

Microsoft Sentinel network normalization schema (Legacy version - Public preview)

The network normalization schema is used to describe reported network events, and is used by Microsoft Sentinel to enable unifying analytics.

For more information, see Normalization and the Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM).


This article relates to version 0.1 of the network normalization schema, which was released as a preview before ASIM was available. Version 0.2.x of the network normalization schema aligns with ASIM and provides other enhancements.

For more information, see Differences between network normalization schema versions


The following terminology is used in Microsoft Sentinel schemas:

Term Definition
Reporting device The system sending the records to Microsoft Sentinel. It may not be the subject system of the record.
Record A unit of data sent from the reporting device. This unit of data is often referred to as log, event, or alert, but can also have other types.

Data types and formats

The following table provides guidance for normalizing data values, which is required for normalized fields, and recommended for other fields.

Data type Physical type Format and value
Date/Time One of the following, depending on the ingest method capability used, in descending priority:
  • Log Analytics built-in datetime type
  • An integer field using Log Analytics datetime numerical representation
  • A string field using Log Analytics datetime numerical representation
Log Analytics datetime representation.

Log Analytics date and time representation is similar in nature but different than Unix time representation. Refer to these conversion guidelines.

The date and time must be adjusted for time zones.
MAC Address String Colon-Hexadecimal notation
IP Address IP Address The schema does not have separate IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Any IP address field may include either an IPv4 address or IPv6 address:
  • IPv4 in a dot-decimal notation
  • IPv6 in 8 hextets notation, allowing for the short forms described here.
User String The following 3 user fields are available:
  • User name
  • User UPN
  • User domain
User ID String The following 2 user IDs are currently supported:
  • User SID
  • Microsoft Entra ID
Device String The following 3 device/host columns are supported:
  • ID
  • Name
  • Fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
Country String A string using ISO 3166-1, according to the following priorities:
  • Alpha-2 codes, such as US for the United States
  • Alpha-3 codes, such as USA for the United States
  • Short name
Region String The country subdivision name using ISO 3166-2
City String
Longitude Double ISO 6709 coordinate representation (signed decimal)
Latitude Double ISO 6709 coordinate representation (signed decimal)
Hash Algorithm String The following 4 hash columns are supported:
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA256
  • SHA512
File Type String The type of the file type:
  • Extension
  • Class
  • NamedType

Network sessions table schema

Below is the schema of the network sessions table, versioned 1.0.0

Field name Value type Example Description Associated OSSEM entities
EventType String Traffic Type of event being collected Event
EventSubType String Authentication Extra description of type, if applicable Event
EventCount Integer 10 The number of events aggregated, if applicable. Event
EventEndTime Date/Time See “data types” The time in which the event ended Event
EventMessage string access denied A general message or description, either included in, or generated from the record Event
DvcIpAddr IP Address The IP address of the device generating the record Device,
DvcMacAddr String 06:10:9f:eb:8f:14 The MAC address of the network interface of the reporting device from which the event was sent. Device,
DvcHostname Device Name (String) syslogserver1.contoso.com The device name of the device generating the message. Device
EventProduct String OfficeSharepoint The product generating the event. Event
EventProductVersion string 9.0 The version of the product generating the event. Event
EventResourceId Device ID (String) /subscriptions/3c1bb38c-82e3-4f8d-a115-a7110ba70d05 /resourcegroups/contoso77/providers /microsoft.compute/virtualmachines /syslogserver1 The resource ID of the device generating the message. Event
EventReportUrl String A link to the full report created by the reporting device Event
EventVendor String Microsoft The vendor of the product generating the event. Event
EventResult Multivalue: Success, Partial, Failure, [Empty] (String) Success The result reported for the activity. Empty value when not applicable. Event
EventResultDetails String Wrong Password Reason or details for the result reported in EventResult Event
EventSchemaVersion Real 0.1 Microsoft Sentinel Schema Version. Currently 0.1. Event
EventSeverity String Low If the activity reported has a security impact, denotes the severity of the impact. Event
EventOriginalUid String af6ae8fe-ff43-4a4c-b537-8635976a2b51 The record ID from the reporting device. Event
EventStartTime Date/Time See “data types” The time in which the event stated Event
TimeGenerated Date/Time See “data types” The time the event occurred, as reported by reporting source. Custom field
EventTimeIngested Date/Time See “data types” The time the event was ingested to Microsoft Sentinel. Will be added by Microsoft Sentinel. Event
EventUid Guid (String) 516a64e3-8360-4f1e-a67c-d96b3d52df54 Unique identifier used by Microsoft Sentinel to mark a row. Event
NetworkApplicationProtocol String HTTPS The application layer protocol used by the connection or session. Network
DstBytes int 32455 The number of bytes sent from the destination to the source for the connection or session. Destination
SrcBytes int 46536 The number of bytes sent from the source to the destination for the connection or session. Source
NetworkBytes int 78991 Number of bytes sent in both directions. If both BytesReceived and BytesSent exist, BytesTotal should equal their sum. Network
NetworkDirection Multi-value: Inbound, Outbound (string) Inbound The direction the connection or session, into or out of the organization. Network
DstGeoCity String Burlington The city associated with the destination IP address Destination,
DstGeoCountry Country (String) USA The country associated with the source IP address Destination,
DstDvcHostname Device name (String) victim_pc The device name of the destination device Destination
DstDvcFqdn String victim_pc.contoso.local The fully qualified domain name of the host where the log was created Destination,
DstDomainHostname string CONTOSO The domain of the destination, The domain of the destination host (website, domain name, etc.), for example for DNS lookups or NS lookups Destination
DstInterfaceName string Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter The network interface used for the connection or session by the destination device. Destination
DstInterfaceGuid string 2BB33827-6BB6-48DB-8DE6-DB9E0B9F9C9B GUID of the network interface that was used for the authentication request Destination
DstIpAddr IP address 2001:db8::ff00:42:8329 The IP address of the connection or session destination, most commonly referred to as the destination IP in the network packet Destination,
DstDvcIpAddr IP address The destination IP address of a device that is not directly associated with the network packet Destination,
DstGeoLatitude Latitude (Double) 44.475833 The latitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the destination IP address Destination,
DstMacAddr String 06:10:9f:eb:8f:14 The MAC address of the network interface at which the connection or session terminated, most commonly referred to the destination MAC in the network packet Destination,
DstDvcMacAddr String 06:10:9f:eb:8f:14 The destination MAC address of a device that is not directly associated with the network packet. Destination,
DstDvcDomain String CONTOSO The Domain of the destination device. Destination,
DstPortNumber Integer 443 The destination IP port. Destination,
DstGeoRegion Region (String) Vermont The region associated with the destination IP address Destination,
DstResourceId Device ID (String) /subscriptions/3c1bb38c-82e3-4f8d-a115-a7110ba70d05 /resourcegroups/contoso77/providers /microsoft.compute/virtualmachines /victim The resource ID of the destination device. Destination
DstNatIpAddr IP address 2::1 If reported by an intermediary NAT device such as a firewall, the IP address used by the NAT device for communication with the source. Destination NAT,
DstNatPortNumber int 443 If reported by an intermediary NAT device such as a firewall, the port used by the NAT device for communication with the source. Destination NAT,
DstUserSid User SID S-12-1445 The User ID of the identity associated with the session’s destination. Typically, the identity used to authenticate a server. For more information, see Data types and formats. Destination,
DstUserAadId String (guid) ae92b0b4-cfba-4b42-85a0-fbd862f4df54 The Microsoft Entra account object ID of the user at the destination end of the session Destination,
DstUserName Username (String) johnd The username of the identity associated with the session’s destination. Destination,
DstUserUpn string johnd@anon.com The UPN of the identity associated with the session’s destination. Destination,
DstUserDomain string WORKGROUP The domain or computer name of the account at the destination of the session Destination,
DstZone String Dmz The network zone of the destination, as defined by the reporting device. Destination
DstGeoLongitude Longitude (Double) -73.211944 The longitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the destination IP address Destination,
DvcAction Multi-value: Allow, Deny, Drop (string) Allow If reported by an intermediary device such as a firewall, the action taken by device. Device
DvcInboundInterface String eth0 If reported by an intermediary device such as a firewall, the network interface used by it for the connection to the source device. Device
DvcOutboundInterface String Ethernet adapter Ethernet 4 If reported by an intermediary device such as a firewall, the network interface used by it for the connection to the destination device. Device
NetworkDuration Integer 1500 The amount of time, in millisecond, for the completion of the network session or connection Network
NetworkIcmpCode Integer 34 For an ICMP message, ICMP message type numeric value (RFC 2780 or RFC 4443). Network
NetworkIcmpType String Destination Unreachable For an ICMP message, ICMP message type text representation (RFC 2780 or RFC 4443). Network
DstPackets int 446 The number of packets sent from the destination to the source for the connection or session. The meaning of a packet is defined by the reporting device. Destination
SrcPackets int 6478 The number of packets sent from the source to the destination for the connection or session. The meaning of a packet is defined by the reporting device. Source
NetworkPackets int 0 Number of packets sent in both directions. If both PacketsReceived and PacketsSent exist, BytesTotal should equal their sum. Network
HttpRequestTime Integer 700 The amount of time it took to send the request to the server, if applicable. Http
HttpResponseTime Integer 800 The amount of time it took to receive a response in the server, if applicable. Http
NetworkRuleName String AnyAnyDrop The name or ID of the rule by which DeviceAction was decided upon Network
NetworkRuleNumber int 23 Matched rule number Network
NetworkSessionId string 172_12_53_32_4322__123_64_207_1_80 The session identifier as reported by the reporting device. For example, L7 session Identifier for specific applications following authentication Network
SrcGeoCity String Burlington The city associated with the source IP address Source,
SrcGeoCountry Country (String) USA The country associated with the source IP address Source,
SrcDvcHostname Device name (String) villain The device name of the source device Source,
SrcDvcFqdn string Villain.malicious.com The fully qualified domain name of the host where the log was created Source,
SrcDvcDomain string EVILORG Domain of the device from which session was initiated Source,
SrcDvcOs String iOS The OS of the source device Source,
SrcDvcModelName String Samsung Galaxy Note The model name of the source device Source,
SrcDvcModelNumber String 10.0 The model number of the source device Source,
SrcDvcType String Mobile The type of the source device Source,
SrcIntefaceName String eth01 The network interface used for the connection or session by the source device. Source
SrcInterfaceGuid String 46ad544b-eaf0-47ef-827c-266030f545a6 GUID of the network interface used Source
SrcIpAddr IP address The IP address from which the connection or session originated. Source,
SrcDvcIpAddr IP address The source IP address of a device not directly associated with the network packet (collected by a provider or explicitly calculated). Source,
SrcGeoLatitude Latitude (Double) 44.475833 The latitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the source IP address Source,
SrcGeoLongitude Longitude (Double) -73.211944 The longitude of the geographical coordinate associated with the source IP address Source,
SrcMacAddr String 06:10:9f:eb:8f:14 The MAC address of the network interface from which the connection od session originated. Source,
SrcDvcMacAddr String 06:10:9f:eb:8f:14 The source MAC address of a device that is not directly associated with the network packet. Source,
SrcPortNumber Integer 2335 The IP port from which the connection originated. May not be relevant for a session comprising multiple connections. Source,
SrcGeoRegion Region (String) Vermont The region within a country associated with the source IP address Source,
SrcResourceId String /subscriptions/3c1bb38c-82e3-4f8d-a115-a7110ba70d05 /resourcegroups/contoso77/providers /microsoft.compute/virtualmachines /syslogserver1 The resource ID of the device generating the message. Source
SrcNatIpAddr IP address If reported by an intermediary NAT device such as a firewall, the IP address used by the NAT device for communication with the destination. Source NAT,
SrcNatPortNumber Integer 345 If reported by an intermediary NAT device such as a firewall, the port used by the NAT device for communication with the destination. Source NAT,
SrcUserSid User ID (String) S-15-1445 The user ID of the identity associated with the sessions source. Typically, user performing an action on the client. For more information, see Data types and formats. Source,
SrcUserAadId String (guid) 16c8752c-7dd2-4cad-9e03-fb5d1cee5477 The Microsoft Entra account object ID of the user at the source end of the session Source,
SrcUserName Username (String) bob The username of the identity associated with the sessions source. Typically, user performing an action on the client. For more information, see Data types and formats. Source
SrcUserUpn string bob@alice.com UPN of the account initiating the session Source,
SrcUserDomain string DESKTOP The domain for the account initiating the session Source,
SrcZone String Tap The network zone of the source, as defined by the reporting device. Source
NetworkProtocol String TCP The IP protocol used by the connection or session. Typically, TCP, UDP, or ICMP Network
CloudAppName String Facebook The name of the destination application for an HTTP application as identified by a proxy. Cloud
CloudAppId String 124 The ID of the destination application for an HTTP application as identified by a proxy. This value is typically specific to the proxy used. Cloud
CloudAppOperation String DeleteFile The operation the user performed in the context of the destination application for an HTTP application as identified by a proxy. This value is typically specific to the proxy used. Cloud
CloudAppRiskLevel String 3 The risk level associated with an HTTP application as identified by a proxy. This value is typically specific to the proxy used. Cloud
FileName String ImNotMalicious.exe The filename transmitted over the network connections for protocols, such as FTP and HTTP, which provide the file name information. File
FilePath String C:\Malicious\ImNotMalicious.exe The full path, including file name, of the file File
FileHashMd5 String 51BC68715FC7C109DCEA406B42D9D78F The MD5 hash value of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols. File
FileHashSha1 String 491AE3…C299821476F4 The SHA1 hash value of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols. File
FileHashSha256 String 9B8F8EDB…C129976F03 The SHA256 hash value of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols. File
FileHashSha512 String 5E127D…F69F73F01F361 The SHA512 hash value of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols. File
FileExtension String exe The type of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols such as FTP and HTTP. File
FileMimeType String application/msword The MIME type of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols such as FTP and HTTP File
FileSize Integer 23500 The file size, in bytes, of the file transmitted over the network connections for protocols. File
HttpVersion String 2.0 The HTTP Request Version for HTTP/HTTPS network connections. Http
HttpRequestMethod String GET The HTTP Method for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. Http
HttpStatusCode String 404 The HTTP Status Code for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. Http
HttpContentType String multipart/form-data; boundary=something The HTTP Response content type header for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. Http
HttpReferrerOriginal String https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript The HTTP referrer header for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. Http
HttpUserAgentOriginal String Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36 The HTTP user agent header for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. Http
HttpRequestXff String The HTTP X-Forwarded-For header for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. Http
UrlCategory String Search engines The defined grouping of a URL, possibly based on the domain in the URL, related to what the content is. For example: adult, news, advertising, parked domains, and so on.) url
UrlOriginal String https:// contoso.com/fo/?k=v&q=u#f The HTTP request URL for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. Url
UrlHostname String contoso.com The domain part of an HTTP request URL for HTTP/HTTPS network sessions. Url
ThreatCategory String Trojan The category of a threat identified by a security system such as Web Security Gateway of an IPS and is associated with this network session. Threat
ThreatId String Tr.124 The ID of a threat identified by a security system such as Web Security Gateway of an IPS and is associated with this network session. Threat
ThreatName String EICAR Test File The name of the threat or malware identified Threat
AdditionalFields Dynamic (JSON bag) {
Property1: “val1”,
Property2: “val2”
When no respective column in the schema matches, other fields can be stored in a JSON bag.
For query-time parsing, we recommend promoting additional columns instead of using a JSON bag as packing data into JSON code will degrade query performance.
Custom field

Differences between the version 0.1 and version 0.2

The original version of the Microsoft Sentinel Network session normalization schema, version 0.1, was released as a preview before ASIM was available.

Differences between version 0.1, documented in this article, and version 0.2.x include:

  • In version 0.2, unifying and source-specific parser names have been changed to conform to a standard ASIM naming convention.
  • Version 0.2 adds specific guidelines and unifying parsers to accommodate specific device types.

The following sections describe how version 0.2.x differs for specific fields.

Added fields in version 0.2

The following fields were added in version 0.2.x and do not exist in version 0.1:

  • DstAppType
  • DstDeviceType
  • DstDomainType
  • DstDvcId
  • DstDvcIdType
  • DstOriginalUserType
  • DstUserIdType
  • DstUsernameType
  • DstUserType
  • DvcActionOriginal
  • DvcDomain
  • DvcDomainType
  • DvcFQDN
  • DvcId
  • DvcIdType
  • DvcIdType
  • EventOriginalSeverity
  • EventOriginalType
  • SrcAppId
  • SrcAppName
  • SrcAppType
  • SrcDeviceType
  • SrcDomainType
  • SrcDvcId
  • SrcDvcIdType
  • SrcOriginalUserType
  • SrcUserIdType
  • SrcUsernameType
  • SrcUserType
  • ThreatRiskLevelOriginal
  • Url

Newly aliased fields in version 0.2

The following fields are now aliased in version 0.2.x with the introduction of ASIM:

Field in version 0.1 Alias in version 0.2
SessionId NetworkSessionId
Duration NetworkDuration
IpAddr SrcIpAddr
User DstUsername
Hostname DstHostname
UserAgent HttpUserAgent

Modified fields in version 0.2

The following fields are enumerated in version 0.2.x, and require a specific value from a provided list.

  • EventType
  • EventResultDetails
  • EventSeverity

Renamed fields in version 0.2

The following fields were renamed in version 0.2.x:

  • In version 0.2, use the built-in Log Analytics fields:

    Note that ingestion_time() is a KQL function and not a field name.

    Field in version 0.1 Renamed in version 0.2
    EventResourceId _ResourceId
    EventUid _ItemId
    EventTimeIngested ingestion_time()
  • Renamed to align with improvements in ASIM and OSSEM:

    Field in version 0.1 Renamed in version 0.2
    HttpReferrerOriginal HttpReferrer
    HttpUserAgentOriginal HttpUserAgent
  • Renamed to reflect that the network session destination does not have to be a cloud service:

    Field in version 0.1 Renamed in version 0.2
    CloudAppId DstAppId
    CloudAppName DstAppName
    CloudAppRiskLevel ThreatRiskLevel
  • Renamed to change the case and align with ASIM handling of the user entity:

    Field in version 0.1 Renamed in version 0.2
    DstUserName DstUsername
    SrcUserName SrcUsername
  • Renamed to better align with the ASIM device entity, and allow for resource IDs other than Azure's:

    Field in version 0.1 Renamed in version 0.2
    DstResourceId SrcDvcAzureRerouceId
    SrcResourceId SrcDvcAzureRerouceId
  • Renamed to remove the Dvc string from field names, as handling in version 0.1 was inconsistent:

    Field in version 0.1 Renamed in version 0.2
    DstDvcDomain DstDomain
    DstDvcFqdn DstFqdn
    DstDvcHostname DstHostname
    SrcDvcDomain SrcDomain
    SrcDvcFqdn SrcFqdn
    SrcDvcHostname SrcHostname
  • Renamed to align with ASIM file representation guidance:

    Field in version 0.1 Renamed in version 0.2
    FileHashMd5 FileMD5
    FileHashSha1 FileSHA1
    FileHashSha256 FileSHA256
    FileHashSha512 FileSHA512
    FileMimeType FileContentType

Removed fields in version 0.2

The following fields exist in version 0.1 only, and were removed in version 0.2.x:

Reason Removed fields
Removed because duplicates exist, without the Dvc string in the field name - DstDvcIpAddr
- DstDvcMacAddr
- SrcDvcIpAddr
- SrcDvcMacAddr
Removed to align with ASIM handling of URLs - UrlHostname
Removed because these fields are not typically provided as part of Network Session events.

If an event includes these fields, use the Process Event schema to understand how to describe device properties.
- SrcDvcOs
- SrcDvcModelName
- SrcDvcModelNumber
- DvcMacAddr
- DvcOs
Removed to align with ASIM file representation guidance - FilePath
- FileExtension
Removed as this field indicates that a different schema should be used, such as the Authentication schema. - CloudAppOperation
Removed as it duplicates DstHostname - DstDomainHostname

Next steps

For more information, see: