

SMTP Adapter Configuration Properties

The following table lists the configuration properties that you can set for an SMTP adapter send port:

Property name Type Description Restrictions Comments
DeliveryReceipt VT_BOOL Specify that a confirmation e-mail message should be sent when the message is delivered. Valid values are:

- -1 (true)
- 0 (false)
The default value is 0 (false).
From VT_BSTR Specify the e-mail address to place on the SMTP From header. Minimum length: 0

Maximum length: 256
MessagePartsAttachments VT_UI4 Specify how BizTalk message parts are attached to the e-mail message. Valid values are:

- 0 (Do not attach message parts)
- 1 (Attach only body part
- 2 (Attach all parts)
The default value is 0 (Do not attach message parts).
CC VT_BSTR Specify the e-mail address to send the carbon copy of the message. Maximum length: 1024 You can specify more than one address.
SMTPAuthenticate VT_UI4 Valid values are:

- 0 (Do not authenticate)
- 1 (Basic authentication)
- 2 (Process account (NTLM))
If this value is not specified then the (Default) value is applied. The (Default) value indicates that the SMTP send port will use the configuration values specified in the send handler.
Username VT_BSTR Specify the user name to use for authentication with the SMTP server. This property does not require a value unless the SMTPAuthenticate property is set to 1 (Basic authentication).

Minimum length: 0

Maximum length: 256
EmailBodyFileCharset VT_BSTR Specify the character set encoding of the file being sent. This property does not require a value unless the EmailBodyFile property is set. The SMTP adapter does not apply the specified encoding to the file, this option is only for specifying how the file being sent is already encoded.

The default value is utf-8.
EmailBodyText VT_BSTR Specify text to be used for the body of the e-mail being sent. Maximum Length: 64Kb None
ReadReceipt VT_BOOL Specify that a confirmation e-mail message should be sent when the message is read. Valid values are:

- -1 (true)
- 0 (false)
The default value is 0 (false).
To VT_BSTR Specify the e-mail address for where to send messages. None None
EmailBodyFile VT_BSTR Specify the path to the file that is to be used for the body of the e-mail being sent. Maximum path length: 256 characters It is a recommended best practice to specify a path on a file share that is accessible from all BizTalk Servers in the BizTalk Server group to be used in production.
Subject VT_BSTR Specify the subject header for the message. Minimum length: 0

Maximum length: 256
Password VT_NULL Specify the password to use for authentication with the SMTP server. This property does not require a value unless the SMTPAuthenticate property is set to 1 (Basic authentication).

This value is always set to null when exporting a binding file. This field must be manually populated with the password before importing the binding file into the target BizTalk Server configuration.
Attachments VT_BSTR Specify the path to a file that is to be attached to the e-mail being sent. Maximum path length: 256 characters None
SMTPHost VT_BSTR Specify the name of the SMTP server to use when sending messages. The URI for a send port or receive location cannot exceed 256 characters.

Maximum path length: 256 characters
EmailBodyTextCharset VT_BSTR Specify the character set to use for encoding the body of the e-mail being sent. This property does not require a value unless the EmailBodyText property is set. The default value is utf-8.

The following code shows the format of the XML string you use to set the properties:

<DeliveryReceipt vt="11">-1</DeliveryReceipt>  
<From vt="8">someone@microsoft.com</From>  
<MessagePartsAttachments vt="19">0</MessagePartsAttachments>  
<CC vt="8">someoneelse@microsoft.com</CC>  
<SMTPAuthenticate vt="19">1</SMTPAuthenticate>  
<Username vt="8">OverrideUsername</Username>  
<EmailBodyFileCharset vt="8">utf-8</EmailBodyFileCharset>  
<EmailBodyText vt="8">Email Body Text</EmailBodyText>  
<ReadReceipt vt="11">-1</ReadReceipt>  
<To vt="8">recipient@microsoft.com</To>  
<EmailBodyFile vt="8">C:\emailbodyfile.xml</EmailBodyFile>  
<Subject vt="8">test mail</Subject>  
<Password vt="1" />  
<Attachments vt="8">C:\attachment.txt</Attachments>  
<SMTPHost vt="8">emailhost</SMTPHost>  
<EmailBodyTextCharset vt="8">utf-8</EmailBodyTextCharset>  