


VPC Flow Logs, which ingested from Sentinel's connector, enables you to capture IP traffic going to and from your AWS VPC network interfaces.

Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types -
Categories Security
Solutions SecurityInsights
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation Yes
Sample Queries Yes


Column Type Description
AccountId string The AWS account ID of the owner of the source network interface for which traffic is recorded. If the network interface is created by an AWS service, for example when creating a VPC endpoint or Network Load Balancer, the record may display unknown for this field.
Action string The action that is associated with the traffic.
AzId string The ID of the Availability Zone.
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
Bytes long The number of bytes transferred during the flow.
DstAddr string The destination address for outgoing traffic.
DstPort int The destination port of the traffic.
End datetime The time when the last packet of the flow was received within the aggregation interval.
FlowDirection string The direction of the flow with respect to the interface where traffic is captured.
InstanceId string The ID of the instance that's associated with network interface for which the traffic is recorded.
InterfaceId string The ID of the network interface for which the traffic is recorded.
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
LogStatus string The logging status of the flow log.
Packets int The number of packets transferred during the flow.
PktDstAddr string The packet-level (original) destination IP address for the traffic.
PktDstAwsService string The name of the subset of IP address ranges for the PktDstAddr field, if the destination IP address is for an AWS service.
PktSrcAddr string The packet-level (original) source IP address of the traffic.
PktSrcAwsService string The name of the subset of IP address ranges for the PktSrcAddr field, if the source IP address is for an AWS service.
Protocol int The IANA protocol number of the traffic.
Region string The Region that contains the network interface for which traffic is recorded.
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
SrcAddr string The source address for incoming traffic.
SrcPort int The source port of the traffic.
SublocationId string The ID of the sublocation that contains the network interface for which traffic is recorded.
SublocationType string The type of sublocation that is returned in the sublocationId field.
SubnetId string The ID of the subnet.
TcpFlags int The bitmask value for the following TCP flags.
TenantId string The Log Analytics workspace ID
TimeGenerated datetime The timestamp (UTC) of when the event was generated. This value will be the same as 'start' input field or the data arrival time to Azure Monitor in case the 'start' input field is empty or missing.
TrafficPath string The path that egress traffic takes to the destination.
TrafficType string The type of traffic. The possible values are: IPv4, IPv6, and EFA. For more information search for 'Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA)'.
Type string The name of the table
Version int The VPC Flow Logs version.
VpcId string The ID of the VPC.