

Step 2 (For Azure): Create an EDI Agreement

In this topic, you will create partners using the Azure BizTalk portal available as part of the Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services. You will also create an agreement between the two partners (Northwind and Contoso) to process the X12 sales order message sent by Contoso to Northwind.

To create partners

  1. Using your Microsoft account, log into the portal.

  2. Create a partner for Northwind. Follow the steps at Partners and Profiles to create a partner.


    Mark this partner as the managed partner.

  3. Repeat the steps to create a partner for Contoso. Do not mark this partner as a managed partner.

To create an agreement

  1. In the portal home page, click Agreements.

  2. On the Agreements page, click the X12 tab if you are not already on that tab. Then click Create Agreement.

  3. In the New Agreement page, enter the following details:

    Field Description
    Name Enter a name for the agreement. For this tutorial, specify the name as DemoAgreement.

    Note: This is a mandatory field. The name for the agreement must be unique.
    Description Enter notes or a description for the agreement.
    Partner 1 Profile (managed) Select the managed partner for the agreement. A managed partner is a partner managed by the service provider and the pipelines are deployed for that partner during agreement deployment. Typically partners managed by service provider are configured as a managed partner while the enterprise partners are not marked as managed partners.

    Note: For this tutorial, the managed partner is Northwind.

    Note: The default profile is displayed in the Profile field. Choose the desired profile which has been configured for the partner.
    Partner 2 Profile Select the partner for the agreement (who is not a managed partner).

    Note: The default profile is displayed in the Profile field. Choose the desired profile which has been configured for the partner.


    Field Description
    Partner 1 ID Qualifier Select an authenticating qualifier that provides unique business identities to the trading partners. For this tutorial, select ZZ-Mutually Defined.
    Value Enter Northwind.
    Partner 2 ID Qualifier Select an authenticating qualifier that provides unique business identities to the trading partners. For this tutorial, select ZZ-Mutually Defined.
    Value Enter Contoso.


    Field Description
    Track Send side message properties Check this to store the message properties when the EDI message is sent to the partner. Once stored, you can query this data by clicking Tracking from the left pane on the Azure BizTalk Portal.

    When enabled, you can also store the message body by checking Track Send side message body.
    Track Receive side message properties Check this to store the message properties when the EDI message is received from a partner. Once stored, you can query this data by clicking Tracking from the left pane on the Azure BizTalk Portal.

    When enabled, you can also store the message body by checking Track Receive side message body.
  4. Click Continue.

    Clicking Continue adds two new tabs, one for receive settings and the other for send settings. Each tab is for a one-way agreement between the two partners, one for receiving messages and the other for sending messages.

  5. Specify the receive settings.

    1. On the Transport page, set the Transport type to HTTP.

      The Endpoint field shows the URL to which Contoso must send the X12 sales order message.

    2. On the Protocol page, specify the following values.

      1. If required, specify values for ISA1, ISA2, ISA3, and ISA4.

      2. Under Acknowledgements, select TA1 expected and 997 expected if you want to generate technical and functional acknowledgements in response for receiving the message.

      3. Under Schemas, click the Upload button and upload the X12 840 schema (you downloaded from the Download Center) and the SalesOrder schema (you created in To create a schema within the EDI project).

        Set the following properties under the Schemas section.

        Property Value
        Version 00401
        Transaction Type (ST1) 840
        Schema /X12_00401_840.xsd
    3. On the Transform page, upload the transform you created in To create a transform within the EDI project.

      Under Choose the maps you want to execute as part of this agreement, choose /X12_00401_840.xsd for Schemas and /EDI840TOSALESORDER.TRFM for Transform file name.

    4. On the Route page, select Route to Service Bus Queue and provide the relative address of the queue to which the message is sent. For this tutorial, specify the relative address as queueordersedi so that the complete URL is https://<namespace>.servicebus.appfabriclabs.com/queueordersedi.


      This tutorial does not cover the scenario where a failed message is sent to the endpoint you specify in the Message Suspension Settings. However, for successful deployment of the agreement, you must provide a value for this setting. You can enter a non-empty value.

  6. Specify the send settings.


    For the scenario described in this tutorial, you don’t need any send-side configuration for the agreement. However, an agreement cannot be deployed without specifying the send settings, even if they are dummy values. Also, On the Send Settings tab, you don’t need to provide any dummy values for Inbound URI, Transform, and Batching.

    1. On the Protocol page, under Schemas, click the Upload button and upload the schema for the X12 840 message.

      Set the Version to 00401, Transaction Type to 840, and Schema to X12_00401_840.

    2. On the Transport page, specify the endpoints where the response messages or acknowledgements will be sent to the partners. You must specify an endpoint each for the messages that are processed successfully as well as the messages that get suspended due to a failure in processing.

  7. Click Deploy Agreement to deploy the agreement. The agreement is now deployed at the URL that was displayed in the Transport page of the Receive Settings tab.

See Also

Tutorial 4: Creating a Hybrid Application Using BizTalk Server 2013