

Self-hosted integration runtime autoupdate and expire notification

APPLIES TO: Azure Data Factory Azure Synapse Analytics


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This article describes how to let self-hosted integration runtime autoupdate to the latest version and how Azure Data Factory (ADF) manages the versions of self-hosted integration runtime.

How to check your self-hosted integration runtime version

You can check the version either in your self-hosted integration runtime client or in the ADF portal:

Screenshot that shows the version in self-hosted integration runtime client.

Screenshot that shows the version in Azure data factory portal.

Self-hosted Integration Runtime Autoupdate

Generally, when you install a self-hosted integration runtime in your local machine or an Azure Virtual Machine, you have two options to manage the version of self-hosted integration runtime: autoupdate or maintain manually. Typically, ADF releases one new version of self-hosted integration runtime every month, which includes new features released, bugs fixed, and enhancements. So we recommend users to update to the latest version.

The most convenient way is to enable autoupdate when you create or edit self-hosted integration runtime. The self-hosted integration runtime is automatically update to newer version. You can also schedule the update at the most suitable time slot as you wish.

Enable auto-update

You can check the last update datetime in your self-hosted integration runtime client.

Screenshot of checking the update time

You can use this PowerShell command to get the autoupdate version.


If you have multiple self-hosted integration runtime nodes, there is no downtime during auto-update. The auto-update happens in one node first while others are working on tasks. When the first node finishes the update, it will take over the remained tasks when other nodes are updating. If you only have one self-hosted integration runtime, then it has some downtime during the auto-update.

Autoupdate version vs latest version

To ensure the stability of self-hosted integration runtime, we release a new version each month and push an auto-update every three months, using a stable version from the preceding three months. So you may find that the autoupdated version is the previous version of the actual latest version. If you want to get the latest version, you can go to download center and do so manually. Additionally, auto-update to a new version is managed internally. You can't change it.

The self-hosted integration runtime Auto-update page in the ADF portal shows the newer version if current version is old. When your self-hosted integration runtime is online, this version is autoupdate version and automatically update your self-hosted integration runtime in the scheduled time. But if your self-hosted integration runtime is offline, the page only shows the latest version.

The portal does not offer date selection. This means you can only select the time, while the date is determined by the backend system. Typically, the date will be set for a few days after the self-hosted integration runtime receives the auto-update notification, giving customers sufficient time to make their selection.

Screenshot showing auto-update date in UI.

If you have multiple nodes, and for some reasons that some of them aren't autoupdated successfully. Then these nodes roll back to the version, which was the same across all nodes before the autoupdate.

Self-hosted Integration Runtime Expire Notification

If you want to manually control which version of self-hosted integration runtime, you can disable the setting of autoupdate and install it manually. Each version of self-hosted integration runtime expires in one year. The expiring message is shown in ADF portal and self-hosted integration runtime client 90 days before expired.


If the self-hosted integration runtime becomes expired, it will display an offline status and no longer work properly.

When you receive the expired notification, you can use following PowerShell command to find all expired and expiring self-hosted integration runtime in your environment. Then you can upgrade them accordingly.

$upperVersion = "<expiring version>" # the format is [major].[minor]. For example: 5.25
$subscription = "<subscription id>"
az login
az account set --subscription "$subscription"
$factories = az datafactory list | ConvertFrom-Json
$results = @();
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $factories.Count; $i++) {
    $factory = $factories[$i]
    Write-Progress -Activity "Checking data factory '$($factory.name)'" -PercentComplete $($i * 100.0 / $factories.Count)
    $shirs = az datafactory integration-runtime list --factory-name $factory.name --resource-group $factory.resourceGroup | ConvertFrom-Json | Where-Object {$_.properties.type -eq "SelfHosted"}
    for ($j = 0; $j -lt $shirs.Count; $j++) {
        $shir = $shirs[$j]
        Write-Progress -Activity "Checking data factory '$($factory.name)', checking integration runtime '$($shir.name)'" -PercentComplete $($i * 100.0 / $factories.Count + (100.0 * $j / ($factories.Count * $shirs.Count)))
        $status = az datafactory integration-runtime get-status --factory-name $factory.name --resource-group $factory.resourceGroup --integration-runtime-name $shir.name | ConvertFrom-Json
        $shirVersion = $status.properties.version
        $result = @{
            subscription = $subscription
            resourceGroup = $factory.resourceGroup
            factory = $factory.name
            integrationRuntime = $shir.name
            integrationRuntimeVersion = $shirVersion
            expiring_or_expired = (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($shirVersion) -and ((([Version]$shirVersion) -lt ([Version]"$($upperVersion).0.0")) -or $shirVersion.StartsWith("$($upperVersion).")))
        $result | Format-Table -AutoSize
        $results += [PSCustomObject]$result
Write-Host "Expiring or expired Self-Hosted Integration Runtime includes: "
$results | Where-Object {$_.expiring_or_expired -eq $true} | Select-Object -Property subscription,resourceGroup,factory,integrationRuntime,integrationRuntimeVersion | Format-Table -AutoSize