

Quickstart: Send events to or receive events from Event Hubs using Go

Azure Event Hubs is a Big Data streaming platform and event ingestion service, capable of receiving and processing millions of events per second. Event Hubs can process and store events, data, or telemetry produced by distributed software and devices. Data sent to an event hub can be transformed and stored using any real-time analytics provider or batching/storage adapters. For detailed overview of Event Hubs, see Event Hubs overview and Event Hubs features.

This quickstart describes how to write Go applications to send events to or receive events from an event hub.


This quickstart is based on samples on GitHub at https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/tree/main/sdk/messaging/azeventhubs. The send events section is based on the example_producing_events_test.go sample and the receive one is based on the example_processor_test.go sample. The code is simplified for the quickstart and all the detailed comments are removed, so look at the samples for more details and explanations.


To complete this quickstart, you need the following prerequisites:

  • Go installed locally. Follow these instructions if necessary.
  • An active Azure account. If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
  • Create an Event Hubs namespace and an event hub. Use the Azure portal to create a namespace of type Event Hubs, and obtain the management credentials your application needs to communicate with the event hub. To create a namespace and an event hub, follow the procedure in this article.

Send events

This section shows you how to create a Go application to send events to an event hub.

Install Go package

Get the Go package for Event Hubs as shown in the following example.

go get github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/messaging/azeventhubs

Code to send events to an event hub

Here's the code to send events to an event hub. The main steps in the code are:

  1. Create an Event Hubs producer client using a connection string to the Event Hubs namespace and the event hub name.
  2. Create a batch object and add sample events to the batch.
  3. Send the batch of events to th events.


Replace NAMESPACE CONNECTION STRING with the connection string to your Event Hubs namespace and EVENT HUB NAME with the event hub name in the sample code.

package main

import (


func main() {

    // create an Event Hubs producer client using a connection string to the namespace and the event hub
    producerClient, err := azeventhubs.NewProducerClientFromConnectionString("NAMESPACE CONNECTION STRING", "EVENT HUB NAME", nil)

    if err != nil {

    defer producerClient.Close(context.TODO())

    // create sample events
    events := createEventsForSample()

    // create a batch object and add sample events to the batch
    newBatchOptions := &azeventhubs.EventDataBatchOptions{}

    batch, err := producerClient.NewEventDataBatch(context.TODO(), newBatchOptions)

    for i := 0; i < len(events); i++ {
        err = batch.AddEventData(events[i], nil)

    // send the batch of events to the event hub
    producerClient.SendEventDataBatch(context.TODO(), batch, nil)

func createEventsForSample() []*azeventhubs.EventData {
    return []*azeventhubs.EventData{
            Body: []byte("hello"),
            Body: []byte("world"),

Don't run the application yet. You first need to run the receiver app and then the sender app.

Receive events

Create a Storage account and container

State such as leases on partitions and checkpoints in the events are shared between receivers using an Azure Storage container. You can create a storage account and container with the Go SDK, but you can also create one by following the instructions in About Azure storage accounts.

Follow these recommendations when using Azure Blob Storage as a checkpoint store:

  • Use a separate container for each consumer group. You can use the same storage account, but use one container per each group.
  • Don't use the container for anything else, and don't use the storage account for anything else.
  • Storage account should be in the same region as the deployed application is located in. If the application is on-premises, try to choose the closest region possible.

On the Storage account page in the Azure portal, in the Blob service section, ensure that the following settings are disabled.

  • Hierarchical namespace
  • Blob soft delete
  • Versioning

Go packages

To receive the messages, get the Go packages for Event Hubs as shown in the following example.

go get github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/messaging/azeventhubs
go get github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob

Code to receive events from an event hub

Here's the code to receive events from an event hub. The main steps in the code are:

  1. Check a checkpoint store object that represents the Azure Blob Storage used by the event hub for checkpointing.
  2. Create an Event Hubs consumer client using a connection string to the Event Hubs namespace and the event hub name.
  3. Create an event processor using the client object and the checkpoint store object. The processor receives and processes events.
  4. For each partition in the event hub, create a partition client with processEvents as the function to process events.
  5. Run all partition clients to receive and process events.


Replace the following placeholder values with actual values:

  • AZURE STORAGE CONNECTION STRING with the connection string for your Azure storage account
  • BLOB CONTAINER NAME with the name of the blob container you created in the storage account
  • NAMESPACE CONNECTION STRING with the connection string for your Event Hubs namespace
  • EVENT HUB NAME with the event hub name in the sample code.
package main

import (


func main() {

    // create a container client using a connection string and container name
    checkClient, err := container.NewClientFromConnectionString("AZURE STORAGE CONNECTION STRING", "CONTAINER NAME", nil)
    // create a checkpoint store that will be used by the event hub
    checkpointStore, err := checkpoints.NewBlobStore(checkClient, nil)

    if err != nil {

    // create a consumer client using a connection string to the namespace and the event hub
    consumerClient, err := azeventhubs.NewConsumerClientFromConnectionString("NAMESPACE CONNECTION STRING", "EVENT HUB NAME", azeventhubs.DefaultConsumerGroup, nil)

    if err != nil {

    defer consumerClient.Close(context.TODO())

    // create a processor to receive and process events
    processor, err := azeventhubs.NewProcessor(consumerClient, checkpointStore, nil)

    if err != nil {

    //  for each partition in the event hub, create a partition client with processEvents as the function to process events
    dispatchPartitionClients := func() {
        for {
            partitionClient := processor.NextPartitionClient(context.TODO())

            if partitionClient == nil {

            go func() {
                if err := processEvents(partitionClient); err != nil {

    // run all partition clients
    go dispatchPartitionClients()

    processorCtx, processorCancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
    defer processorCancel()

    if err := processor.Run(processorCtx); err != nil {

func processEvents(partitionClient *azeventhubs.ProcessorPartitionClient) error {
    defer closePartitionResources(partitionClient)
    for {
        receiveCtx, receiveCtxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), time.Minute)
        events, err := partitionClient.ReceiveEvents(receiveCtx, 100, nil)

        if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
            return err

        fmt.Printf("Processing %d event(s)\n", len(events))

        for _, event := range events {
            fmt.Printf("Event received with body %v\n", string(event.Body))

        if len(events) != 0 {
            if err := partitionClient.UpdateCheckpoint(context.TODO(), events[len(events)-1]); err != nil {
                return err

func closePartitionResources(partitionClient *azeventhubs.ProcessorPartitionClient) {
    defer partitionClient.Close(context.TODO())

Run receiver and sender apps

  1. Run the receiver app first.

  2. Run the sender app.

  3. Wait for a minute to see the following output in the receiver window.

    Processing 2 event(s)
    Event received with body hello
    Event received with body world

Next steps

See samples on GitHub at https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/tree/main/sdk/messaging/azeventhubs.