17 มี.ค. 21 - 21 มี.ค. 10
แอปอัจฉริยะ เข้าร่วมชุด meetup เพื่อสร้างโซลูชัน AI ที่ปรับขนาดได้ตามกรณีการใช้งานจริงกับนักพัฒนาและผู้เชี่ยวชาญร่วมกัน
อัปเกรดเป็น Microsoft Edge เพื่อใช้ประโยชน์จากคุณลักษณะล่าสุด เช่น การอัปเดตความปลอดภัยและการสนับสนุนด้านเทคนิค
Feature: Azure AI Translator → Document Translation
Document Translation is a cloud-based feature of the Azure AI Translator service and is part of the Azure AI service family of REST APIs. The Batch Document Translation API translates documents across all supported languages and dialects while preserving document structure and data format. The available methods are listed in the following tables:
The current version is backward compatible with the legacy version.
Starting with this current version, the get supported storage sources
method is no longer supported. The Translator service only supports Azure Blob storage.
Request | Method | Description | API path |
Single | Synchronous | Document | Translation |
Translate document | POST | Synchronously translate a single document. | {document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document:translate?targetLanguage={target_language}&api-version={date} |
Batch | Asynchronous | Documents | Translation |
Start translation | POST | Start a batch document translation job. | {document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document/batches?api-version={date} |
Get status for all translation jobs | GET | Request a list and the status of translation jobs submitted by the user. | {document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document/batches?api-version={date} |
Get status for a specific translation job | GET | Request a summary of the status for a specific translation job. The response includes the overall job status and the status for documents that are being translated as part of that job. | {document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document/batches/{id}?api-version={date} |
Get status for all documents | GET | Request the status of all documents in a translation job. | {document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document/batches/{id}/documents?api-version={date} |
Get status for a specific document | GET | Request the status for a specific document in a job. | {document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document/batches/{id}/documents/{documentId}?api-version={date} |
Cancel translation | DELETE | Cancel a document translation job that is currently processing or queued. | {document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document/batches/{id}?api-version={date} |
Get supported document formats | GET | Request a list of supported document formats. | {document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document/formats?api-version={date}&type=document |
Get supported glossary formats | GET | Request a list of supported glossary formats. | {document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document/formats?api-version={date}&type=glossary |
Request | Method | Description | API path |
Single | Synchronous | Document | Translation |
Translate document | POST | Synchronously translate a single document. | {document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document:translate?sourceLanguage={source language}&targetLanguage={target language}&api-version=2024-05-01" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:{your-key}" -F "document={path-to-your-document-with-file-extension};type={ContentType}/{file-extension}" -F "glossary={path-to-your-glossary-with-file-extension};type={ContentType}/{file-extension}" -o "{path-to-output-file}" |
Batch | Asynchronous | Documents | Translation |
Start translation | POST | Start a batch document translation job. | {document-translation-endpoint}.cognitiveservices.azure.com/translator/text/batch/v1.1/batches |
Get status for all translation jobs | GET | Request a list and the status of translation jobs submitted by the user. | {document-translation-endpoint}.cognitiveservices.azure.com/translator/text/batch/v1.1/batches |
Get status for a specific translation job | GET | Request a summary of the status for a specific translation job. The response includes the overall job status and the status for documents that are being translated as part of that job. | {document-translation-endpoint}.cognitiveservices.azure.com/translator/text/batch/v1.1/batches/{id} |
Get status for all documents | GET | Request the status for a specific document in a job. | {document-translation-endpoint}.cognitiveservices.azure.com/translator/text/batch/v1.1/batches/{id}/documents |
Get status for a specific document | GET | Request the status for a specific document in a job. | {document-translation-endpoint}.cognitiveservices.azure.com/translator/text/batch/v1.1/batches/{id}/documents/{documentId} |
Cancel translation | DELETE | Cancel a document translation job that is currently processing or queued. | {document-translation-endpoint}.cognitiveservices.azure.com/translator/text/batch/v1.1/batches/{id} |
Get supported document formats | GET | Request a list of supported document formats. | {document-translation-endpoint}.cognitiveservices.azure.com/translator/text/batch/v1.1/documents/formats |
Get supported glossary formats | GET | Request a list of supported glossary formats. | {document-translation-endpoint}.cognitiveservices.azure.com/translator/text/batch/v1.1/glossaries/formats |
Get supported storage sources | GET | Request a list of supported storage sources/options. Currently, Translator service only supports Azure Blob storage. | {document-translation-endpoint}.cognitiveservices.azure.com/translator/text/batch/v1.1/storagesources |
17 มี.ค. 21 - 21 มี.ค. 10
แอปอัจฉริยะ เข้าร่วมชุด meetup เพื่อสร้างโซลูชัน AI ที่ปรับขนาดได้ตามกรณีการใช้งานจริงกับนักพัฒนาและผู้เชี่ยวชาญร่วมกัน