


Network data collected by the WireData solution using by the Dependency agent and Log analytics agent.

Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types microsoft.compute/virtualmachines,
Categories Virtual Machines, Security
Solutions WireData, WireData2
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation Yes
Sample Queries Yes


Column Type Description
ApplicationProtocol string Type of network protocol used
ApplicationServiceName string Hold over field from old schema - attribute not collected
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
Computer string Computer name where data was collected
Confidence string Confidence level for Malicious IP identification. Values are 0 - 100.
Description string Description of the observed threat.
Direction string Inbound or outbound
FirstReportedDateTime string The first time the provider reported the threat.
IndicatorThreatType string Threat indicator detected is one of the following values Botnet C2 CryptoMining Darknet DDos MaliciousUrl Malware Phishing Proxy PUA Watchlist.
IPVersion string IP version
IsActive string Indicates indicators are deactivated with True or False value.
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
LastReportedDateTime string The last time the indicator was seen by Interflow.
LatencyMilliseconds int Hold over field from old schema - attribute not collected
LatencySamplingFailureRate string Hold over field from old schema - attribute not collected
LatencySamplingTimeStamp datetime Hold over field from old schema - attribute not collected
LocalIP string IP address of the local computer
LocalMAC string Hold over field from old schema - attribute not collected
LocalPortNumber int Local port number
LocalSubnet string Subnet where data was collected
MaliciousIP string IP address of a known malicious source
ManagementGroupName string Name of the Operations Manager management group
ProcessID int Windows process ID
ProcessName string Path and file name of the process
ProtocolName string Name of the network protocol used
ReceivedBytes long Amount of bytes received
ReceivedPackets long Hold over field from old schema - attribute not collected
RemoteIP string Remote IP address used by the remote computer
RemoteIPCountry string Country/region of the remote IP address
RemoteIPLatitude real IP latitude value
RemoteIPLongitude real IP longitude value
RemoteMAC string Hold over field from old schema - attribute not collected
RemotePortNumber int Port number used by the remote IP address
_ResourceId string A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with
SentBytes long Number of bytes sent
SentPackets long Hold over field from old schema - attribute not collected
SequenceNumber long Hold over field from old schema - attribute not collected
SessionEndTime datetime End time of session
SessionID string A unique value that identifies communication session between two IP addresses
SessionStartTime datetime Start time of session
SessionState string Connected or disconnected
Severity int Suspected malware severity
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
_SubscriptionId string A unique identifier for the subscription that the record is associated with
TimeGenerated datetime Time of the record
TLPLevel string Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) Level is one of the defined values White Green Amber Red.
TotalBytes long Total number of bytes sent during session
Type string The name of the table