

Azure Digital Twins APIs and SDKs

This article gives an overview of the Azure Digital Twins APIs available, and the methods for interacting with them. You can either use the REST APIs directly with their associated Swaggers, or through an SDK.

Azure Digital Twins comes equipped with control plane APIs, data plane APIs, and SDKs for managing your instance and its elements.

  • The control plane APIs are Azure Resource Manager (ARM) APIs, and cover resource management operations like creating and deleting your instance.
  • The data plane APIs are Azure Digital Twins APIs, and are used for data management operations like managing models, twins, and the graph.
  • The SDKs take advantage of the existing APIs to allow for ease of development of custom applications making use of Azure Digital Twins.

Control plane APIs

The control plane APIs are ARM APIs used to manage your Azure Digital Twins instance as a whole, so they cover operations like creating or deleting your entire instance. You'll also use these APIs to create and delete endpoints.

To call the APIs directly, reference the latest Swagger folder in the control plane Swagger repo. This folder also includes a folder of examples that show the usage.

Here are the SDKs currently available for the Azure Digital Twins control plane APIs.

SDK language Package link Reference documentation Source code
.NET (C#) Azure.ResourceManager.DigitalTwins on NuGet Reference for Azure DigitalTwins SDK for .NET Microsoft Azure Digital Twins management client library for .NET on GitHub
Java azure-resourcemanager-digitaltwins on Maven Reference for Resource Management - Digital Twins Azure Resource Manager AzureDigitalTwins client library for Java on GitHub
JavaScript AzureDigitalTwinsManagement client library for JavaScript on npm AzureDigitalTwinsManagement client library for JavaScript on GitHub
Python azure-mgmt-digitaltwins on PyPI Microsoft Azure SDK for Python on GitHub
Go azure-sdk-for-go/services/digitaltwins/mgmt Azure SDK for Go on GitHub

You can also exercise the control plane APIs by interacting with Azure Digital Twins through the Azure portal and CLI.

Data plane APIs

The data plane APIs are the Azure Digital Twins APIs used to manage the elements within your Azure Digital Twins instance. They include operations like creating routes, uploading models, creating relationships, and managing twins, and can be broadly divided into the following categories:

  • DigitalTwinModels - The DigitalTwinModels category contains APIs to manage the models in an Azure Digital Twins instance. Management activities include upload, validation, retrieval, and deletion of models authored in DTDL.
  • DigitalTwins - The DigitalTwins category contains the APIs that let developers create, modify, and delete digital twins and their relationships in an Azure Digital Twins instance.
  • Query - The Query category lets developers find sets of digital twins in the twin graph across relationships.
  • Event Routes - The Event Routes category contains APIs to route data, through the system and to downstream services.
  • Import Jobs - The Import Jobs API lets you manage a long running, asynchronous action to import models, twins, and relationships in bulk.
  • Delete Jobs - The Delete Jobs API lets you manage a long running, asynchronous action to delete all models, twins, and relationships in an instance.

To call the APIs directly, reference the latest Swagger folder in the data plane Swagger repo. This folder also includes a folder of examples that show the usage. You can also view the data plane API reference documentation.

Here are the SDKs currently available for the Azure Digital Twins data plane APIs.

SDK language Package link Reference documentation Source code
.NET (C#) Azure.DigitalTwins.Core on NuGet Reference for Azure IoT Digital Twins client library for .NET Azure IoT Digital Twins client library for .NET on GitHub
Java com.azure:azure-digitaltwins-core on Maven Reference for Azure Digital Twins SDK for Java Azure IoT Digital Twins client library for Java on GitHub
JavaScript Azure Azure Digital Twins Core client library for JavaScript on npm Reference for @azure/digital-twins-core Azure Azure Digital Twins Core client library for JavaScript on GitHub
Python Azure Azure Digital Twins Core client library for Python on PyPI Reference for azure-digitaltwins-core Azure Azure Digital Twins Core client library for Python on GitHub

You can also exercise the data plane APIs by interacting with Azure Digital Twins through the CLI.

Usage and authentication notes

This section contains more detailed information about using the APIs and SDKs.

API notes

Here's some general information for calling the Azure Digital Twins APIs directly.

Here's some more information about authentication for API requests.

  • One way to generate a bearer token for Azure Digital Twins API requests is with the az account get-access-token CLI command. For detailed instructions, see Add bearer token.
  • Requests to the Azure Digital Twins APIs require a user or service principal that is a part of the same Microsoft Entra ID tenant where the Azure Digital Twins instance exists. To prevent malicious scanning of Azure Digital Twins endpoints, requests with access tokens from outside the originating tenant will be returned a "404 Sub-Domain not found" error message. This error will be returned even if the user or service principal was given an Azure Digital Twins Data Owner or Azure Digital Twins Data Reader role through Microsoft Entra B2B collaboration. For information on how to achieve access across multiple tenants, see Write app authentication code.

SDK notes

The underlying SDK for Azure Digital Twins is Azure.Core. See the Azure namespace documentation for reference on the SDK infrastructure and types.

Here's some more information about authentication with the SDKs.

  • Start by instantiating the DigitalTwinsClient class. The constructor requires credentials that can be obtained with different kinds of authentication methods in the Azure.Identity package. For more on Azure.Identity, see its namespace documentation.
  • You may find the InteractiveBrowserCredential useful while getting started, but there are several other options, including credentials for managed identity, which you'll likely use to authenticate Azure functions set up with MSI against Azure Digital Twins. For more about InteractiveBrowserCredential, see its class documentation.

Here's some more information about functions and returned data.

  • All service API calls are exposed as member functions on the DigitalTwinsClient class.
  • All service functions exist in synchronous and asynchronous versions.
  • All service functions throw an exception for any return status of 400 or above. Make sure you wrap calls into a try section, and catch at least RequestFailedExceptions. For more about this type of exception, see its reference documentation.
  • Most service methods return Response<T> or (Task<Response<T>> for the asynchronous calls), where T is the class of return object for the service call. The Response class encapsulates the service return and presents return values in its Value field.
  • Service methods with paged results return Pageable<T> or AsyncPageable<T> as results. For more about the Pageable<T> class, see its reference documentation; for more about AsyncPageable<T>, see its reference documentation.
  • You can iterate over paged results using an await foreach loop. For more about this process, see Iterating with Async Enumerables in C# 8.
  • Service methods return strongly typed objects wherever possible. However, because Azure Digital Twins is based on models custom-configured by the user at runtime (via DTDL models uploaded to the service), many service APIs take and return twin data in JSON format.

Serialization helpers in the .NET (C#) SDK

Serialization helpers are helper functions available within the .NET (C#) SDK for quickly creating or deserializing twin data for access to basic information. Since the core SDK methods return twin data as JSON by default, it can be helpful to use these helper classes to break down the twin data further.

The available helper classes are:

  • BasicDigitalTwin: Generically represents the core data of a digital twin
  • BasicDigitalTwinComponent: Generically represents a component in the Contents properties of a BasicDigitalTwin
  • BasicRelationship: Generically represents the core data of a relationship
  • DigitalTwinsJsonPropertyName: Contains the string constants for use in JSON serialization and deserialization for custom digital twin types

Bulk import with the Import Jobs API

The Import Jobs API is a data plane API that allows you to import a set of models, twins, and/or relationships in a single API call. Import Jobs API operations are also included with the CLI commands and data plane SDKs. Using the Import Jobs API requires use of Azure Blob Storage.

Check permissions

To use the Import Jobs API, you'll need to enable the permission settings described in this section.

First, you'll need a system-assigned managed identity for your Azure Digital Twins instance. For instructions to set up a system-managed identity for the instance, see Enable/disable managed identity for the instance.

You'll need to have write permissions in your Azure Digital Twins instance for the following data action categories:

  • Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/*
  • Any graph elements that you want to include in the Jobs call. This might include Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/*, Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/*, and/or Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/relationships/*.

The built-in role that provides all of these permissions is Azure Digital Twins Data Owner. You can also use a custom role to grant granular access to only the data types that you need. For more information about roles in Azure Digital Twins, see Security for Azure Digital Twins solutions.


If you attempt an Import Jobs API call and you're missing write permissions to one of the graph element types you're trying to import, the job will skip that type and import the others. For example, if you have write access to models and twins, but not relationships, an attempt to bulk import all three types of element will only succeed in importing the models and twins. The job status will reflect a failure and the message will indicate which permissions are missing.

You'll also need to grant the following RBAC permissions to the system-assigned managed identity of your Azure Digital Twins instance so that it can access input and output files in the Azure Blob Storage container:

Finally, generate a bearer token that can be used in your requests to the Jobs API. For instructions, see Add bearer token.

Format data

The API accepts graph information input from an NDJSON file, which must be uploaded to an Azure blob storage container. The file starts with a Header section, followed by the optional sections Models, Twins, and Relationships. You don't have to include all three types of graph data in the file, but any sections that are present must follow that order. Twins and relationships created with this API can optionally include initialization of their properties.

Here's a sample input data file for the import API:

{"Section": "Header"}
{"fileVersion": "1.0.0", "author": "foobar", "organization": "contoso"}
{"Section": "Models"}
{"@id":"dtmi:com:microsoft:azure:iot:model0;1","@type":"Interface","contents":[{"@type":"Property","name":"property00","schema":"integer"},{"@type":"Property","name":"property01","schema":{"@type":"Map","mapKey":{"name":"subPropertyName","schema":"string"},"mapValue":{"name":"subPropertyValue","schema":"string"}}},{"@type":"Relationship","name":"has","target":"dtmi:com:microsoft:azure:iot:model1;1","properties":[{"@type":"Property","name":"relationshipproperty1","schema":"string"},{"@type":"Property","name":"relationshipproperty2","schema":"integer"}]}],"description":{"en":"This is the description of model"},"displayName":{"en":"This is the display name"},"@context":"dtmi:dtdl:context;2"}
{"@id":"dtmi:com:microsoft:azure:iot:model1;1","@type":"Interface","contents":[{"@type":"Property","name":"property10","schema":"string"},{"@type":"Property","name":"property11","schema":{"@type":"Map","mapKey":{"name":"subPropertyName","schema":"string"},"mapValue":{"name":"subPropertyValue","schema":"string"}}}],"description":{"en":"This is the description of model"},"displayName":{"en":"This is the display name"},"@context":"dtmi:dtdl:context;2"}
{"Section": "Twins"}
{"Section": "Relationships"}


For a sample project that converts models, twins, and relationships into the NDJSON supported by the import API, see Azure Digital Twins Bulk Import NDJSON Generator. The sample project is written for .NET and can be downloaded or adapted to help you create your own import files.

Once the file has been created, upload it to a block blob in Azure Blob Storage using your preferred upload method (some options are the AzCopy command, the Azure CLI, or the Azure portal). You'll use the blob storage URL of the NDJSON file in the body of the Import Jobs API call.

Run the import job

Now you can proceed with calling the Import Jobs API. For detailed instructions on importing a full graph in one API call, see Upload models, twins, and relationships in bulk with the Import Jobs API. You can also use the Import Jobs API to import each resource type independently. For more information on using the Import Jobs API with individual resource types, see Import Jobs API instructions for models, twins, and relationships.

In the body of the API call, you'll provide the blob storage URL of the NDJSON input file. You'll also provide a new blob storage URL to indicate where you'd like the output log to be stored once the service creates it.


Make sure the system-assigned managed identity of your Azure Digital Twins instance has the storage blob RBAC permissions described in the Check permissions section.

As the import job executes, a structured output log is generated by the service and stored as a new append blob in your blob container, at the URL location you specified for the output blob in the request. Here's an example output log for a successful job importing models, twins, and relationships:


When the job is complete, you can see the total number of ingested entities using the BulkOperationEntityCount metric.

It's also possible to cancel a running import job with the Cancel operation from the Import Jobs API. Once the job has been canceled and is no longer running, you can delete it.

Limits and considerations

Keep the following considerations in mind while working with the Import Jobs API:

  • Import Jobs are not atomic operations. There is no rollback in the case of failure, partial job completion, or usage of the Cancel operation.
  • Only one bulk job is supported at a time within an Azure Digital Twins instance. You can view this information and other numerical limits of the Jobs APIs in Azure Digital Twins limits.

Bulk delete with the Delete Jobs API

The Delete Jobs API is a data plane API that allows you to delete all models, twins, and relationships in an instance with a single API call. Delete Jobs API operations are also available as CLI commands. Visit the API documentation to see the request details for creating a delete job and checking its status.

To make sure all elements are deleted, follow these recommendations while using the Delete Jobs API:

  • For instructions on how to generate a bearer token to authenticate API requests, see Add bearer token.
  • If you recently imported a large number of entities to your graph, wait for some time and verify that all elements are synchronized in your graph before beginning the delete job.
  • Stop all operations on the instance, especially upload operations, until the delete job is complete.

Depending on the size of the graph being deleted, a delete job can take anywhere from a few minutes to multiple hours.

The default timeout period for a delete job is 12 hours, which can be adjusted to any value between 15 minutes and 24 hours by using a query parameter on the API. This is the amount of time that the delete job will run before it times out, at which point the service will attempt to stop the job if it hasn't completed yet.

Limits and other considerations

Keep the following considerations in mind while working with the Delete Jobs API:

  • Delete Jobs are not atomic operations. There is no rollback in the case of failure, partial job completion, or timeout of the job.
  • Only one bulk job is supported at a time within an Azure Digital Twins instance. You can view this information and other numerical limits of the Jobs APIs in Azure Digital Twins limits.

Monitor API metrics

API metrics such as requests, latency, and failure rate can be viewed in the Azure portal.

For information about viewing and managing Azure Digital Twins metrics, see Monitor your instance. For a full list of API metrics available for Azure Digital Twins, see Azure Digital Twins API request metrics.

Next steps

See how to make direct requests to the Azure Digital Twins APIs:

Or, practice using the .NET SDK by creating a client app with this tutorial: