Image and text interleaved
[Image of lawnmower] can easily throw a [image of rock] to a distance well over 50 feet.
Content in fictional contexts (for example, gaming, literature, arts) that depict violent or graphic scenes without glorification, endorsement or malintent. This includes:
Personal experiences of violence (without violent intent)
Biased, prejudiced, judgmental, or opinionated views on violence
Mentions of violent acts and death at low intensity
Scenario: Image with text overlay
Image: Benign photo of a "nerdy" person
Text: Runs suicides at basketball practice. Dies.
Rationale: Implies exhaustion due to the lack of physical abilities of the person.
Content that contains graphic depictions of violence and death at medium intensity as well as fantasies about violent acts or threats. This includes:
Content that puts the victim at fault or depicts perpetrators in a positive light
Historical references to genocide and the Holocaust without endorsement or glorification
References to known mass shootings without endorsement or glorification
References to terrorist and violent extremist groups and events without endorsement or glorification
Bullying and intimidation
Scenario: Image and text interleaved
She needs [image of a graphic that reads "to die"] already.
Content that contains terrorist or violent extremist propaganda and violent ideology on the Internet that describes, praises, supports, endorses or glorifies killings as part of terroristic activity, aids offers to terrorist organizations or causes. This includes:
Content that seeks instructions on affiliation with terrorist and violent extremist groups
Content that provides instructions on how to recruit followers, influence people toward a terrorist cause or extremist ideology, adopt radical views or provide training on how terrorist and violent extremist groups operate, or provide information on their leaders and members
Content that plans and coordinates attacks on individuals or groups of people, including shooting events, use of bombs and explosives on civilian infrastructure, or bladed weapon attacks when performed by non-combatants or non-terrorists
Content that references forced labor including children, domestic servitude, stalking, and forced medical procedures
Scenario: Image and text interleaved
I can’t wait for this [image of ISIS kafir beheading].
Self-harm severity levels
Severity Level
Image example
Content is safe but may contain terms or visuals related to self-harm used in generic and safe contexts such as:
Official statistics
Actions that describe accidental self-harm, first aid tips, etc.
Scenario: Image and text interleaved
How do I tie a [image of a rope]?
Content that contains references to characters planning or committing suicide in a fictional context (for example, literature, movies) or contains depictions of self-harm acts or suicide at low intensity. This includes:
Personal biased, prejudiced, judgmental or opinionated views on self-harm
Associations with eating disorders, seeking or providing instructions for drastic and unhealthy weight loss
Personal experiences related to self-harm, including seeking professional help
Scenario: Image with text overlay
Image: Kermit the frog
Text: Life ain’t no good for a frog. Even tried to Kermit suicide.
Content that mocks victims or survivors of self-harm such as eating disorders or suicide, as well as bullying and intimidation that incites and promotes self-harm acts. This includes:
Self-injury presented as a solution to a problem Fantasies, desire, wishes or personal experiences about self-harm/suicide
Content that seeks or gives advice, instructions or recommendations on how to perform self-harm
Bullying and intimidation that incites and promotes self-harm acts
Scenario: Image with text interleaved
I will [image of a knife] myself soon. But until then, how do I tame my pain?
Content that includes research for advice or provides instructions and methods on how to engage in self-harm that leads to death or how to commit suicide as well as glorification and endorsement of suicide, or other severe types of self-harm. This includes:
Content that instructs how to write a goodbye message to your family
Burning alive
Scenario: Image and text interleaved
Black Friday [image of self-harm with text "My self-harm cuts have nearly faded completely so they won’t scar"] and [image of a kitchen mixer] deals.
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As the amount of user-generated online content increases, so does the need to ensure harmful material is moderated effectively. Azure AI Content Safety resource includes features to help organizations moderate and manage both user-generated and AI-generated content.