
Supported metrics for Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

For a list of supported logs, see Supported log categories - Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters

Category Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
API Server APIServer Audit Requests Rejected Total

Counter of API server requests rejected due to an error in the audit logging backend
ApiserverAuditRequestsRejectedTotal Count Average Component, Pod Name PT1M No
API Server APIServer Clnt Cert Exp Sec Sum (Preview)

Sum of API server client certificate expiration (seconds)
ApiserverClientCertificateExpirationSecondsSum Seconds Average Component, Pod Name PT1M No
API Server APIServer Storage Data Key Gen Fail

Total number of operations that failed Data Encryption Key (DEK) generation
ApiserverStorageDataKeyGenerationFailuresTotal Count Average Component, Pod Name PT1M No
API Server APIServer TLS Handshake Err (Preview)

Number of requests dropped with 'TLS handshake' error
ApiserverTlsHandshakeErrorsTotal Count Average Component, Pod Name PT1M No
Container Container FS I/O Time Seconds Total (Preview)

Time taken for container Input/Output (I/O) operations
ContainerFsIoTimeSecondsTotal Seconds Average Device, Host PT1M No
Container Container Memory Fail Count

Number of times a container's memory usage limit is hit
ContainerMemoryFailcnt Count Average Container, Host, Namespace, Pod PT1M No
Container Container Memory Usage Bytes

Current memory usage, including all memory regardless of when it was accessed
ContainerMemoryUsageBytes Bytes Average Container, Host, Namespace, Pod PT1M No
Container Container Net Rx Errors (Preview)

Number of errors encountered while receiving bytes over the network
ContainerNetworkReceiveErrorsTotal Count Average Interface, Namespace, Pod PT1M No
Container Container Net Tx Err Total (Preview)

Count of errors that happened while transmitting
ContainerNetworkTransmitErrorsTotal Count Average Interface, Namespace, Pod PT1M No
Container Container Scrape Error

Indicates whether there was an error while getting container metrics
ContainerScrapeError Unspecified Average Host PT1M No
Container Container Tasks State

Number of tasks or processes in a given state (sleeping, running, stopped, uninterruptible, or waiting) in a container
ContainerTasksState Count Average Container, Host, Namespace, Pod, State PT1M No
Controller Controller Reconcile Errors Total

Total number of reconciliation errors per controller
ControllerRuntimeReconcileErrorsTotal Count Average Controller, Namespace, Pod Name PT1M No
Controller Controller Reconciliations Total

Total number of reconciliations per controller
ControllerRuntimeReconcileTotal Count Average Controller, Namespace, Pod Name PT1M No
CoreDNS CoreDNS Requests Total

Total number of DNS requests
CorednsDnsRequestsTotal Count Average Family, Pod Name, Proto, Server, Type PT1M No
CoreDNS CoreDNS Responses Total

Total number of DNS responses
CorednsDnsResponsesTotal Count Average Pod Name, Server, Rcode PT1M No
CoreDNS CoreDNS Frwd Hlthchk Broken (Preview)

Total number of times all upstreams are unhealthy
CorednsForwardHealthcheckBrokenTotal Count Average Pod Name, Namespace PT1M No
CoreDNS CoreDNS Frwd Max Concurrent Rejects (Preview)

Total number of rejected queries because concurrent queries were at the maximum limit
CorednsForwardMaxConcurrentRejectsTotal Count Average Pod Name, Namespace PT1M No
CoreDNS CoreDNS Health Request Failures Total

The number of times the self health check failed
CorednsHealthRequestFailuresTotal Count Average Pod Name PT1M No
CoreDNS CoreDNS Panics Total

Total number of panics
CorednsPanicsTotal Count Average Pod Name PT1M No
CoreDNS CoreDNS Reload Failed Total

Total number of failed reload attempts
CorednsReloadFailedTotal Count Average Pod Name, Namespace PT1M No
Etcd Etcd Database Utilization Percentage

The percentage of the Etcd Database utilized
EtcdDBUtilizationPercent Percent Average Pod Name PT1M No
Etcd Etcd Disk Backend Commit Duration Sec

The latency distribution of commits called by the backend
EtcdDiskBackendCommitDurationSecondsSum Seconds Total Component, Pod Name, Tier PT1M No
Etcd Etcd Disk WAL Fsync Duration Sec

The sum of latency distributions of 'fsync' called by the write-ahead log (WAL)
EtcdDiskWalFsyncDurationSecondsSum Seconds Total Component, Pod Name, Tier PT1M No
Etcd Etcd Server Health Failures

Total server health failures
EtcdServerHealthFailures Count Average Pod Name PT1M No
Etcd Etcd Server Is Leader

Whether or not this member is a leader; 1 if is, 0 otherwise
EtcdServerIsLeader Unspecified Count Component, Pod Name, Tier PT1M No
Etcd Etcd Server Is Learner

Whether or not this member is a learner; 1 if is, 0 otherwise
EtcdServerIsLearner Unspecified Count Component, Pod Name, Tier PT1M No
Etcd Etcd Server Leader Changes Seen Total

The number of leader changes seen
EtcdServerLeaderChangesSeenTotal Count Average Component, Pod Name, Tier PT1M No
Etcd Etcd Server Proposals Applied Total

The total number of consensus proposals applied
EtcdServerProposalsAppliedTotal Count Average Component, Pod Name, Tier PT1M No
Etcd Etcd Server Proposals Committed Total

The total number of consensus proposals committed
EtcdServerProposalsCommittedTotal Count Average Component, Pod Name, Tier PT1M No
Etcd Etcd Server Proposals Failed Total

The total number of failed proposals
EtcdServerProposalsFailedTotal Count Average Component, Pod Name, Tier PT1M No
Etcd Etcd Server Slow Apply Total (Preview)

The total number of slow apply requests
EtcdServerSlowApplyTotal Count Average Pod Name, Tier PT1M No
Calico Felix Active Local Endpoints

Number of active endpoints on this host
FelixActiveLocalEndpoints Count Average Host PT1M No
Calico Felix Cluster Num Host Endpoints

Total number of host endpoints cluster-wide
FelixClusterNumHostEndpoints Count Average Host PT1M No
Calico Felix Cluster Number of Hosts

Total number of Calico hosts in the cluster
FelixClusterNumHosts Count Average Host PT1M No
Calico Felix Cluster Nmbr Workload Endpoints

Total number of workload endpoints cluster-wide
FelixClusterNumWorkloadEndpoints Count Average Host PT1M No
Calico Felix Interface Dataplane Failures

Number of times dataplane updates failed and will be retried
FelixIntDataplaneFailures Count Average Host PT1M No
Calico Felix Ipset Errors

Number of 'ipset' command failures
FelixIpsetErrors Count Average Host PT1M No
Calico Felix Ipsets Calico

Number of active Calico IP sets
FelixIpsetsCalico Count Average Host PT1M No
Calico Felix IP Tables Restore Errors

Number of 'iptables-restore' errors
FelixIptablesRestoreErrors Count Average Host PT1M No
Calico Felix IP Tables Save Errors

Number of 'iptables-save' errors
FelixIptablesSaveErrors Count Average Host PT1M No
Calico Felix Resyncs Started

Number of times Felix has started resyncing with the datastore
FelixResyncsStarted Count Average Host PT1M No
Calico Felix Resync State

Current datastore state
FelixResyncState Unspecified Average Host PT1M No
Daemonset Daemonsets Current Number Scheduled

Number of daemonsets currently scheduled
KubeDaemonsetStatusCurrentNumberScheduled Count Average Daemonset, Namespace PT1M No
Daemonset Daemonsets Desired Number Scheduled

Number of daemonsets desired scheduled
KubeDaemonsetStatusDesiredNumberScheduled Count Average Daemonset, Namespace PT1M No
Daemonset Daemonsets Not Scheduled

Number of daemonsets not scheduled
KubeDaemonsetStatusNotScheduled Count Average Daemonset, Namespace PT1M No
Deployment Deployment Replicas Available

Number of deployment replicas available
KubeDeploymentStatusReplicasAvailable Count Average Deployment, Namespace PT1M No
Deployment Deployment Replicas Available Percent

Percentage of deployment replicas available
KubeDeploymentStatusReplicasAvailablePercent Percent Average Deployment, Namespace PT1M No
Deployment Deployment Replicas Ready

Number of deployment replicas ready
KubeDeploymentStatusReplicasReady Count Average Deployment, Namespace PT1M No
Deployment Deployment Replicas Unavailable

Number of deployment replicas unavailable
KubeDeploymentStatusReplicasUnavailable Count Average Deployment, Namespace PT1M No
Job Jobs Active

Number of jobs active
KubeJobStatusActive Count Average Job, Namespace PT1M No
Job Jobs Failed (Deprecated)

Number and reason of jobs failed
KubeJobStatusFailed Count Average Job, Namespace, Reason PT1M No
Job Jobs Failed

Number and reason of jobs failed
KubeJobStatusFailedReasons Count Average Job, Namespace, Reason PT1M No
Job Jobs Succeeded

Number of jobs succeeded
KubeJobStatusSucceeded Count Average Job, Namespace PT1M No
Kubelet Kubelet Running Containers

Number of containers currently running
KubeletRunningContainers Count Average Container State, Host PT1M No
Kubelet Kubelet Running Pods

Number of pods running on the node
KubeletRunningPods Count Average Host PT1M No
Kubelet Kubelet Runtime Operations Errors Total

Cumulative number of runtime operation errors by operation type
KubeletRuntimeOperationsErrorsTotal Count Average Host, Operation Type PT1M No
Kubelet Kubelet Started Pods Errors Total

Cumulative number of errors when starting pods
KubeletStartedPodsErrorsTotal Count Average Host PT1M No
Kubelet Volume Available Bytes

Number of available bytes in the volume
KubeletVolumeStatsAvailableBytes Bytes Average Host, Namespace, Persistent Volume Claim PT1M No
Kubelet Volume Capacity Bytes

Capacity (in bytes) of the volume
KubeletVolumeStatsCapacityBytes Bytes Average Host, Namespace, Persistent Volume Claim PT1M No
Kubelet Volume Used Bytes

Number of used bytes in the volume
KubeletVolumeStatsUsedBytes Bytes Average Host, Namespace, Persistent Volume Claim PT1M No
Node Node Resources Allocatable

Node resources allocatable for pods
KubeNodeStatusAllocatable Count Average Node, Resource, Unit PT1M No
Node Node Resources Capacity

Total amount of node resources available
KubeNodeStatusCapacity Count Average Node, Resource, Unit PT1M No
Node Node Status Condition

The condition of a node
KubeNodeStatusCondition Count Average Condition, Node, Status PT1M No
Pod Container Resources Limits

The container's resources limits
KubePodContainerResourceLimits Count Average Container, Namespace, Node, Pod, Resource, Unit PT1M No
Pod Container Resources Requests

The container's resources requested
KubePodContainerResourceRequests Count Average Container, Namespace, Node, Pod, Resource, Unit PT1M No
Pod Container State Started (Preview)

Unix timestamp start time of a container
KubePodContainerStateStarted Count Average Container, Namespace, Pod PT1M No
Pod Container Status Last Terminated Reason

The reason of a container's last terminated status
KubePodContainerStatusLastTerminatedReason Count Average Container, Namespace, Pod, Reason PT1M No
Pod Container Status Ready

Describes whether the container's readiness check succeeded
KubePodContainerStatusReady Count Average Container, Namespace, Pod PT1M No
Pod Container Restarts

The number of container restarts
KubePodContainerStatusRestartsTotal Count Average Container, Namespace, Pod PT1M No
Pod Container Status Running

The number of containers with a status of 'running'
KubePodContainerStatusRunning Count Average Container, Namespace, Pod PT1M No
Pod Container Status Terminated

The number of containers with a status of 'terminated'
KubePodContainerStatusTerminated Count Average Container, Namespace, Pod PT1M No
Pod Container Status Terminated Reason (Deprecated)

The number and reason of containers with a status of 'terminated'
KubePodContainerStatusTerminatedReason Count Average Container, Namespace, Pod, Reason PT1M No
Pod Container Status Terminated Reason

The number and reason of containers with a status of 'terminated'
KubePodContainerStatusTerminatedReasons Count Average Container, Namespace, Pod, Reason PT1M No
Pod Container Status Waiting

The number of containers with a status of 'waiting'
KubePodContainerStatusWaiting Count Average Container, Namespace, Pod PT1M No
Pod Container Status Waiting Reason

The number and reason of containers with a status of 'waiting'
KubePodContainerStatusWaitingReason Count Average Container, Namespace, Pod, Reason PT1M No
Pod Pod Deletion Timestamp (Preview)

The timestamp of the pod's deletion
KubePodDeletionTimestamp Count Average Namespace, Pod PT1M No
Pod Pod Init Container Ready

The number of ready pod init containers
KubePodInitContainerStatusReady Count Average Namespace, Container, Pod PT1M No
Pod Pod Init Container Restarts

The number of pod init containers restarts
KubePodInitContainerStatusRestartsTotal Count Average Namespace, Container, Pod PT1M No
Pod Pod Init Container Running

The number of running pod init containers
KubePodInitContainerStatusRunning Count Average Namespace, Container, Pod PT1M No
Pod Pod Init Container Terminated

The number of terminated pod init containers
KubePodInitContainerStatusTerminated Count Average Namespace, Container, Pod PT1M No
Pod Pod Init Container Terminated Reason

The number of pod init containers with terminated reason
KubePodInitContainerStatusTerminatedReason Count Average Namespace, Container, Pod, Reason PT1M No
Pod Pod Init Container Waiting

The number of pod init containers waiting
KubePodInitContainerStatusWaiting Count Average Namespace, Container, Pod PT1M No
Pod Pod Init Container Waiting Reason

The reason the pod init container is waiting
KubePodInitContainerStatusWaitingReason Count Average Namespace, Container, Pod, Reason PT1M No
Pod Pod Status Phase - (Deprecated)

Deprecated - The pod status phase
KubePodStatusPhase Count Average Namespace, Pod, Phase PT1M No
Pod Pod Status Phase

The pod status phase
KubePodStatusPhases Count Average Namespace, Pod, Phase PT1M No
Pod Pod Ready State

Signifies if the pod is in ready state
KubePodStatusReady Count Average Namespace, Pod, Condition PT1M No
Pod Pod Status Reason

KubePodStatusReason Count Average Namespace, Pod, Reason PT1M No
Statefulset Statefulset Desired Replicas Number

The desired number of statefulset replicas
KubeStatefulsetReplicas Count Average Namespace, Statefulset PT1M No
Statefulset Statefulset Replicas Difference

The difference between desired and current number of replicas per statefulset
KubeStatefulsetStatusReplicaDifference Count Average Namespace, Statefulset PT1M No
Statefulset Statefulset Replicas Number

The number of replicas per statefulset
KubeStatefulsetStatusReplicas Count Average Namespace, Statefulset PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt Info

Kubevirt version information
KubevirtInfo Unspecified Average Kube Version PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt Virt Controller Leading

Indication for an operating virt-controller
KubevirtVirtControllerLeading Unspecified Average Pod Name PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt Virt Controller Ready

Indication for a virt-controller that is ready to take the lead
KubevirtVirtControllerReady Unspecified Average Pod Name PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt Virt Operator Ready

Indication for a virt operator being ready
KubevirtVirtOperatorReady Unspecified Average Pod Name PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Memory Balloon Bytes

Current balloon size (in bytes)
KubevirtVmiMemoryActualBalloonBytes Bytes Average Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Memory Available Bytes

Amount of usable memory as seen by the domain. This value may not be accurate if a balloon driver is in use or if the guest OS does not initialize all assigned pages
KubevirtVmiMemoryAvailableBytes Bytes Average Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Mem Dom Bytes (Preview)

The amount of memory (in bytes) allocated to the domain. The memory value in domain XML file
KubevirtVmiMemoryDomainBytesTotal Bytes Average Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Mem Swp In Traffic Bytes

The total amount of data read from swap space of the guest (in bytes)
KubevirtVmiMemorySwapInTrafficBytesTotal Bytes Average Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Mem Swp Out Traffic Bytes

The total amount of memory written out to swap space of the guest (in bytes)
KubevirtVmiMemorySwapOutTrafficBytesTotal Bytes Average Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Memory Unused Bytes

The amount of memory left completely unused by the system. Memory that is available but used for reclaimable caches should NOT be reported as free
KubevirtVmiMemoryUnusedBytes Bytes Average Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Memory Usage

The amount of memory used in percentage
KubevirtVmiMemoryUsage Percent Average Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Net Rx Packets

Total network traffic received packets
KubevirtVmiNetworkReceivePacketsTotal Bytes Average Interface, Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Net Tx Packets Drop

The total number of transmit packets dropped on virtual NIC (vNIC) interfaces
KubevirtVmiNetworkTransmitPacketsDroppedTotal Bytes Average Interface, Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Net Tx Packets Total

Total network traffic transmitted packets
KubevirtVmiNetworkTransmitPacketsTotal Bytes Average Interface, Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Outdated Count(Deprecated)

Deprecated - Indication for the total number of VirtualMachineInstance (VMI) workloads that are not running within the most up-to-date version of the virt-launcher environment
KubevirtVmiOutdatedCount Count Average Name PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Outdated Count

Indication for the total number of VirtualMachineInstance (VMI) workloads that are not running within the most up-to-date version of the virt-launcher environment
KubevirtVmiOutdatedInstances Count Average <none> PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Phase Count

Sum of VirtualMachineInstances (VMIs) per phase and node
KubevirtVmiPhaseCount Count Average Node, Phase, Workload PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Storage IOPS Read Total

Total number of Input/Output (I/O) read operations
KubevirtVmiStorageIopsReadTotal Count Average Drive, Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Storage IOPS Write Total

Total number of Input/Output (I/O) write operations
KubevirtVmiStorageIopsWriteTotal Count Average Drive, Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Storage Read Times Total (Preview)

Total time in milliseconds (ms) spent on read operations
KubevirtVmiStorageReadTimesMsTotal Milliseconds Average Drive, Name, Node PT1M No
VMOrchestrator Kubevirt VMI Storage Write Times Total (Preview)

Total time in milliseconds (ms) spent on write operations
KubevirtVmiStorageWriteTimesMsTotal Milliseconds Average Drive, Name, Node PT1M No
Network Cloud CPU Pinning Map (Preview)

Pinning map of virtual CPUs (vCPUs) to CPUs
NcVmiCpuAffinity Count Average CPU, NUMA Node, VMI Namespace, VMI Node, VMI Name PT1M No
Nexus Cluster Cluster Heartbeat Connection Status

Indicates whether the Cluster is having issues communicating with the Cluster Manager. The value of the metric is 0 when the connection is healthy and 1 when it is unhealthy.
NexusClusterHeartbeatConnectionStatus Count Average Reason PT1M No
Nexus Cluster Cluster Machine Group Upgrade

Tracks Cluster Machine Group Upgrades performed. The value of the metric is 0 when the result is successful and 1 for all other results.
NexusClusterMachineGroupUpgrade Count Average Machine Group, Result, Upgraded From Version, Upgraded To Version PT1M No
Calico Typha Client Latency Secs

Per-client latency. I.e. how far behind the current state each client is.
TyphaClientLatencySecsCount Count Average Pod Name PT1M No
Calico Typha Connections Accepted

Total number of connections accepted over time
TyphaConnectionsAccepted Count Average Pod Name PT1M No
Calico Typha Connections Dropped

Total number of connections dropped due to rebalancing
TyphaConnectionsDropped Count Average Pod Name PT1M No
Calico Typha Ping Latency

Round-trip ping/pong latency to client. Typha's protocol includes a regular ping/pong keepalive to verify that the connection is still up
TyphaPingLatencyCount Count Average Pod Name PT1M No