

WebSocket client protocols for Azure Web PubSub

Clients connect to Azure Web PubSub by using the standard WebSocket protocol.

Service endpoints

The Web PubSub service provides two types of endpoints for clients to connect to:

  • /client/hubs/{hub}
  • /client/?hub={hub}

{hub} is a mandatory parameter that acts as isolation for various applications. You can set it in either the path or the query.


Clients connect to the service with a JSON Web Token (JWT). The token can be in either the query string, as /client/?hub={hub}&access_token={token}, or the Authorization header, as Authorization: Bearer {token}.

Here's a general authorization workflow:

  1. The client negotiates with your application server. The application server contains the authorization middleware, which handles the client request and signs a JWT for the client to connect to the service.
  2. The application server returns the JWT and the service URL to the client.
  3. The client tries to connect to the Web PubSub service by using the URL and the JWT token returned from the application server.

Supported claims

You could also configure properties for the client connection when generating the access token by specifying special claims inside the JWT token:

Description Claim type Claim value Notes
The userId for the client connection sub the userId Only one sub claim is allowed.
The lifetime of the token exp the expiration time The exp (expiration time) claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the token MUST NOT be accepted for processing.
The permissions the client connection initially has role the role value defined in permissions Specify multiple role claims if the client has multiple permissions.
The initial groups that the client connection joins once it connects to Azure Web PubSub group the group to join Specify multiple group claims if the client joins multiple groups.

You could also add custom claims into the access token, and these values are preserved as the claims property in connect upstream request body.

Server SDKs provides APIs to generate the access token for the clients.

The simple WebSocket client

A simple WebSocket client, as the naming indicates, is a simple WebSocket connection. It can also have its own custom subprotocol.

For example, in JavaScript, you can create a simple WebSocket client by using the following code:

// simple WebSocket client1
var client1 = new WebSocket('wss://test.webpubsub.azure.com/client/hubs/hub1');

// simple WebSocket client2 with some custom subprotocol
var client2 = new WebSocket('wss://test.webpubsub.azure.com/client/hubs/hub1', 'custom.subprotocol')

The PubSub WebSocket client

A PubSub WebSocket client is the WebSocket client using subprotocols defined by the Azure Web PubSub service:

  • json.webpubsub.azure.v1
  • protobuf.webpubsub.azure.v1

With the service-supported subprotocol, the PubSub WebSocket clients can directly publish messages to groups when they have the permissions.

The json.webpubsub.azure.v1 subprotocol

Check here for the JSON subprotocol in detail.

Create a PubSub WebSocket client

var pubsubClient = new WebSocket('wss://test.webpubsub.azure.com/client/hubs/hub1', 'json.webpubsub.azure.v1');

Join a group from the client directly

let ackId = 0;
        type: 'joinGroup',
        group: 'group1',
        ackId: ++ackId

Send messages to a group from the client directly

let ackId = 0;
        type: 'sendToGroup',
        group: 'group1',
        ackId: ++ackId,
        dataType: "json",
        data: {
            "hello": "world"

The protobuf.webpubsub.azure.v1 subprotocol

Protocol buffers (protobuf) is a language-neutral, platform-neutral, binary-based protocol that simplifies sending binary data. Protobuf provides tools to generate clients for many languages, such as Java, Python, Objective-C, C#, and C++. Learn more about protobuf.

For example, in JavaScript, you can create a PubSub WebSocket client with a protobuf subprotocol by using the following code:

// PubSub WebSocket client
var pubsub = new WebSocket('wss://test.webpubsub.azure.com/client/hubs/hub1', 'protobuf.webpubsub.azure.v1');

Check here for the protobuf subprotocol in detail.

AckId and Ack Response

The PubSub WebSocket Client supports ackId property for joinGroup, leaveGroup, sendToGroup and event messages. When using ackId, you can receive an ack response message when your request is processed. You can choose to omit ackId in fire-and-forget scenarios. In the article, we describe the behavior differences between specifying ackId or not.

Behavior when No ackId specified

If ackId isn't specified, it's fire-and-forget. Even there are errors when brokering messages, you have no way to get notified.

Behavior when ackId specified

Idempotent publish

ackId is a uint64 number and should be unique within a client with the same connection ID. Web PubSub Service records the ackId and messages with the same ackId are treated as the same message. The service refuses to broker the same message more than once, which is useful in retry to avoid duplicated messages. For example, if a client sends a message with ackId=5 and fails to receive an ack response with ackId=5, then the client retries and sends the same message again. In some cases, the message is already brokered and the ack response is lost for some reason. The service rejects the retry and response an ack response with Duplicate reason.

Ack Response

Web PubSub Service sends ack response for each request with ackId.


    "type": "ack",
    "ackId": 1, // The ack id for the request to ack
    "success": false, // true or false
    "error": {
        "name": "Forbidden|InternalServerError|Duplicate",
        "message": "<error_detail>"
  • The ackId associates the request.

  • success is a bool and indicate whether the request is successfully processed by the service. If it's false, clients need to check the error.

  • error only exists when success is false and clients should have different logic for different name. You should suppose there might be more type of name in future.

    • Forbidden: The client doesn't have the permission to the request. The client needs to be added relevant roles.
    • InternalServerError: Some internal error happened in the service. Retry is required.
    • Duplicate: The message with the same ackId has been already processed by the service.


As you likely noticed in the earlier PubSub WebSocket client description, a client can publish to other clients only when it's authorized to do so. A client's permissions can be granted when it's being connected or during the lifetime of the connection.

Role Permission
Not specified The client can send event requests.
webpubsub.joinLeaveGroup The client can join or leave any group.
webpubsub.sendToGroup The client can publish messages to any group.
webpubsub.joinLeaveGroup.<group> The client can join or leave group <group>.
webpubsub.sendToGroup.<group> The client can publish messages to group <group>.

The permission of a client can be granted in several ways:

1. Assign the role to the client when generating the access token

Client can connect to the service using a JWT token. The token payload can carry information such as the role of the client. When signing the JWT token to the client, you can grant permissions to the client by giving the client specific roles.

For example, let's sign a JWT token that has the permission to send messages to group1 and group2:

let token = await serviceClient.getClientAccessToken({
    roles: [ "webpubsub.sendToGroup.group1", "webpubsub.sendToGroup.group2" ]

2. Assign the role to the client with the connect event handler

The roles of the clients can also be set when the connect event handler is registered and the upstream event handler can return the roles of the client to the Web PubSub service when handling the connect events.

For example, in JavaScript, you can configure the handleConnect event to do so:

let handler = new WebPubSubEventHandler("hub1", {
  handleConnect: (req, res) => {
    // auth the connection and set the userId of the connection
      roles: [ "webpubsub.sendToGroup.group1", "webpubsub.sendToGroup.group2" ]

3. Assign the role to the client through REST APIs or server SDKs during runtime

let service = new WebPubSubServiceClient("<your_connection_string>", "test-hub");
await service.grantPermission("<connection_id>", "joinLeaveGroup", { targetName: "group1" });

Next steps

Use these resources to start building your own application: