

Reference: Developer portal audit log schema

APPLIES TO: Developer | Basic | Standard | Premium

This article provides a schema reference for the Azure API Management DeveloperPortalAuditLogs resource log.

To enable collection of the resource log in API Management, see Enable logging of developer portal usage.

DeveloperPortalAuditLogs schema

The following fields are logged for each request to the developer portal.

Field Type Description
Sku string Pricing tier
DeploymentVersion string API Management code base version
Level int Log level as number from 1 - 5.

1 - 2: errors
3: warnings
4 - 5: tracing logs
resourceId string Azure Resource Manager resource identifier

category string DeveloperPortalAuditLogs
resultType string Result type, either Succeeded or Failed
operationName string Microsoft.ApiManagement/CustomerDevPortalAuditDiagnosticLogs
eventTime string Date and time in UTC of an event

Example: 2024-05-13T09:15:26.012166Z
apimClient string Value taken from X-Ms-Apim-Client HTTP header sent on each request by developer portal webpage. Each part is separated by | character. Contains information about service type, domain name, API used, and user authorization status

Example: dev-portal|myapimservice123.developer.azure-api.net|getApis-unauthorized
activityId string Unique log GUID
properties dynamic | object Object representing additional log information


Field name Type Description
hashedUserId string | null Hashed user ID or null if the request is anonymous
timestamp string Date and time in UTC when the request was made

Example: 2024-05-13T09:15:26.4496706Z
requestPath string HTTP request URL path

Example: /apis or /tags
requestMethod string HTTP request method
userAgent string Browser's user agent string taken from HTTP request header. Identifies browser, browser version, and operating system.

Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
responseCode int HTTP response code
region string Azure region name

Example: Brazil South
serviceName string Name of the API Management service