

Walkthrough: Publishing WCF Services with the WCF-BasicHttp Adapter


This walkthrough publishes a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service as a BizTalk orchestration by using the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard and the WCF-BasicHttp adapter. A BizTalk orchestration appears to an external client, such as another Web service or WCF application, as a WCF service by exposing a WCF endpoint using the WCF-BasicHttp adapter. The WCF-BasicHttp adapter consists of both a send adapter and a receive adapter. In this sample you will use only the receive side of this adapter to receive WCF service requests through the HTTP or HTTPS protocol from WCF client applications.

The WCF-BasicHttp adapter uses the BasicHttpBinding binding to provide a transport/protocol stack implementation compatible with the initial release of Web services to serve as a bridge between BizTalk Server and WCF functionality. It provides communication with legacy ASMX-based Web services and clients that conform to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1, using either the HTTP or HTTPS transport with text encoding. Using the WCF-BasicHttp adapter you will not be able to take advantage of advanced Web communication features that are supported by WS-* protocols. If you need to do that, use the WCF-WSHttp adapter.

This walkthrough shows you how to create a WCF-BasicHttp receive location to publish an orchestration as a WCF service. You will configure Internet Information Services (IIS) to provide isolated hosting of that WCF service. A client application calls the published WCF orchestration as an example of how an external client might call the published WCF service over the Internet to use its functionality.

After completing this walkthrough, you will understand how to perform the following tasks:

  • From within Visual Studio, use the Deploy command to deploy the WCF service in the form of a BizTalk orchestration inside a BizTalk assembly to a local instance of BizTalk Server. Deployment from Visual Studio creates a BizTalk application that is populated with the assemblies containing resources such as orchestrations, pipelines, schemas, and maps to be used in the BizTalk solution.

  • After it is deployed, the BizTalk orchestration is available for configuration and control through the BizTalk Server Administration console. In this walkthrough you will configure the WCF-BasicHttp receive location to accept incoming messages sent to the WCF service that the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard creates. The receive location is hosted by the BizTalk isolated host in IIS, and acts as a WCF service to get to the incoming requests.


In this walkthrough, you will use the BizTalk WCF Publishing Wizard and/or BizTalk Web Service Publishing Wizard to publish BizTalk orchestrations and schemas as WCF services with the WCF adapters. To publish orchestrations and schemas as Web services with the SOAP adapter, you use the BizTalk WCF Publish Wizard and/or BizTalk Web Services Publishing Wizard.


To perform the steps in this sample ensure that your environment installs the following prerequisites:

  • Both the computer that builds the assemblies and runs the deployment process, and the computer that runs the sample, require Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 and/or Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft .NET Framework 4, and Microsoft BizTalk Server.

  • The computer used to build the assemblies and run the deployment process requires Microsoft Visual Studio.

  • The computer that runs the sample requires the WCF Adapters and the WCF Administration Tools. These are options to install during setup of Microsoft BizTalk Server.

  • On the computers that you use to perform administrative tasks, you must run as a user account that is a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group to configure the BizTalk Server application settings within the BizTalk Server Administration console. This user account must also be a member of the local Administrators group for application deployment, managing host instances, and other tasks that may be required.

  • On any computer that requires WCF capability, complete the one-time setup procedure for the WCF samples at One-Time Setup Procedure for the Windows Communication Foundation Samples.

  • On the computer that runs the sample and imports a binding or an .msi file into BizTalk Server, ensure the host is not a trusted host or the import will fail.

  • You must download the walkthrough code and extract it to your computer. This walkthrough is a part of the entire WCF Adapter Walkthrough package. You can download the file WCFAdapterWalkthroughs.exe from the BizTalk Server Developer Center at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=194140.

To deploy the sample BizTalk solution, BizTalkApp

  1. Run the self-extracting WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter.exe file and extract the files into the C:\WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter folder.

  2. In Microsoft Visual Studio, open the C:\WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter\WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter.sln file.

  3. The Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter.BizTalkApp assembly contains a BizTalk Server orchestration, a map, and two schemas. It must be installed in the GAC and will need a strong name key file for this to occur. Right-click the BizTalkApp project and then click Properties. On the Properties page, click Signing, and select Sign the assembly. Click the down arrow in the Choose a strong name key file drop-down list, click <New>, and enter keyfile.snk in the key file name textbox. Uncheck Protect my key file with a password, and then click OK.

  4. In Solution Explorer, right-click the BizTalkApp project, and then click Rebuild.


    Do not attempt a Build Solution, or to build the WCFClient application at this point. The WCFClient is not ready to be built at this point in the sample.

  5. Expand BizTalkApp, and then open DeliveryProcess.odx to review. The orchestration takes in a WCF request over HTTP using the WCF-BasicHttp adapter. It modifies the request by using a transformation map and sends out the response again using the same WCF adapter.

    1. This orchestration has a logical request-response port that will be published with the WCF-BasicHttp adapter. It will be bound to a physical port in a later step.

    2. Right-click the top node of DeliveryProcess.odx in the designer window, and then select Properties. Make sure that the Type Modifier property of the port type is Public.

  6. In Solution Explorer, right-click BizTalkApp, and then click Properties.

    1. If the BizTalk Management database is not hosted locally, modify the Server property if you use a different database server. Click the Deployment tab, and then modify the Server property to point to the database server.

    2. Make sure that the Application Name property is set to WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter. This is name of the BizTalk application where the BizTalk solution will be deployed.

    3. In Solution Explorer, right-click BizTalkApp, and then click Deploy. If not deploying locally you may need to configure SQL Server to allow remote connections. For more information, see How to: Enable Remote Connections on SQL Server.

To publish the sample orchestration by using the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard

  1. In this step you will take the newly deployed orchestration assembly and publish it as a WCF service. To do this, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft BizTalk Server, and then click BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard.

  2. On the Welcome to the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard page, click Next.

  3. On the WCF Service Type page, perform the following actions to specify the type of WCF service to publish, and the BizTalk endpoints for receiving WCF messages, and then click Next:

    1. Select the Service endpoint option, which states you will publish a WCF service from an orchestration in an assembly. Select WCF-BasicHttp from the Adapter name (Transport type) drop-down list.

    2. Select the Enable metadata endpoint check box to make the WCF receive location hosted by IIS publish its WCF service metadata. Selecting this check box sets the httpGetEnabled attribute of the <serviceMetadata> element to true in Web.Config. This metadata is retrieved when an HTTP/GET request asks for it. Later you will use the SvcUtil.exe tool to obtain this data to generate a proxy class for the client code to use to call the WCF service.

    3. Select the Create BizTalk receive locations in the following application option to create the receive ports and locations corresponding to each generated .svc file for the WCF-BasicHttp adapter. Choose the BizTalk application name, WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter, where the receive ports and locations will be generated, and then click Next.

      The wizard creates a binding file, Binding.XML, to represent associated receive locations. This file is located in the Web directory and later can be manually imported through the BizTalk Server Administration console.


      If you do not select a deployed BizTalk application here the default application will be selected.

  4. On the Create WCF Service page, select Publish BizTalk orchestrations as WCF service, and then click Next. This will publish the orchestration specified in the next step as a WCF service.

  5. Select the assembly containing the orchestration to be published. On the BizTalk Assembly page, in the BizTalk assembly file (*.dll) text box, click Browse to browse to the C:\WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter\BizTalkApp\bin\Development folder, double-click the Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter.BizTalkApp assembly containing the sample orchestration to publish, click Open, and then click Next.

  6. On the Orchestrations and Ports page, make sure that the Port: DeliveryRequestPort node is selected on the page, and then click Next. Selecting this node means that its corresponding higher-level nodes are selected as well. The port will be published with a request-response receive location hosting the WCF-BasicHttp adapter.

  7. On the WCF Service Properties page, in the Target namespace of the WCF service text box, type a URI that you want this published WCF service to use, and then click Next. For this walkthrough, leave the default URI, "<http://tempuri.org/>" in the Target namespace of the WCF service text box.

  8. On the WCF Service Location page, perform the following actions to specify the location of the WCF services to create, and then click Next:

    1. In the Location text box, type the Web directory name where the WCF service runs, or click Browse and select the Web directory. For this walkthrough, since the assembly name is the same as the virtual directory, leave the default location (http://localhost/Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter.BizTalkApp) in the Location text box.

    2. Select the Allow anonymous access to WCF service option, and then click Next. This option allows anonymous access to the created virtual directory. Because this walkthrough uses the Transport security mode with no authentication, this option needs to be selected to allow anonymous authentication for the Web application that this wizard will create.

  9. On the WCF Service Summary page, click Create to create the WCF service. This step creates a receive port for the specified orchestration available through the specified Web directory.

  10. On the Completing BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard page, click Finish.

To enable the sample BizTalk application

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft BizTalk Server, and then click BizTalk Server Administration.

  2. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, expand Applications, expand WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter, expand Orchestrations, right-click the DeliveryProcess orchestration, click Properties, and then configure the binding information as follows:

    1. In the Orchestration Properties dialog box, click Bindings, and then set Host to BizTalkServerApplication.

    2. In the Orchestration Properties dialog box, select a receive port for the DeliveryRequestPort to bind. For this walkthrough, select the receive port that the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard created in the previous procedure, and then click OK.

  3. In the BizTalk Server Administration console, right-click WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter, click Start, and then click Start in the Start Application dialog box.

To configure the Web application hosting the published WCF service

  1. Click Start, point to Administrator Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 Manager.

  2. In IIS Manager, expand Sites, expand Default Web Site, and then expand the Web application Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter.BizTalkApp that the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard created.

  3. Create an application pool within which this service will run. Right-click Application Pools, click Add Application Pool, enter a name for the application pool, and then click OK.

  4. Expand Application Pools, right-click the application pool you just created, and then select Advanced Settings. Under Process Model section, enter the account which has access to the BizTalk Server databases under the Identity field.

  5. In IIS Manager, click Content View. In the right pane, right-click the WCF service .svc file that the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard created, and then click Browse. This opens Internet Explorer to display a page that indicates you have successfully created a running WCF service. The page also includes a full WSDL address that you can copy and use with the Service Metadata Tool (svcutil.exe) to retrieve proxy code and a configuration file that can be used to create a client application for the service.

  6. Copy to the Clipboard the SvcUtil.exe command line with the full WSDL address on the page that Internet Explorer displayed in the previous step.

To create the proxy class for the sample WCF client application, WCFClient

  1. Create a proxy class so the WCF client sample application can call into the WCF service. While a proxy is not required, to manually write the code is very complex so creating a proxy is recommended. Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt and go to the C:\WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter\WCFClient folder where you will place the proxy class and application configuration file.

  2. Paste the svcutil.exe command line with the full WSDL address that you copied in the previous procedure, and then hit Enter to create the proxy class and application configuration file. This command line creates BizTalkServiceInstance.cs for the proxy class and output.config for the application configuration file.

  3. In Visual Studio, in Solution Explorer, right-click WCFClient, point to Add, and then click Existing Item.

  4. In the Add Existing Item dialog box, browse to the WCFClient folder, select All Files (*.*) in the Files of type drop-down list, select the BizTalkServiceInstance.cs and output.config files, and then click Add.

  5. For the WCFClient project, expand References, and then make sure that the WCFClient project has System.ServiceModel as one of its references.

  6. Expand the WCFClient project, right-click output.config, click Rename, and then type App.config for the new name.

  7. Double-click Program.cs to review how to call the published WCF service using the proxy class generated by Svcutil.exe. Calls to instantiate and invoke a WCF service appear to be local calls in the simplicity of coding using the Microsoft_Samples_BizTalk_WCFBasicHttpReceiveAdapter_BizTalkApp_DeliveryProcess_DeliveryRequestPortClient class. There is no additional code needed to make a call to a remote WCF service.

  8. In Visual Studio, on the Debug menu, click Start Without Debugging to run WCFClient. The client code creates a DeliveryItem message and makes a call to the WCF service, passing in the Address, ProductID, and Amount.

    DeliveryItem deliveryRequestItem = new DeliveryItem();
    deliveryRequestItem.Address = "One Microsoft Way";
    deliveryRequestItem.ProductID = "00A120c";
    deliveryRequestItem.Amount = "300";
    DeliveryRequestPortClient deliveryProcessClient = new DeliveryRequestPortClient("BasicHttpBinding_ITwoWayAsync");
    DeliveryItem1 deliveryConfirmation = deliveryProcessClient.Submit(deliveryRequestItem);

    If the client successfully receives the response message back from the published WCF service, it displays the delivery confirmation number (a concatenation of the ProductID and Address) in the response message.

    Submit operation called with deliveryRequestItem

    Delivery confirmation number sent back: 00A120c300One Microsoft Way

    Press any key to continue . . .

See Also

How to Use the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard to Publish Orchestrations as WCF Services