

Migrate to workspace-based Application Insights resources

This article walks you through migrating a classic Application Insights resource to a workspace-based resource.

Workspace-based resources:

New capabilities

Workspace-based Application Insights resources allow you to take advantage of the latest capabilities of Azure Monitor and Log Analytics:

  • Customer-managed keys provide encryption at rest for your data with encryption keys that only you have access to.
  • Azure Private Link allows you to securely link the Azure platform as a service (PaaS) to your virtual network by using private endpoints.
  • Profiler and Snapshot Debugger Bring your own storage (BYOS) gives you full control over:
    • Encryption-at-rest policy.
    • Lifetime management policy.
    • Network access for all data associated with Application Insights Profiler and Snapshot Debugger.
  • Commitment tiers enable you to save as much as 30% compared to the pay-as-you-go price. Otherwise, billing for pay-as-you-go data ingestion and data retention in Log Analytics is similar to the billing in Application Insights.
  • Data is ingested faster via Log Analytics streaming ingestion.


After you migrate to a workspace-based Application Insights resource, telemetry from multiple Application Insights resources might be stored in a common Log Analytics workspace. You can still pull data from a specific Application Insights resource, as described in the section Understand log queries.

Migration process

When you migrate to a workspace-based resource, no data is transferred from your classic resource's storage to the new workspace-based storage. Choosing to migrate changes the location where new data is written to a Log Analytics workspace while preserving access to your classic resource data.

Your classic resource data persists and is subject to the retention settings on your classic Application Insights resource. All new data ingested post migration is subject to the retention settings of the associated Log Analytics workspace, which also supports different retention settings by data type.

The migration process is permanent and can't be reversed. After you migrate a resource to workspace-based Application Insights, it will always be a workspace-based resource. After you migrate, you can change the target workspace as often as needed.

If you don't need to migrate an existing resource, and instead want to create a new workspace-based Application Insights resource, see the Workspace-based resource creation guide.


The migration process shouldn't introduce any application downtime or restarts nor change your existing instrumentation key or connection string.


  • A Log Analytics workspace with the access control mode set to the "Use resource or workspace permissions" setting:

  • Continuous export isn't compatible with workspace-based resources and must be disabled. After the migration is finished, you can use diagnostic settings to configure data archiving to a storage account or streaming to Azure Event Hubs.


    • Diagnostic settings use a different export format/schema than continuous export. Migrating breaks any existing integrations with Azure Stream Analytics.
    • Diagnostic settings export might increase costs. For more information, see Export telemetry from Application Insights.
  • Check your current retention settings under Settings > Usage and estimated costs > Data Retention for your Log Analytics workspace. This setting affects how long any new ingested data is stored after you migrate your Application Insights resource.


    • If you currently store Application Insights data for longer than the default 90 days and want to retain this longer retention period after migration, adjust your workspace retention settings.
    • If you've selected data retention longer than 90 days on data ingested into the classic Application Insights resource prior to migration, data retention continues to be billed through that Application Insights resource until the data exceeds the retention period.
    • If the retention setting for your Application Insights instance under Configure > Usage and estimated costs > Data Retention is enabled, use that setting to control the retention days for the telemetry data still saved in your classic resource's storage.
  • Understand workspace-based Application Insights usage and costs.

Find your Classic Application Insights resources

You can use on of the following methods to find Classic Application Insights resources within your subscription:

Application Insights resource in Azure portal

Within the Overview of an Application Insights resource, Classic Application Insights resources don't have a linked Workspace and the Classic Application Insights retirement warning banner appears. Workspace-based resources have a linked workspace within the overview section

Classic resource: A screenshot of the classic Application Insights portal overview page.

Workspace-based resource: A screenshot of the workspace-based Application Insights portal overview page.

Azure Resource Graph

You can use the Azure Resource Graph (ARG) Explorer and run a query on the 'resources' table to pull this information:

| where subscriptionId == 'Replace with your own subscription ID'
| where type contains 'microsoft.insights/components'
| distinct resourceGroup, name, tostring(properties['IngestionMode']), tostring(properties['WorkspaceResourceId'])


Classic resources are identified by ‘ApplicationInsights’, 'N/A', or Empty values.

Azure CLI:

Run the following script from Cloud Shell in the portal where authentication is built in or anywhere else after authenticating using az login:

$resources = az resource list --resource-type 'microsoft.insights/components' | ConvertFrom-Json

$resources | Sort-Object -Property Name | Format-Table -Property @{Label="App Insights Resource"; Expression={$_.name}; width = 35}, @{Label="Ingestion Mode"; Expression={$mode = az resource show --name $_.name --resource-group $_.resourceGroup --resource-type microsoft.insights/components --query "properties.IngestionMode" -o tsv; $mode}; width = 45}


Classic resources are identified by ‘ApplicationInsights’, 'N/A', or Empty values. The following PowerShell script can be run from the Azure CLI:

$token = (Get-AZAccessToken).Token
$header = @{Authorization = "Bearer $token"}
$uri = "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/$subscription/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components?api-version=2015-05-01"
$RestResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $uri -Headers $header -ContentType "application/json" -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose
foreach ($app in $RestResult.value)
    #"processing: " + $app.properties.WorkspaceResourceId  ##  Classic Application Insights do not have a workspace.
    if ($app.properties.WorkspaceResourceId)
        $Obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
        $Obj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Name  -Value $app.name
        $Obj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name WorkspaceResourceId  -Value $app.properties.WorkspaceResourceId
        $list += $Obj
        $Obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
        $Obj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Name  -Value $app.name
        $ClassicList += $Obj
$list |Format-Table -Property Name, WorkspaceResourceId -Wrap
$ClassicList | FT

Migrate your resource

To migrate a classic Application Insights resource to a workspace-based resource:

  1. From your Application Insights resource, select "Properties" under the "Configure" heading in the menu on the left.

    Screenshot that shows Properties under the Configured heading.

  2. Select Migrate to Workspace-based.

    Screenshot that shows the Migrate to Workspace-based button.

  3. Select the Log Analytics workspace where you want all future ingested Application Insights telemetry to be stored. It can either be a Log Analytics workspace in the same subscription or a different subscription that shares the same Microsoft Entra tenant. The Log Analytics workspace doesn't have to be in the same resource group as the Application Insights resource.


    Migrating to a workspace-based resource can take up to 24 hours, but the process is usually faster. Rely on accessing data through your Application Insights resource while you wait for the migration process to finish. After it's finished, you'll see new data stored in the Log Analytics workspace tables.

    Screenshot that shows the Migration wizard UI with the option to select target workspace.

    After your resource is migrated, you'll see the corresponding workspace information in the Overview pane.

    Screenshot that shows the Workspace name.

    Selecting the blue link text takes you to the associated Log Analytics workspace where you can take advantage of the new unified workspace query environment.


After you migrate to a workspace-based Application Insights resource, use the workspace's daily cap to limit ingestion and costs instead of the cap in Application Insights.

Understand log queries

We provide full backward compatibility for your Application Insights classic resource queries, workbooks, and log-based alerts within the Application Insights experience.

To write queries against the new workspace-based table structure/schema, you must first go to your Log Analytics workspace.

To ensure the queries run successfully, validate that the query's fields align with the new schema fields.

You might have multiple Application Insights resources that store telemetry in one Log Analytics workspace, but you want to query data from one specific Application Insights resource. You have two options:

  • Go to your Application Insights resource and select the Logs tab. All queries from this tab automatically pull data from the selected Application Insights resource.
  • Go to the Log Analytics workspace that you configured as the destination for your Application Insights telemetry and select the Logs tab. To query data from a specific Application Insights resource, filter for the built-in _ResourceId property that's available in all application-specific tables.

When you query directly from the Log Analytics workspace, you only see data that's ingested post migration. To see both your classic Application Insights data and the new data ingested after migration in a unified query experience, use the Logs tab from within your migrated Application Insights resource.


If you rename your Application Insights resource after you migrate to the workspace-based model, the Application Insights Logs tab no longer shows the telemetry collected before renaming. You can see all old and new data on the Logs tab of the associated Log Analytics resource.

Identifying the Application Insights resources by ingestion type

Use the following script to identify your Application Insights resources by ingestion type.


Get-AzApplicationInsights -SubscriptionId 'Your Subscription ID' | Format-Table -Property Name, IngestionMode, Id, @{label='Type';expression={
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.IngestionMode)) {
    } elseif ($_.IngestionMode -eq 'LogAnalytics') {
    } elseif ($_.IngestionMode -eq 'ApplicationInsights' -or $_.IngestionMode -eq 'ApplicationInsightsWithDiagnosticSettings') {
    } else {

Programmatic resource migration

This section helps you migrate your resources.

Azure CLI

To access the preview Application Insights Azure CLI commands, you first need to run:

 az extension add -n application-insights

If you don't run the az extension add command, you see an error message that states az : ERROR: az monitor: 'app-insights' is not in the 'az monitor' command group. See 'az monitor --help'.

Now you can run the following code to create your Application Insights resource:

az monitor app-insights component update --app
                                         [--ingestion-access {Disabled, Enabled}]
                                         [--query-access {Disabled, Enabled}]


az monitor app-insights component update --app your-app-insights-resource-name -g your_resource_group --workspace "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/test1234/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/test1234555"

For the full Azure CLI documentation for this command, see the Azure CLI documentation.

Azure PowerShell

Starting with version 8.0 or higher of Azure PowerShell, you can use the Update-AzApplicationInsights PowerShell command to migrate a classic Application Insights resource to workspace based.

To use this cmdlet, you need to specify the name and resource group of the Application Insights resource that you want to update. Use the IngestionMode and WorkspaceResoruceId parameters to migrate your classic instance to workspace-based. For more information on the parameters and syntax of this cmdlet, see Update-AzApplicationInsights.


# Get the resource ID of the Log Analytics workspace
$workspaceResourceId = (Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace -ResourceGroupName "rgName" -Name "laName").ResourceId

# Update the Application Insights resource with the workspace parameter
Update-AzApplicationInsights -Name "aiName" -ResourceGroupName "rgName" -IngestionMode LogAnalytics -WorkspaceResourceId $workspaceResourceId

Azure Resource Manager templates

This section provides templates.


Ensure that you have removed all Continous Export settings from your resource before running the migration templates. See Prerequisites

Template file

    "$schema": "http://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2014-04-01-preview/deploymentTemplate.json#",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string"
        "type": {
            "type": "string"
        "regionId": {
            "type": "string"
        "tagsArray": {
            "type": "object"
        "requestSource": {
            "type": "string"
        "workspaceResourceId": {
            "type": "string"
    "resources": [
            "name": "[parameters('name')]",
            "type": "microsoft.insights/components",
            "location": "[parameters('regionId')]",
            "tags": "[parameters('tagsArray')]",
            "apiVersion": "2020-02-02-preview",
            "properties": {
                "ApplicationId": "[parameters('name')]",
                "Application_Type": "[parameters('type')]",
                "Flow_Type": "Redfield",
                "Request_Source": "[parameters('requestSource')]",
                "WorkspaceResourceId": "[parameters('workspaceResourceId')]"

Parameters file

    "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "type": {
            "value": "web"
        "name": {
            "value": "customresourcename"
        "regionId": {
            "value": "eastus"
        "tagsArray": {
            "value": {}
        "requestSource": {
            "value": "Custom"
        "workspaceResourceId": {
            "value": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/my_resource_group/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/myworkspacename"

Modify the associated workspace

After you create a workspace-based Application Insights resource, you can modify the associated Log Analytics workspace.

From within the Application Insights resource pane, select Properties > Change Workspace > Log Analytics Workspaces.

Frequently asked questions

This section provides answers to common questions.

What happens if I don't migrate my Application Insights classic resource to a workspace-based resource?

Microsoft began a phased approach to migrating classic resources to workspace-based resources in May 2024 and this migration is ongoing for several months. We can't provide approximate dates that specific resources, subscriptions, or regions are migrated.

We strongly encourage manual migration to workspace-based resources. This process is initiated by selecting the retirement notice banner. You can find it in the classic Application Insights resource Overview pane of the Azure portal. This process typically involves a single step of choosing which Log Analytics workspace is used to store your application data. If you use continuous export, you need to additionally migrate to diagnostic settings or disable the feature first.

If you don't wish to have your classic resource automatically migrated to a workspace-based resource, you can delete or manually migrate the resource.

Is there any implication on the cost from migration?

There's usually no difference, with two exceptions.

  • Application Insights resources that were receiving 1 GB per month free via legacy Application Insights pricing model doesn't receive the free data.
  • Application Insights resources that were in the basic pricing tier before April 2018 continue to be billed at the same nonregional price point as before April 2018. Application Insights resources created after that time, or those resources converted to be workspace-based, will receive the current regional pricing. For current prices in your currency and region, see Application Insights pricing.

The migration to workspace-based Application Insights offers many options to further optimize cost, including Log Analytics commitment tiers, dedicated clusters, and Basic and Auxiliary logs.

How will telemetry capping work?

You can set a daily cap on the Log Analytics workspace.

There's no strict billing capping available.

How will ingestion-based sampling work?

There are no changes to ingestion-based sampling.

Are there gaps in data collected during migration?

No. We merge data during query time.

Do old log queries continue to work?

Yes, they continue to work.

Will my dashboards with pinned metric and log charts continue to work after migration?

Yes, they continue to work.

Does migration affect AppInsights API accessing data?

No. Migration doesn't affect existing API access to data. After migration, you can access data directly from a workspace by using a slightly different schema.

Is there any impact on Live Metrics or other monitoring experiences?

No. There's no impact to Live Metrics or other monitoring experiences.

What happens with continuous export after migration?

To continue with automated exports, you need to migrate to diagnostic settings before migrating to workspace-based resource. The diagnostic setting carries over in the migration to workspace-based Application Insights.

How do I ensure a successful migration of my App Insights resource using Terraform?

If you're using Terraform to manage your Azure resources, it's important to use the latest version of the Terraform azurerm provider before attempting to upgrade your App Insights resource. Use of an older version of the provider, such as version 3.12, can result in the deletion of the classic component before creating the replacement workspace-based Application Insights resource. It can cause the loss of previous data and require updating the configurations in your monitored apps with new connection string and instrumentation key values.

To avoid this issue, make sure to use the latest version of the Terraform azurerm provider, version 3.89 or higher. It performs the proper migration steps by issuing the appropriate Azure Resource Manager (ARM) call to upgrade the App Insights classic resource to a workspace-based resource while preserving all the old data and connection string/instrumentation key values.

Can I still use the old API to create Application Insights resources programmatically?

For backwards compatibility, calls to the old API for creating Application Insights resources continue to work. Each of these calls creates both a workspace-based Application Insights resource and a Log Analytics workspace to store the data.

We strongly encourage updating to the new API for better control over resource creation.

Should I migrate diagnostic settings on classic Application Insights before moving to a workspace-based AI?

Yes, we recommend migrating diagnostic settings on classic Application Insights resources before transitioning to a workspace-based Application Insights. It ensures continuity and compatibility of your diagnostic settings.


This section provides troubleshooting tips.

Access mode

Error message: "The selected workspace is configured with workspace-based access mode. Some Application Performance Monitoring (APM) features can be impacted. Select another workspace or allow resource-based access in the workspace settings. You can override this error by using CLI."

For your workspace-based Application Insights resource to operate properly, you need to change the access control mode of your target Log Analytics workspace to the Resource or workspace permissions setting. This setting is located in the Log Analytics workspace UI under Properties > Access control mode. For instructions, see the Log Analytics configure access control mode guidance. If your access control mode is set to the exclusive Require workspace permissions setting, migration via the portal migration experience remains blocked.

If you can't change the access control mode for security reasons for your current target workspace, create a new Log Analytics workspace to use for the migration.

Continuous export

Error message: "Continuous Export needs to be disabled before continuing. After migration, use Diagnostic Settings for export."

The legacy Continuous export functionality isn't supported for workspace-based resources. Before migrating, you need to enable diagnostic settings and disable continuous export.

  1. Enable Diagnostic Settings on your classic Application Insights resource.

  2. From your Application Insights resource view, under the "Configure" heading, select "Continuous export".

    Screenshot that shows the Continuous export menu item.

  3. Select Disable.

    Screenshot that shows the Continuous export Disable button.

    • After you select Disable, you can go back to the migration UI. If the Edit continuous export page prompts you that your settings aren't saved, select OK. This prompt doesn't pertain to disabling or enabling continuous export.

    • After migrating your Application Insights resource, you can use diagnostic settings to replace the functionality that continuous export used to provide. Select Diagnostics settings > Add diagnostic setting in your Application Insights resource. You can select all tables, or a subset of tables, to archive to a storage account or stream to Azure Event Hubs. For more information on diagnostic settings, see the Azure Monitor diagnostic settings guidance.

Retention settings

Warning message: "Your customized Application Insights retention settings doesn't apply to data sent to the workspace. You need to reconfigure them separately."

You don't have to make any changes before migrating. This message alerts you that your current Application Insights retention settings aren't set to the default 90-day retention period. This warning message means you might want to modify the retention settings for your Log Analytics workspace before migrating and starting to ingest new data.

You can check your current retention settings for Log Analytics under Settings > Usage and estimated costs > Data Retention in the Log Analytics UI. This setting affects how long any new ingested data is stored after you migrate your Application Insights resource.

Workspace-based resource changes

Before the introduction of workspace-based Application Insights resources, Application Insights data was stored separately from other log data in Azure Monitor. Both are based on Azure Data Explorer and use the same Kusto Query Language (KQL). Workspace-based Application Insights resources data is stored in a Log Analytics workspace, together with other monitoring data and application data. This arrangement simplifies your configuration. You can analyze data across multiple solutions more easily and use the capabilities of workspaces.

Classic data structure

The structure of a Log Analytics workspace is described in Log Analytics workspace overview. For a classic application, the data isn't stored in a Log Analytics workspace. It uses the same query language. You create and run queries by using the same Log Analytics tool in the Azure portal. Data items for classic applications are stored separately from each other. The general structure is the same as for workspace-based applications, although the table and column names are different.


The classic Application Insights experience includes backward compatibility for your resource queries, workbooks, and log-based alerts. To query or view against the new workspace-based table structure or schema, first go to your Log Analytics workspace. During the preview, selecting Logs in the Application Insights pane gives you access to the classic Application Insights query experience. For more information, see Query scope.

Diagram that shows the Azure Monitor Logs structure for Application Insights.

Table structure

Legacy table name New table name Description
availabilityResults AppAvailabilityResults Summary data from availability tests.
browserTimings AppBrowserTimings Data about client performance, such as the time taken to process the incoming data.
dependencies AppDependencies Calls from the application to other components (including external components) recorded via TrackDependency(). Examples are calls to the REST API or database or a file system.
customEvents AppEvents Custom events created by your application.
customMetrics AppMetrics Custom metrics created by your application.
pageViews AppPageViews Data about each website view with browser information.
performanceCounters AppPerformanceCounters Performance measurements from the compute resources that support the application. An example is Windows performance counters.
requests AppRequests Requests received by your application. For example, a separate request record is logged for each HTTP request that your web app receives.
exceptions AppExceptions Exceptions thrown by the application runtime. Captures both server side and client-side (browsers) exceptions.
traces AppTraces Detailed logs (traces) emitted through application code/logging frameworks recorded via TrackTrace().


Wait for new telemetry in Log Analytics before relying on it. After starting the migration, telemetry first goes to Classic Application Insights. Telemetry ingestion is switched to Log Analytics within 24 hours. Once done, Log Analytics solely captures new telemetry.

Table schemas

The following sections show the mapping between the classic property names and the new workspace-based Application Insights property names. Use this information to convert any queries by using legacy tables.

Most of the columns have the same name with different capitalization. KQL is case sensitive, so you need to change each column name along with the table names in existing queries. Columns with changes in addition to capitalization are highlighted. You can still use your classic Application Insights queries within the Logs pane of your Application Insights resource, even if it's a workspace-based resource. The new property names are required when you query from within the context of the Log Analytics workspace experience.


Legacy table: availabilityResults

ApplicationInsights Type LogAnalytics Type
appId string ResourceGUID string
application_Version string AppVersion string
appName string (removed)
client_Browser string ClientBrowser string
client_City string ClientCity string
client_CountryOrRegion string ClientCountryOrRegion string
client_IP string ClientIP string
client_Model string ClientModel string
client_OS string ClientOS string
client_StateOrProvince string ClientStateOrProvince string
client_Type string ClientType string
cloud_RoleInstance string AppRoleInstance string
cloud_RoleName string AppRoleName string
customDimensions dynamic Properties Dynamic
customMeasurements dynamic Measurements Dynamic
duration real DurationMs real
id string Id string
iKey string IKey string
itemCount int ItemCount int
itemId string (removed)
itemType string Type String
location string Location string
message string Message string
name string Name string
operation_Id string OperationId string
operation_Name string OperationName string
operation_ParentId string ParentId string
operation_SyntheticSource string SyntheticSource string
performanceBucket string PerformanceBucket string
sdkVersion string SDKVersion string
session_Id string SessionId string
size real Size real
success string Success Bool
timestamp datetime TimeGenerated datetime
user_AccountId string UserAccountId string
user_AuthenticatedId string UserAuthenticatedId string
user_Id string UserId string


Legacy table: browserTimings

ApplicationInsights Type LogAnalytics Type
appId string ResourceGUID string
application_Version string AppVersion string
appName string (removed)
client_Browser string ClientBrowser string
client_City string ClientCity string
client_CountryOrRegion string ClientCountryOrRegion string
client_IP string ClientIP string
client_Model string ClientModel string
client_OS string ClientOS string
client_StateOrProvince string ClientStateOrProvince string
client_Type string ClientType string
cloud_RoleInstance string AppRoleInstance string
cloud_RoleName string AppRoleName string
customDimensions dynamic Properties Dynamic
customMeasurements dynamic Measurements Dynamic
iKey string IKey string
itemCount int ItemCount int
itemId string (removed)
itemType string Type string
name string Name datetime
networkDuration real NetworkDurationMs real
operation_Id string OperationId string
operation_Name string OperationName string
operation_ParentId string ParentId string
operation_SyntheticSource string SyntheticSource string
performanceBucket string PerformanceBucket string
processingDuration real ProcessingDurationMs real
receiveDuration real ReceiveDurationMs real
sdkVersion string SDKVersion string
sendDuration real SendDurationMs real
session_Id string SessionId string
timestamp datetime TimeGenerated datetime
totalDuration real TotalDurationMs real
url string Url string
user_AccountId string UserAccountId string
user_AuthenticatedId string UserAuthenticatedId string
user_Id string UserId string


Legacy table: dependencies

ApplicationInsights Type LogAnalytics Type
appId string ResourceGUID string
application_Version string AppVersion string
appName string (removed)
client_Browser string ClientBrowser string
client_City string ClientCity string
client_CountryOrRegion string ClientCountryOrRegion string
client_IP string ClientIP string
client_Model string ClientModel string
client_OS string ClientOS string
client_StateOrProvince string ClientStateOrProvince string
client_Type string ClientType string
cloud_RoleInstance string AppRoleInstance string
cloud_RoleName string AppRoleName string
customDimensions dynamic Properties Dynamic
customMeasurements dynamic Measurements Dynamic
data string Data string
duration real DurationMs real
id string Id string
iKey string IKey string
itemCount int ItemCount int
itemId string (removed)
itemType string Type String
name string Name string
operation_Id string OperationId string
operation_Name string OperationName string
operation_ParentId string ParentId string
operation_SyntheticSource string SyntheticSource string
performanceBucket string PerformanceBucket string
resultCode string ResultCode string
sdkVersion string SDKVersion string
session_Id string SessionId string
success string Success Bool
target string Target string
timestamp datetime TimeGenerated datetime
type string DependencyType string
user_AccountId string UserAccountId string
user_AuthenticatedId string UserAuthenticatedId string
user_Id string UserId string


Legacy table: customEvents

ApplicationInsights Type LogAnalytics Type
appId string ResourceGUID string
application_Version string AppVersion string
appName string (removed)
client_Browser string ClientBrowser string
client_City string ClientCity string
client_CountryOrRegion string ClientCountryOrRegion string
client_IP string ClientIP string
client_Model string ClientModel string
client_OS string ClientOS string
client_StateOrProvince string ClientStateOrProvince string
client_Type string ClientType string
cloud_RoleInstance string AppRoleInstance string
cloud_RoleName string AppRoleName string
customDimensions dynamic Properties Dynamic
customMeasurements dynamic Measurements Dynamic
iKey string IKey string
itemCount int ItemCount int
itemId string (removed)
itemType string Type string
name string Name string
operation_Id string OperationId string
operation_Name string OperationName string
operation_ParentId string ParentId string
operation_SyntheticSource string SyntheticSource string
sdkVersion string SDKVersion string
session_Id string SessionId string
timestamp datetime TimeGenerated datetime
user_AccountId string UserAccountId string
user_AuthenticatedId string UserAuthenticatedId string
user_Id string UserId string


Legacy table: customMetrics

ApplicationInsights Type LogAnalytics Type
appId string ResourceGUID string
application_Version string AppVersion string
appName string (removed)
client_Browser string ClientBrowser string
client_City string ClientCity string
client_CountryOrRegion string ClientCountryOrRegion string
client_IP string ClientIP string
client_Model string ClientModel string
client_OS string ClientOS string
client_StateOrProvince string ClientStateOrProvince string
client_Type string ClientType string
cloud_RoleInstance string AppRoleInstance string
cloud_RoleName string AppRoleName string
customDimensions dynamic Properties Dynamic
iKey string IKey string
itemId string (removed)
itemType string Type string
name string Name string
operation_Id string OperationId string
operation_Name string OperationName string
operation_ParentId string ParentId string
operation_SyntheticSource string SyntheticSource string
sdkVersion string SDKVersion string
session_Id string SessionId string
timestamp datetime TimeGenerated datetime
user_AccountId string UserAccountId string
user_AuthenticatedId string UserAuthenticatedId string
user_Id string UserId string
value real (removed)
valueCount int ItemCount int
valueMax real Max real
valueMin real Min real
valueSum real Sum real
valueStdDev real (removed)


Older versions of Application Insights SDKs are used to report standard deviation (valueStdDev) in the metrics pre-aggregation. Because adoption in metrics analysis was light, the field was removed and is no longer aggregated by the SDKs. If the value is received by the Application Insights data collection endpoint, it's dropped during ingestion and isn't sent to the Log Analytics workspace. If you want to use standard deviation in your analysis, use queries against Application Insights raw events.


Legacy table: pageViews

ApplicationInsights Type LogAnalytics Type
appId string ResourceGUID string
application_Version string AppVersion string
appName string (removed)
client_Browser string ClientBrowser string
client_City string ClientCity string
client_CountryOrRegion string ClientCountryOrRegion string
client_IP string ClientIP string
client_Model string ClientModel string
client_OS string ClientOS string
client_StateOrProvince string ClientStateOrProvince string
client_Type string ClientType string
cloud_RoleInstance string AppRoleInstance string
cloud_RoleName string AppRoleName string
customDimensions dynamic Properties Dynamic
customMeasurements dynamic Measurements Dynamic
duration real DurationMs real
id string Id string
iKey string IKey string
itemCount int ItemCount int
itemId string (removed)
itemType string Type String
name string Name string
operation_Id string OperationId string
operation_Name string OperationName string
operation_ParentId string ParentId string
operation_SyntheticSource string SyntheticSource string
performanceBucket string PerformanceBucket string
sdkVersion string SDKVersion string
session_Id string SessionId string
timestamp datetime TimeGenerated datetime
url string Url string
user_AccountId string UserAccountId string
user_AuthenticatedId string UserAuthenticatedId string
user_Id string UserId string


Legacy table: performanceCounters

ApplicationInsights Type LogAnalytics Type
appId string ResourceGUID string
application_Version string AppVersion string
appName string (removed)
category string Category string
client_Browser string ClientBrowser string
client_City string ClientCity string
client_CountryOrRegion string ClientCountryOrRegion string
client_IP string ClientIP string
client_Model string ClientModel string
client_OS string ClientOS string
client_StateOrProvince string ClientStateOrProvince string
client_Type string ClientType string
cloud_RoleInstance string AppRoleInstance string
cloud_RoleName string AppRoleName string
counter string (removed)
customDimensions dynamic Properties Dynamic
iKey string IKey string
instance string Instance string
itemId string (removed)
itemType string Type string
name string Name string
operation_Id string OperationId string
operation_Name string OperationName string
operation_ParentId string ParentId string
operation_SyntheticSource string SyntheticSource string
sdkVersion string SDKVersion string
session_Id string SessionId string
timestamp datetime TimeGenerated datetime
user_AccountId string UserAccountId string
user_AuthenticatedId string UserAuthenticatedId string
user_Id string UserId string
value real Value real


Legacy table: requests

ApplicationInsights Type LogAnalytics Type
appId string ResourceGUID string
application_Version string AppVersion string
appName string (removed)
client_Browser string ClientBrowser string
client_City string ClientCity string
client_CountryOrRegion string ClientCountryOrRegion string
client_IP string ClientIP string
client_Model string ClientModel string
client_OS string ClientOS string
client_StateOrProvince string ClientStateOrProvince string
client_Type string ClientType string
cloud_RoleInstance string AppRoleInstance string
cloud_RoleName string AppRoleName string
customDimensions dynamic Properties Dynamic
customMeasurements dynamic Measurements Dynamic
duration real DurationMs Real
id string Id String
iKey string IKey string
itemCount int ItemCount int
itemId string (removed)
itemType string Type String
name string Name String
operation_Id string OperationId string
operation_Name string OperationName string
operation_ParentId string ParentId string
operation_SyntheticSource string SyntheticSource string
performanceBucket string PerformanceBucket String
resultCode string ResultCode String
sdkVersion string SDKVersion string
session_Id string SessionId string
source string Source String
success string Success Bool
timestamp datetime TimeGenerated datetime
url string Url String
user_AccountId string UserAccountId string
user_AuthenticatedId string UserAuthenticatedId string
user_Id string UserId string


Legacy table: exceptions

ApplicationInsights Type LogAnalytics Type
appId string ResourceGUID string
application_Version string AppVersion string
appName string (removed)
assembly string Assembly string
client_Browser string ClientBrowser string
client_City string ClientCity string
client_CountryOrRegion string ClientCountryOrRegion string
client_IP string ClientIP string
client_Model string ClientModel string
client_OS string ClientOS string
client_StateOrProvince string ClientStateOrProvince string
client_Type string ClientType string
cloud_RoleInstance string AppRoleInstance string
cloud_RoleName string AppRoleName string
customDimensions dynamic Properties dynamic
customMeasurements dynamic Measurements dynamic
details dynamic Details dynamic
handledAt string HandledAt string
iKey string IKey string
innermostAssembly string InnermostAssembly string
innermostMessage string InnermostMessage string
innermostMethod string InnermostMethod string
innermostType string InnermostType string
itemCount int ItemCount int
itemId string (removed)
itemType string Type string
message string Message string
method string Method string
operation_Id string OperationId string
operation_Name string OperationName string
operation_ParentId string ParentId string
operation_SyntheticSource string SyntheticSource string
outerAssembly string OuterAssembly string
outerMessage string OuterMessage string
outerMethod string OuterMethod string
outerType string OuterType string
problemId string ProblemId string
sdkVersion string SDKVersion string
session_Id string SessionId string
severityLevel int SeverityLevel int
timestamp datetime TimeGenerated datetime
type string ExceptionType string
user_AccountId string UserAccountId string
user_AuthenticatedId string UserAuthenticatedId string
user_Id string UserId string


Legacy table: traces

ApplicationInsights Type LogAnalytics Type
appId string ResourceGUID string
application_Version string AppVersion string
appName string (removed)
client_Browser string ClientBrowser string
client_City string ClientCity string
client_CountryOrRegion string ClientCountryOrRegion string
client_IP string ClientIP string
client_Model string ClientModel string
client_OS string ClientOS string
client_StateOrProvince string ClientStateOrProvince string
client_Type string ClientType string
cloud_RoleInstance string AppRoleInstance string
cloud_RoleName string AppRoleName string
customDimensions dynamic Properties dynamic
customMeasurements dynamic Measurements dynamic
iKey string IKey string
itemCount int ItemCount int
itemId string (removed)
itemType string Type string
message string Message string
operation_Id string OperationId string
operation_Name string OperationName string
operation_ParentId string ParentId string
operation_SyntheticSource string SyntheticSource string
sdkVersion string SDKVersion string
session_Id string SessionId string
severityLevel int SeverityLevel int
timestamp datetime TimeGenerated datetime
user_AccountId string UserAccountId string
user_AuthenticatedId string UserAuthenticatedId string
user_Id string UserId string

Next steps